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AITM Automation test practice how to


From project of previous sessions, update project executing:

$> git submodule update --init --recursive

Another option if you've already installed docker is clone foodme:

$> git clone

Application start execution

Open a terminal, go to foodme folder and execute:

  1. Start guest environment

    $> docker-compose build
    $> docker-compose up
  2. Open a browser to http://localhost:3000

If a docker-compose up a message 'listen tcp bind: address already in use' appears kill process bind to the port:

lsof -n -i4TCP:80 kill -9 PID

BDD Test Automation

In order to execute BDD tests of our app we're going to use:

Below the folder webapp create a directory named e2e-tests.

Protractor configuration

On file protractor.conf.js:

const crew = require('serenity-js/lib/stage_crew');

exports.config = {
    baseUrl: 'http://app:3000',
    seleniumAddress: 'http://firefox-container:4444/wd/hub',

    allScriptsTimeout: 110000,

    // Framework definition - tells Protractor to use Serenity/JS
    framework: 'custom',
    frameworkPath: require.resolve('serenity-js'),

    // Serenity with cucumber

    serenity: {
        dialect: 'cucumber',
        crew:    [

    specs: [ 'e2e-tests/features/add_menu_item.feature' ],

    cucumberOpts: {
          require:    [           // loads step definitions:
              'e2e-tests/features/**/add_menu_item.steps.ts' // - defined using JavaScript
          format: 'pretty',               // enable console output
          compiler: 'ts:ts-node/register'

    capabilities: {
          browserName: 'firefox',

           'moz:firefoxOptions': {
              args: [ "--headless" ]

    restartBrowserBetweenTests: false

Feature definition

  1. Below the e2e-tests folder create:

    • A subfolder features. This is the folder where we are going to create feature files.
    • A subfolder step_definitions. This is where we glue the features with test implementation.
  2. Create one feature file add_menu_item.feature with content:

     Feature: Collecting menu items in my order
       As a shop visitor
       I want to collect menu items in my order
       so that I can purchase multiple menu items at once
       Scenario: Adding the same menu item to the shopping cart
         Given that I have an order containing Chicken teriyaki from restaurant Robatayaki Hachi
         When I add the item Chicken teriyaki from restaurant Robatayaki Hachi to my order
         Then my order should contain 2 items of Chicken teriyaki

Test implementation

Create the step definitions file add_menu_item.steps.ts

'use strict';

var chai = require('chai');
var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');

var expect = chai.expect;

module.exports = function addAlreadyExistingItem() {

    this.Given(/^.*that I have an order containing (.*?) from restaurant (.*?)$/, async function(item, restaurant) {

    this.When(/^.*I add the item (.*?) from restaurant (.*?) to my order$/, async function(item, restaurant)  {

    this.Then(/^my order should contain (\d+) items of (.*?)$/, async function(numItems, item)  {

Given step implementation

We're going to use PageObject pattern.

  1. Create subfolder pages inside folder e2e-tests

  2. Create the start page file

    • Go to browser app and see what is the url we need to go

    • Create a user function to do login, and define how to get to url

      const StartPage = function() {
          const po = this;
          po.doLogin = async function (name, address) {
              await browser.manage().deleteAllCookies();
              await browser.get(browser.baseUrl + '/index.html#/customer');
      module.exports = new StartPage();
    • From browser inspect page to know how to locate the customerName, address and button and define locators using selenium/protractor factories:

      const StartPage = function() {
          const po = this;
          po.address ='address');
          po.loginBtn = by.css('.btn-primary');
          po.doLogin = async function (name, address) {
              await browser.manage().deleteAllCookies();
              await browser.get(browser.baseUrl + '/index.html#/customer');
      module.exports = new StartPage();
    • Finally define how to send data to the web components

      podoLogin = async function (name, address) {
          await browser.element(;
          await browser.element(po.address).sendKeys(address);
          await browser.element(po.loginBtn).click();    
    • Do the connection of user action to the test implementation

      const startPage = require('../../pages/');
      this.Given(/^.*that I have an order containing (.*?) from restaurant (.*?)$/, async function(item, restaurant) {
          await startPage.doLogin('Xavier', 'Yeees');       
  3. Create file and reply previous steps but trying to define how to simulate user action to select the restaurant passed as parameter from feature

    const HomePage = function() {
        const po = this;
        po.linkRestaurant =  function (name) {
            return by.xpath("//td/a/b[contains(text(),'" + name + "')]");
        po.goToRestaurant = async function(restaurant) {
            await browser.get(browser.baseUrl + '/index.html#')
            await browser.element(po.linkRestaurant(restaurant)).click();
    module.exports = new HomePage();
  4. Create page

    const RestaurantPage = function() {
        const po = this;
        po.menuList = by.css('fm-menu-list')
        po.menuItem = function (name) {
            return by.xpath("//a/span[1][contains(text(),'" + name + "')]");
        po.addItem2Order = async function (name) {
            await browser.element(po.menuItem(name)).click();
    module.exports = new RestaurantPage();        
  5. Now we can define all Given step implementation:

    this.Given(/^.*that I have an order containing (.*?) from restaurant (.*?)$/, async function(item, restaurant) {
        await startPage.doLogin('Xavier', 'Yeees');
        await homePage.goToRestaurant(restaurant);
        await restaurantPage.addItem2Order(item);

Follow previous steps to get When and Then steps implementations.

Finally, we get a new file

const OrderPage = function() {

    const po = this;

    po.getOrderItemQty = async function (itemName) {

        let items = await browser.element.all(by.repeater('item in cart.items')).filter(function (row) {
            return row.evaluate("").then(function (name) {
                return name === itemName;

        let qty = await items[0].evaluate('item.qty');

        return parseInt(qty);

module.exports = new OrderPage();

In this case we are used protractor by.repeater to get all items in cart.

And the add_menu_item.steps.ts as:

'use strict';

var chai = require('chai');
var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');

var expect = chai.expect;

const startPage = require('../../pages/');
const homePage = require('../../pages/');
const restaurantPage = require('../../pages/');
const orderPage = require('../../pages/');

var logger = require('../../logger');

module.exports = function addAlreadyExistingItem() {

    this.setDefaultTimeout(60 * 1000);

    this.Given(/^.*that I have an order containing (.*?) from restaurant (.*?)$/, async function(item, restaurant) {
        await startPage.doLogin('Xavier', 'Yeees');
        await homePage.goToRestaurant(restaurant);
        await restaurantPage.addItem2Order(item);

    this.When(/^.*I add the item (.*?) from restaurant (.*?) to my order$/, async function(item, restaurant)  {
        await homePage.goToRestaurant(restaurant);
        await restaurantPage.addItem2Order(item);

    this.Then(/^my order should contain (\d+) items of (.*?)$/, async function(numItems, item)  {
       var qty = await orderPage.getOrderItemQty(item);

Test execution

Open a new terminal

  1. Connect to container 'foodme_app'

    $> docker ps -a
    $> docker exec -u 0 -it CONTAINER_ID bash
    $> cd webapp
  2. Execute tests

    $> npm run test:e2e

    Look at target>site>serenity folder what is the content of json file (test results).

  3. Generate pretty report executing:

    $> npm run report

    Look **at target>site>serenity as a new index.html has been generated and a lot of files.

    Open in a browser the file index.html:

    Serenity test report

Performance Testing

We'll use artillery framework and Grafana

Test scenario definition

  1. Below webapp create a subfolder performance-tests

  2. Create a file order.yml

  3. Set the target to the app, plugins for graphite and timeout

    target: "http://app:3000"
        host: "graphite"
        port: 8125
        prefix: "artillery"
      rejectUnauthorized: false
      timeout: 10
      pool: 10
  4. Now, we are going to create the test scenario phases:

      - duration: 5
        arrivalRate: 1
        rampTo: 50
        name: "Warm up of food at the end of UPC course"
      - duration: 10
        arrivalRate: 1
        name: "The last to arrive"

    We set a ramp-up of 5 seconds entering 1 user each second until we get 50 users

  5. With payload we can define what data we want to inject for each user execution:


    Xavier Escudero;Badajoz 457, Barcelona


    Esther's German Saloon
    Robatayaki Hachi


      - path: "users.csv"
          - "customerName"
          - "customerAddress"
        skipHeader: true
        delimiter: ";"
      - path: "restaurants.csv"
          - "restaurantName"
        skipHeader: true
        delimiter: ";"
  6. And finally define the scenario:

      - name: "Pedido simultáneo 50 usuarios"
          - get:
              url: "/#/"
                name: "customerForm"
                customerName: "{{customerName}}"
                address: "{{customerAddress}}"
          - think: 5
          - get:
              url: "/"
                xpath: "html/body/div/ng-view/div/div[2]/table/tbody/tr/td/a/b[contains(text(),'{{ restaurantName }}'"
                as: "restaurantId"
          - think: 1
          - get:
              url: "/#/menu/{restaurantId}"
                  selector: "body > div > ng-view > > > ul > li > a"
                  index: "random"
                  attr: "href"
                  as: "itemUrl"
          - get:
              url: "{{ itemUrl }"

Test execution

Open a terminal and execute:

$> docker exec -u 0 -it CONTAINER_ID bash 
$> artillery run order.yml

We can see at console output the summary of execution:

Elapsed time: 10 seconds
  Scenarios launched:  143
  Scenarios completed: 0
  Requests completed:  235
  RPS sent: 25.63
  Request latency:
    min: 0.9
    max: 16.6
    median: 1.7
    p95: 2.3
    p99: 4.4
    200: 235

Test execution monitoring

  1. Go to http://localhost:81, and user root:root
  2. Browse at Tree tab to Metrics>stats>gauges>artillery
  3. Here we can see all metrics generated from test execution
  4. Execute again tests (artillery run order.yml) and see how the graphic is updated (press refresh if not)

We could do it better with dashboards using Grafana:

  1. Go to: http://localhost, and user admin:admin.

  2. Go to Home and press New (to create a new Dashboard)

  3. Press on created row (green line at top left) and select Add Panel>Graph

  4. At tab Metrics select on combo upc-foodme

  5. Select at Metrics tab and select metric:

    • gauges > artillery > latency > *

    Select at first *, as gauges may not appear, until you enter *

  6. Pressing Query button we can add another metric

    • gauges > artilley > concurrency

We can select from top the period of graph (for example to see the last 5 minutes)

Look and interpret the graph.

Test metrics grafana

Some useful commands

$> docker build -t node-docker .
$> docker run -p 49160:3000 -d node-docker

We can see all containers, also non running ones with:

$> docker ps -a

CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 8bea21baaa25 node-docker "npm start" 3 minutes ago Exited (1) 3 minutes ago silly_ptolemy

Here we see execution has aborted, maybe because our code. We can see logs using the container id:

$> docker logs CONTAINER_ID

If everything is OK we'll see port forwarding in the console:

$> docker ps -a

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
40a03af93265        node-docker         "npm start"         5 seconds ago       Up 4 seconds>8080/tcp   hardcore_lumiere

Remove container:

$> docker rm CONTAINER_ID -f

Remove image:

$> docker rmi IMAGEID -f

If we want to prune everything (stopped containers, all dangling images, ...):

$ docker system prune -a
$ docker container prune

We start with:

$> docker-compose up --build

Recreate with:

$> docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --build
$> docker-compose up

See contents in container:

$> docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash

Remove all containers:

docker container stop $(docker container ls -aq) Once all containers are stopped, you can remove them using the docker container rm command followed by the containers ID list. docker container rm $(docker container ls -aq)


Example used for Agile Testing postgraduate






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