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Non-binary LDPC Code programs

Non-binary LDPC codes encode and decode simulation programs


Install following tools.

galois++ and fftw are downloaded and compiled during this simulator's compilation process.

Downloading the simulator

Clone simulator's repository.

git clone ./

Build the simulator

Build the simulator as follows.

cd gfq_ldpc
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Make generating matrix

Before running the simulator, you must create generating matrix. You can convert parity check matrix alist file into generating matrix as follows.

./make-gen <parity check alist file name> <generating matrix file name>

Run the simulator

Then, you can run the simulator as follows.

./gfq_simulator <alist file name> <generating matrix file name> <number of transmission> <sigma for AWGN channel> <Sum-Product iteration limit> <progress print interval>

Illustration for implementation

Finite field calculation

This simulator uses galois++ for finite field calculation. galois++ wraps finite field element as a class and overrides operators, for example, +,-,* and /. Therefore, a programmer can code finite field calculations like as mathematical formulae. Thus parity check and encoding part of the simulator code are very simple.


The simulator's generating matrix is constructed as follows. Let $\boldsymbol{c}$ a codeword(column vector), $H$ a parity check matrix. If $\boldsymbol{c}$ is a codeword,

$$ H\boldsymbol{c}=\boldsymbol{0} $$

holds. And we assume we can split $\boldsymbol{c}$ into two parts $\boldsymbol{p}$ and $\boldsymbol{s}$. $\boldsymbol{p}$ represents a parity check symbol part and $\boldsymbol{s}$ represents input symbol part. And we devide $H$ into two part i.e.

$$ H=\left(A\vert B\right). $$

$A$'s number of columns coinides with $\boldsymbol{p}$'s dimension. $B$'s number of columns coincides with $\boldsymbol{s}$'s dimension. So,

$$ A\boldsymbol{p}+B\boldsymbol{s}=\boldsymbol{0} $$

holds. Therefore one can calculate $\boldsymbol{p}$ by means of following expression:

$$ \boldsymbol{p}=-A^{-1}B\boldsymbol{s}. $$

Next, one can calculate $A^{-1}$ by means of $LU$ decompsition. However, one can apply $LU$ decomposition only if $A$ is full rank. However $A$ is not always full rank. So, make-gen permuates $H$'s columns and make $A$ be full rank. A column permuation corresponds to a matrix. Let $Q_{i}(i=1,\ldots, l)$ be a matrix corresponding to a column exchange. So we can write

$$ \boldsymbol{c}=\left( \begin{array}{c} -A^{-1}B\ I \end{array} \right)Q_{1}\cdots Q_{l}\boldsymbol{s} $$

where $I$ is an identity matrix and we used $Q_{i}^{-1}=Q_{i}$. Therefore we obtain generating matrix $G$ as follows:

$$ G=\left( \begin{array}{c} -A^{-1}B\ I \end{array} \right)Q_{1}\cdots Q_{l}. $$

Transmitting a symbol over AWGN channel

We assumed that channel is AWGN channel with standard deviation $\sigma$ and assumed finite field be $\mathbb{F}_{q}, q=2^{M}$. According to Davey, each bit of a symbol is modulated to BPSK and bitwise prior probability for bit $i$ is given by

$$ p_{i}=\frac{1}{1+\exp[2s_{i}\vert y_{i}\vert/\sigma^{2}]} $$

where $s_{i}$ is BPSK modulated value of the bit $i$ and $y_{i}$ is a observed value of bit $i$. Therefore prior probability according to symbol $g\in\mathbb{F}_{q}$ is given by

$$ f(g) = \prod_{i=1}^{M}\frac{1}{1+\exp[2s_{i}\vert y_{i}\vert/\sigma^{2}]}. $$


We employ probability region Sum-Product algorithm for decoding according to Davey. Let $q_{mn}(g)$ be a veriable node $n$ to factor node message $m$ where $g$ is a finite field element's value. Let $r_{nm}$ be a factor node $m$ to variable node $n$ message.


For all variable nodes, initialize messages as follows:

$$ q_{mn}(g)=f_{n}(g). $$

Factor to variable node message update

Factor to variable node message update processes are given by

$$ r_{nm}(g)=\sum_{x_{i_{1}}}\cdots\sum_{x_{i_{d_{c}-1}}}\boldsymbol{1}[\sum_{k=1}^{d_{c}}h_{mi_{k}}x_{i_{k}}=0|x_{n} = g]\prod_{n^{\prime}\in∂ m\backslash n}q_{mn^{\prime}}(x_{i_{k}}) $$

where $\boldsymbol{1}$ denotes an indicator function i.e.

$$ \boldsymbol{1}[A]= \begin{cases} 1& (A\quad\mathrm{is\quad true})\\ 0& (A\quad\mathrm{is\quad false}). \end{cases} $$

However, this update rule's computing complexity is very large and is not practical. Threfore, we use Fourier transformaion according to Hong. Another update rule is shown as follows. At first, we apply Fourier transformation $\mathscr{F}$ to variable to factor messages as follows:

$$ \boldsymbol{Q}{mn} = \mathscr{F}\left[\boldsymbol{q}{mn}\right] $$

where $\boldsymbol{Q}{mn} = (Q{mn}(0),Q_{mn}(1),\ldots,Q_{mn}(2^{M}-1))$ and $\boldsymbol{q}{mn} = (q{mn}(0), q_{mn}(1),\ldots, q_{mn}(2^{M}-1))$. And we update factor to variable messages in frequency domain $\boldsymbol{R}_{nm}$ as follows:

$$ R_{nm}(g) = \prod_{n^{\prime}\in\partial m\backslash n}Q_{mn^{\prime}}(g),,,(g = 0, 1,\ldots,2^{M}-1). $$

Then, we apply inverse Fourier transform to $\boldsymbol{R}_{mn}$ and get variable to factor messages in real domain as follows:

$$ \boldsymbol{r}{nm} = \mathscr{F}^{-1}\left[\boldsymbol{R}{nm}\right]. $$

Due to discrete Fourier transformation's property, we must do following renormalization:

$$ r_{nm}(g)\Leftarrow r_{nm}(g)/2^{M+1}. $$

Variable to factor message update

Variable to factor node message update processes are given by

$$ q_{mn}(g)=f_{n}(g)\prod_{m^{\prime}\in\partial n\backslash m}r_{nm^{\prime}}(g). $$

After that normalizing $q_{mn}(g)$ with respect $g$.

Speculating temporal code word

In order to speculate temporal codeword, calculate probability which each symbols equals to $g$. The probability are given by

$$ p_{n}(g)=f_{n}(g)\prod_{m^{\prime}\in\partial n}r_{nm^{\prime}}(g). $$

Finally, speculated $n-$ th symbol $\hat{x}_{n}$ is given by

$$ \hat{x}{n}=\operatorname*{argmax}{g}p_{n}(g). $$


LDPC encode decode simulation programs







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