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Chapter 2: Using RxFlow

This chapter introduces the basic usage of RxFlow in our guideline.


In RxFlow, a step enum is a way to express a state that can lead to a navigation. A flow class which holds the references of some view controllers and flows, defines a navigation area in your application. Each flow is corresponding to a step, the names of them are same.

2.1 Start app with RxFlow

An AppFlow, which is corresponding to AppStep is recommended as a start flow in our guideline.

import UIKit
import RxFlow

enum AppStep: Step {
    case start

class AppFlow: Flow {
    var root: Presentable {
        return rootWindow
    private let rootWindow: UIWindow
    private lazy var navigationController = UINavigationController()
    init(window: UIWindow) {
        rootWindow = window
        rootWindow.rootViewController = navigationController
    func navigate(to step: Step) -> FlowContributors {
        guard let appStep = step as? AppStep else {
            return .none
        switch appStep {
        case .start:
            let infoViewController = InfoViewController(viewModel: InfoViewModel())
            navigationController.pushViewController(infoViewController, animated: false)
            return .viewController(infoViewController)

Then we navigate to the AppFlow in the AppDelegate class.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    coordinator.rx.didNavigate.subscribe(onNext: {
        print("did navigate to \($0) -> \($1)")
    }).disposed(by: disposeBag)
    coordinate {
        (AppFlow(window: $0), AppStep.start)
    return true

private func coordinate(to: (UIWindow) -> (Flow, Step)) {
    let (flow, step) = to(window)
    coordinator.coordinate(flow: flow, with: OneStepper(withSingleStep: step))

2.2 Screen transition

RxFlow controls screen transition among view controllers. A step enum defines a navigation area, each step defines a transition between two view controllers.

For example, a SigninFlow contains a SignViewController ans SignupViewController. It containts the following 3 steps:

  • start: When this flow is loaded, the SignViewController will be shown.
  • signup: When the Sign Up button in the SignViewController is clicked, the SignupViewController will be presented with a modal.
  • signupIsComplete: If user submit the form in the SignupViewController, the SignupViewController will be dismissed.
enum SigninStep {
    case start
    case signup
    case signupIsComplete

As same as AppFlow, we return signinViewController for root, and implement navigate(to step:) method. In a step, returning with .viewController(vc) is required for navigating to a new view controller. Otherwise, the steps relay cannot be used in the view model of this new view controller. In this example, we return with .viewController(vc) in the .start step and .signinStep.

class SigninFlow: Flow {
    var root: Presentable {
        return signinViewController
    private lazy var signinViewController = SigninViewController()
    func navigate(to step: Step) -> FlowContributors {
        guard let sininStep = step as? SigninStep else {
            return .none
        switch sininStep {
        case .start:
            return .viewController(signinViewController)
        case .signup:
            let signupViewController = SignupViewController(viewModel: .init())
            signinViewController.present(signupViewController, animated: true)
            return .viewController(signupViewController)
        case .signupIsComplete:
            guard let signupViewController = signinViewController.presentedViewController as? SignupViewController else {
                return .none             
            signupViewController.dismiss(animated: true)
            return .none   

Using a step for multiple screen transitions is difficult to manage. For this reason, One-To-One relationship bwtween a step and a screen transition is recommended.

To back to the SigninViewController from SignupViewController, we invoke steps.accept(SigninStep.signupIsComplete) in the view model of SignupViewController.

func signup() {
    // Sign up related code here...
    // Back to signin

All screen transitions should be managed in the flows.

2.3 Present navigation controller in a step

If a navigation controller is presented in a step, you should pay attention to the memory leak issue. A navigation controller has a root view controller named rootViewController which is a subclass of RxController. DO NOT return .viewController(rootViewController) directly in this step. Because he navigation controller is not managed by the RxFlow, a memory leak issue will be caused when this flow is ended.

Return .navigationController(navigationController) in the step, if a navigation controller with a root view controller, which is a subclass of RxController, is presented.

case .childOnNavigation:
    guard let menuViewController = navigationController.topViewController as? MenuViewController else {
        return .none
    let infoViewController = InfoViewController(viewModel: InfoViewModel())
    let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: infoViewController)
    menuViewController.present(navigationController, animated: true)
    return .navigationController(navigationController)