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The project was developed for RT-Thread operation system


The mbedtls_bench is a performance test tool of cryptographic algorithms of mbedtls.

The scores mean the amount of block data that can be processed, higher scores mean better performance.



type                     16 bytes     64 bytes    256 bytes   1024 bytes   8192 bytes
AES-128-CBC                352065       187244        65660        18410         2286
AES-192-CBC                340879       172487        58703        15246         1985
AES-256-CBC                315159       156482        50065        13554         1749
AES-128-CFB128             652588       226878        64864        16352         2118
AES-192-CFB128             615378       207584        56404        14560         1682
AES-256-CFB128             542006       184085        51524        13337         1614
AES-128-CTR                661576       234286        65780        16910         2109
AES-192-CTR                625593       204125        58875        15395         1840
AES-256-CTR                550803       184825        50331        13213         1635
AES-128-GCM                258679        71874        18265         4415          562
AES-192-GCM                251820        69352        17978         4484          548
AES-256-GCM                249674        64361        16906         4287          522
ARC4-128                  1317720       635173       211839        57615         6960
BLOWFISH-CBC               410390       211223        67923        18454         2299
BLOWFISH-CFB64             656589       226432        64471        16788         2162
BLOWFISH-CTR               636727       239898        65162        16861         2105
CAMELLIA-128-CBC           194712        89012        27491         7560          960
CAMELLIA-192-CBC           164935        70808        22406         5818          730
CAMELLIA-256-CBC           156308        71139        22492         6094          760
CAMELLIA-128-CFB128        379186       105391        28526         7300          926
CAMELLIA-192-CFB128        306257        91829        23118         5931          685
CAMELLIA-256-CFB128        301772        87918        22939         5897          724
CAMELLIA-128-CTR           371432       109094        27809         7317          903
CAMELLIA-192-CTR           304344        88976        23429         5892          721
CAMELLIA-256-CTR           293713        87726        23568         5868          727
CAMELLIA-128-GCM           196973        53969        13437         3409          419
CAMELLIA-192-GCM           172347        48622        12401         2954          369
CAMELLIA-256-GCM           176124        45859        12038         3086          371
DES-CBC                    367800       158448        49251        13045         1652
DES-EDE-CBC                150723        57467        16499         4261          526
DES-EDE3-CBC               153566        58653        16028         4172          535


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