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241 lines (193 loc) · 8.4 KB

File metadata and controls

241 lines (193 loc) · 8.4 KB


stack build
./hfind -h  # prints usage


Other than a fun project, this is intended to be a saner version of the traditional find command. It actually has a simple expression language instead of hacking the command-line arguments into one. This alone makes it more flexible because some external processes (test, etc) can be replaced with a simple built-in like isdir or exists. Captured groups in regular expressions can be referenced further in the pipeline, stat creates an object that can be queried and compared and anywhere an string is expected it is possible to interpolate any variable (including from the environment, which are treated like regular variables).

At some point it might even be able to build a compatibility layer that allows hfind to masquerade as find.

Some examples:

  • Walk over all files under the home directory but do nothing (not even printing).
$ ./hfind ~ -nop
  • Walk over all files under the home directory skipping hidden directories and printing with a custom format
$ ./hfind ~ -prune '$hidden' -print 'found $name somewhere in $HOME'

found somefile1 somewhere in /home/user
found somefile2 somewhere in /home/user

Equivalent find command:

$ find ~ -name '.*' -prune -o -printf "found %f somewhere in $HOME"
  • Finding git repositories (following symlinks, -L)
$ ./hfind -L ~ -prune '$hidden' -if '$type == "d" and isdir "$path/.git"'


Equivalent find command:

$ find -L ~ -name '.*' -prune -o -type d -exec test -d '{}/.git' \;
  • Find all files with the .hs extension in the src directory, following symlinks.
$ ./hfind -L src -if '$type == "f" and $name =~ m|\.hs$|'


Equivalent find command:

$ ./hfind -L src -type f -name '*.hs'
  • Find all .hs files in src such that there is a directory with the same name except the .hs extension in the same directory and print their first line.
$ ./hfind src -if '$name =~ m|(.*)\.hs$|'  \
    -let 'module_name=$1'                  \
    -if 'isdir "$parentpath/$module_name"' \
    -print '-- $path --'                   \
    -exec head -n2 '$path'

-- /home/[...]/hfind/src/System/HFind/Expr/Bakers.hs --
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- /home/[...]/hfind/src/System/HFind/Expr/Types.hs --
module System.HFind.Expr.Types
  ( module X

Equivalent find command: (none)

  • Find all regular files in .stack-work/ that don't have a dot in the name and start with a lowercase letter. Plus, the owner group must have the same execution permission as the rest of the users.
$ ./hfind .stack-work \
    -if '$type == "f"'                         \
    -if 'not ($name =~ m/\./)'                 \
    -if '$name =~ m/^[a-z]/'                   \
    -if '$perms =~ m/... ..(.) ..\1/x'


Equivalent find command: (?)

List libraries built by ghc >=8.0.1 in .stack-work/ with executable permissions (naive check)

$ me=$UID we=$GID ./hfind .stack-work                     \
     -if '$type == "f"'                                   \
     -if '$name =~ m/lib.*-ghc(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.so/'   \
     -let 'major = readint $1'                            \
     -let 'minor = readint $2'                            \
     -let 'patch = readint $3'                            \
     -if '$perms =~ m/..(.) ..(.) ..(.)/x
             and ( ($1 == "x" and $me == "$ownerid")
                or ($2 == "x" and $we == "$groupid")
                or  $3 == "x"
                )'                                        \
     -if '$major*10000 + $minor*100 + $patch >= 80001'


Equivalent find command: (none)

Note that captures inside not (...) or (... or ...), won't be available from the outside (... is not necessarily true), so these can be used as a form of scoping. This can also be done explicitly with scope (...).

Also, if a $var itself does not exist, it is first desugared to var $_currentnode and if this fails as well, $var is looked up in the system environment.

For a list of builtin functions, see Builtins.hs

Error reporting:

Some nice error reporting has been added. For example,

Analyzer error:

$ ./hfind src -if '$name =~ m|(.*)\.hs$| and isdir "$parentpath/$2"'

Error at "string literal" (line 1, column 1): Variable $2 not found
    In a regex capture variable: $2
    In a string interpolation: "$parentpath/$2"
    In a function application: isdir "$parentpath/$2"
    In a conjunction (and): $name =~ m|(.*)\.hs$| and isdir "$parentpath/$2"

Defined variables:

Active regex: (.*)\.hs$

Type error:

$ ./hfind src -if '$name =~ m|(.*)\.hs$| and owner "$parentpath/$1" == $USER'

Error at "argument #3" (line 1, column 26): Type error: 'fsnode' expected, but found 'string'
    In a function application: owner "$parentpath/$1"
    In operator (==): owner "$parentpath/$1" == $USER
    In a conjunction (and): $name =~ m|(.*)\.hs$| and owner "$parentpath/$1" == $USER

Defined variables:

Active regex: (.*)\.hs$

Runtime error:

$ ./hfind src -if '$name =~ m|(.*)\.hs$| and owner (stat "$parentpath/$1") == $USER'

Error at "argument #3" (line 1, column 34): File/Directory not found: '/[...]/hfind/src/System/HFind/Combinators'
    In a function application: stat "$parentpath/$1"
    In a function application: owner (stat "$parentpath/$1")
    In operator (==): owner (stat "$parentpath/$1") == $USER
    In a conjunction (and): $name =~ m|(.*)\.hs$| and owner (stat "$parentpath/$1") == $USER

Variable dump:
    $_current = "/[...]/hfind/src/System/HFind/Combinators.hs"

Active match: (.*)\.hs$
    $0 = "Combinators.hs"
    $1 = "Combinators"


There is some experimental support for multithreading. The implementation consists of a single producer and multiple consumers (customizable via the -j option). For instance, run this command to convert all MP3 files in ~/music to OGG using 4 ffmpeg processes:

$ ./hfind -j5 ~/music -if '$name =~ m|^(.*)\.mp3$| and not exists "$parentpath/$1.ogg"' -execdir ffmpeg -i '$1.mp3' '$1.ogg'


  • done more detailed error messages with context, like GHC (in the second argument of...)
  • done review scope semantics
  • done actually run commands, and make print a built-in special case that's the default
  • done let-bindings
  • done static typing
  • size/time literals
  • evaluate performance (specially EvalT)
  • done allow running the entire process asynchronously (chunked multiple consumers, customizable)
  • add a --dry-run flag that runs the command in a pure monad (not the predicate, that would be impossible due to harmless I/O in builtins like stat), assuring the lack of side-effects (return a list of outputs to print?)
  • add a compatibility adapter command interface to traditional find
  • document everything (after the design is settled), plus a small tutorial on how to actually use it