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Scrimba - Javascript color tool solution

This is a solution to the Javascript color tool project on Scrimba. Scrimba helps you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • Insert an hex color of 3 or 6 characters
  • Choose if lighten or darken the input color by clicking on toggle
  • Drag the slider to choose how to lighten/darken the input color
  • Reset colors clicking on reset button
  • See altered color in real time
  • See hover states for interactive elements




My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • Vanilla Javascript

What I learned

With this project I improved a lot my JS skills, learning new methods and way to manipulate the DOM. The newest things I learnt are:

  • How to check if an HTML has a certain class and modify others elements
/* If an element with class .toggle-btn has even .toggled as class, selects siblings with .inner-circle class */
.toggle-btn.toggled > .inner-circle {
  transform: translateX(30px);
  background-color: var(--clr-blue-very-dark);
  • How to work and handle numbers (or strings) with different radix
// The substring() method extracts characters, between two indices (positions), from a string, and returns the substring.
// The substring() method extracts characters from start to end (exclusive=end not included).
// parseInt() converts a string into an integer of the specified radix: in this case 16
const r = parseInt(strippedHex.substring(0, 2), 16);
const g = parseInt(strippedHex.substring(2, 4), 16);
const b = parseInt(strippedHex.substring(4, 6), 16);
// return object like this: {r: 255, g: 255, b: 255}
return { r, g, b };

Continued development

I'd like to:

  • Add a random color generator
  • Implement the ability to 1-click copy altered colors
  • Make UI screen-responsive

Useful resources



A big thank you to James Q Quick who is on superior Javascript level 👏