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A Verified VPG Parser Generator

A parser generator for visibly pushdown grammars (VPGs) is implemented and verified in the proof assistant Coq under the folder VPGParser/. The parser generator is exported to OCaml library with commands under the folder Export/.




The following command compiles the Coq library, exports the OCaml library to a single file, and generates documentation for the Coq library. The command takes ~5 mins on Intel 9700 with 16 GB memory.

make && make doc


Given a VPG $G=(\Sigma,P,V,L_0)$, where $\Sigma$ is a set of terminals, $V$ is a set of nonterminals, $P$ is a set of production rules, and $L_0$ is the start nonterminal, this library provides a function $f$ that maps a string $s$ to a set $V$ of rule sequences $v=[r_i]_{i=1..|s|},r_i\in P$; each sequence derives the string $s$ and is called a VPG parse tree of the string $s$.

$$f:(G,s)\mapsto V$$

The function $f$ is composed of three subfunctions, namely $p$, $f_\text{init}$ and $\text{extraction}$:

$$f=\text{extraction}\circ f_\text{init} \circ p.$$

The subfunctions are briefly discussed as follows. The parsing function $p$ first generates a forest $M$, a compression of all VPG parse trees of the string $s$.

$$p: (G,s)\mapsto M$$

Let $M=m\cdot M'$, the initialization extraction function $f_\text{init}$ then extracts the initial set $V_0$ of the partial VPG parse trees.

$$f_\text{init}: m\cdot M'\mapsto V_0$$

Finally, the backward extraction function $\text{extraction}$ extracts rules from the rest forest $M'$ and uses them to extend the partial trees.

$$\text{extraction}: (V_0,M')\mapsto V$$

All functions are implemented and verified in the proof assistant Coq; the library is then exported to OCaml ( for further utilization.

What is verified

The verified properties of the parser generator are summarized in Theorem Property_VPG_Parser_Generator in the module VPGParser/TimedExtraction.v, declared as follows.

Theorem Property_VPG_Parser_Generator:
∃ k b1 b2,
∀ m M T w i, Forest (m::M) T (w++[i]) ->
    let Vinit := f_init m in
    let Vw := extraction M Vinit in
    (** 1. Vw has no duplicates *)
    NoDup Vw /\
    (** 2. The time cost is O(k·|Vw|·|w|) *)
    cost_extraction M Vinit <= (k * |Vw| + b1) * |w++[i]| + b2 /\
    (** 3. The correctness *)
    (∀ v, (∃ I, In (v, I) Vw) <-> DM.Dm L_0 (w ++ [i]) v).

The relation Forest (m::M) T (w++[i]) formalizes the process to generate a forest $p(w)=M$ with the one-step version of the parsing function $p$ (also denoted as $p$): starting from the initial configuration $(m_0,\bot)$, reading the string $w$, and transferring to the final configuration $(m',T')$, the traces [$m,...,m']$ is the forest.

Inductive Forest : (list CME) -> (list CME) -> (list symbol) -> Prop :=
| FInit: Forest [m0] [] []
| FInte i m M T w m' T': 
    Forest (m::M) T w
    -> (m', T') = p m T i
    -> Forest (m'::m::M) T' (w++[i]).

Back to the theorem, we can see that $m$ in the forest $m::M$ is first extracted by $f_\text{init}$ to generate the initial set of partial parse trees $V_\text{init}$, then the rest forest $M$ is extracted by the function $\text{extraction}$ to generate the final set of parse trees $V_w$. The theorem includes three properties, discussed as follows.

  1. $V_w$, conceptually a set of VPG parse trees, is implemented as a list of VPG parse trees. The first property NoDup Vw shows $V_w$ has no duplicates, therefore can be viewed as a set.

  2. The function $\text{extraction}$ has a monadic counterpart $\text{extraction}'$, which is verified to have the time complexity cost_extraction. The second property shows cost_extraction}=O(|V_w||w|), i.e., $O(|w|)$ times the number of all valid parse trees. When $|V_w|\leq 1$, which is always the case for unambiguous grammars, it shows that the extraction function is linear-time.

  3. The last property shows the correctness: a VPG parse tree $v$ is in $V_w$, iff the following relation holds.

    $$\text{Dm}\ L_0\ w\ v$$

    The relation $\text{Dm}$ ("major derivation") is called the big-step derivation of the VPG parse trees; it defines how to "correctly" derive a VPG parse tree from the start nonterminal $L_0$. In the paper [1], the notation of Dm is $$L_0\Downarrow (w, v).$$ In Coq, the relation is defined as follows.

        Inductive Dm : var -> list symbol -> list VE -> Prop :=
        | DEps : ∀ L, (in_rules (L, Alt_Epsilon) P) -> Dm L [] []
        | DLa : ∀ L a L1 w' pt', 
          (in_rules (L, Alt_Linear (Call a) L1) P)
          -> Dm L1 w' pt'
          -> Dm L (Call a::w') (Calv (PndCalE L a L1)::pt')
        | DLc : ∀ L c L1 w' pt', 
          (in_rules (L, Alt_Linear (Plain c) L1) P) 
          -> Dm L1 w' pt' 
          -> Dm L (Plain c::w') (Plnv (PlnE L c L1)::pt')
        | DLb : ∀ L b L1 w' pt', 
          (in_rules (L, Alt_Linear (Ret b) L1) P) 
          -> Dm L1 w' pt' 
          -> Dm L (Ret b::w') (Retv (PndRetE L b L1)::pt')
        | DMat : ∀ L a b L1 L2 w1 w2 pt1 pt2, 
          (in_rules (L, Alt_Match (a) (b) L1 L2) P) 
          -> Dm L1 w1 pt1
          -> Dm L2 w2 pt2
          -> Dm L ([Call a] ++ w1 ++ [Ret b] ++ w2) 
            ([Calv (MatCalE L a L1 b L2)]++pt1++
            [Retv (MatRetE L a L1 b L2)]++pt2).

    Because it works for general VPGs, the above definition has two more rules than the big-step relation for well-matched VPGs discussed in the paper [1], namely DLa, derivation for linear call rules, and DLb, derivation for linear return rules.

Utilized axioms

The library depends on two axioms, collected in the module type VPG, defined as follows.

Module Type VPG.
  Parameter L_0 : vpg_var.
  Parameter P : vpg.rules.

  Axiom A_VPG_Linear: ∀ L c L1,
    in_rules (L, Alt_Linear c L1) P
    -> (∃ u, L = V0 u)
    -> ∃ u1 i, L1 = V0 u1 /\ c=Plain i.

  Axiom A_VPG_Match: ∀ L a L1 b L2,
    in_rules (L, Alt_Match a b L1 L2) P
    -> (∃ u1, L1 = V0 u1) /\ 
      ((∃ u, L = V0 u) -> ∃ u2, L2 = V0 u2).
End VPG.

The type VPG requires a VPG $G$ has a start nonterminal $L_0$ and a set of production rules $P$; $P$ implicitly declares the nonterminals and terminals. The two axioms are not needed for well-matched VPGs; they represent the two restrictions of general VPGs. For more details about the restrictions, please refer to [1].

How the properties are verified

Please refer to VPGParser/ for more implementation details.


The benchmarks are located in Benchmark/.


[1] TOPLAS '23. Xiaodong Jia, Ashish Kumar, and Gang Tan. A Derivative-Based Parser Generator for Visibly Pushdown Grammars. PDF


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