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A visualisation of measles data - population, measles cases, vaccination rates in the federal states of Germany - and in selected cities.


Our examination goal in the winter semester 2023/24 is to set up a web application that provides a quick and clean insight into a self-selected data set. This application was developed to show the measles figures for the federal states and selected cities in Germany.

The project aims to point out the relation between the population and the measles cases in cities, and it provides an insight of how many paople are actually vaccinated in each federal state. From this perspective, one can actually tell whether a federal state or even a city is secure to live in or not.

However, although measles are a disease for which it is mandatory to report to the government (at least in Germany), there are always cases which are not recorded and hence not visualized.

Technologies used:

This project utilizes various cutting-edge technologies and frameworks to deliver a resilient and engaging data visualization experience:


  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript: Leveraged as fundamental web technologies for organizing content, styling, and introducing interactivity to web pages.
  • D3.js: Integrated as a robust JavaScript library for generating dynamic and interactive data visualizations within web browsers.


  • FastAPI: Utilized as a modern and high-performance web framework for Python, enabling the creation of efficient API endpoints.
  • Python: Employed as the primary backend language due to its readability and extensive support in both data processing and web development.
  • SQLite: Adopted as a lightweight database to organize and manage COVID-19 data in a well-structured format.
  • JSON: Employed for data storage and transfer, especially in the context of uploading new datasets and facilitating data exchange between the backend and frontend.


Federal state insights: Explore the 16 federal states and their vaccination rates, as well as their measles cases ordered from lowest to highest. The selected bar is highlighted with a black border, and a tooltip appears near the mouse - containing all the stored information for the selected state.

Screenshot of the functionality for federal states Screenshot of the functionality for federal states

Cities insights: This chart is made of bubbles whose size represents the relation between the measles cases and the population of the city. Hovering over one bubble, just like we saw at the federal state functionality, highlights it with a black border and shows a tooltip containing the relevant information of the city.

Screenshot of the functionality for cities

Drop down selection: The user can choose between the visualisation for the federal states and for the cities; while the cities provide another extra-option. Sorting the cities by a certain population limit makes it easier for the user to reliably find the information they are looking for:

Screenshot of the dropdown

Key User Groups: Families with children who are not able to get vaccinated against measles.


Measles is not just a children's disease. It is much more than that. If not properly treated, it leads to death quite often (RKI has more reliable information here).

A key reason why I chose this topic is that there are children who are disabled/immunocompromised, who can't be vaccinated for those and other medical reasons. Their parents must rely on the so called "herd-immunity" which is not always reliably given, especially in those federal states where it isn't mandatory to be vaccinated before going to school or kindergarten.
These families want to find a save home for their children. The app's main goals are to provide the relevant information easily, with no need for any previous knowledge; and to be used with joy.
The choice of the coloration didn't come for any additional functionality but for the sake of usage with joy. Everything around the medical topic, especially when one has a disabled child, they are happy to see at least some colour variety among all these grey or white hospital walls they probably see quite often.


Data overview: Allows users to explore the distribution of vaccination rates across Germany, helping to identify safe regions and those that may require extra caution. Furthermore, it provides comprehensive data on total measles cases, supplemented by a representation of the correlation between measles cases and the population in each area.

Detailed information: Within each federal state-bar, data pertaining to the incidence of measles, vaccination rates, population statistics, and current instances of measles are stored. This comprehensive information is elegantly revealed upon hovering the mouse over the respective bar chart representing the selected federal state.

Real-World Application:

Empowering families: In practical terms, families unable to vaccinate their children against measles due to medical reasons can rely on this application, provided that the data is consistently updated and accurately reflects the genuine measles statistics.

Professional guidance: Even healthcare professionals can utilize this application to offer guidance to individuals, spanning across all social classes, who currently lack internet access, ensuring that valuable information is accessible to everyone.

User Benefit:

Well-considered decisions: The app provides an easy way to explore and understand complex data, empowering the user to make informed decisions.

Moving perspectives: Families can carefully consider their new living location by relying on the reliable information provided by the application, ensuring a well-thought-out and health-conscious relocation.

Further (Background) Information

  • The visualisation is built with D3.js.
  • First, I wanted to put an actual map of germany as a heatmap into index.html; but it wasn't built with D3.js, so I dropped it. It was a clickable map of Germany, providing all the information from a federal state displayed by only one click on the desired region. It was supposed to give a first rough impression of the measles situation in Germany. This would have been an even easier way to access the desired information, since we want to serve the information to everyone.
  • The FHIR-validation of the .json file is successfully done with Simplifier.
  • Further project notes and achievements can be found here, in the

Installation and Setup Instructions

Running the application in a devcontainer via GitHub Codespaces.

  1. Open in GitHub Codespaces

2. Automatic setup
  • The devcontainer which is included in this repository, will automatically set up the needed codespaces environment.

3. Accessing the application
  • When the codespaces environment is done with building and starting, go to Ports.
  • The port 8000 is the one you want to start.
  • Click on open in browser - it is a small globe symbol. A new tab running the application will appear.

4. Upload new data
  • Either click on the link in the application where it says "feel free to update your own data here" or visit the route /docs .
  • After being redirected, click on the green "POST" link to show the route /uploadjson .
  • click on try it out and choose your file which must be based on the sample json data provided either in the repository or at the upload location of the examination.
  • click on execute and see if the upload worked (status 200) or if it was rejected because of format or wrong file type (status 500)
  • delete the /docs (and what follows) so that you only have the "normal" address of your codespace port - or easier, close the current tab and open the port again from codespaces.
  • see the uploaded data along with my original files in the visualisation.

5. Getting back to my "original" data
  • get back to the actual codespace, close the tab with the application
  • you may need to restart the GitHub Codespaces in your fork of my repo.
  • open the port again in browser
  • see that your inserted data disappeared :)

Troubleshooting common setup issues

  • Should you face any challenges during package installation, consider upgrading pip with the command: pip install --upgrade pip and then proceed to reinstall the requirements.
  • Verify that the specified ports (e.g., 8000) are not currently in use. If occupied, either release the port or specify an alternative port in the uvicorn command.

Local Setup

  1. Clone the Repository:

  2. Install Dependencies:

    • In the terminal, run pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Starting the Application:

    • Run uvicorn main:app --reload in the terminal. -> maybe you must specify a port using the addition --port 8000 before --reload
    • The application will be available on http://localhost:8000 or the specified port.
    • Uploading data works the same way as in running the applicaiton in a codespaces.

Getting Involved in the Project

I warmly welcome contributions from the community! If you're eager to enhance the capabilities of this tool or have innovative ideas for new features, here's a guide on how you can get involved:

  • Fork the Repository: Begin by forking the repository, creating your own version to work on.
  • Submit a Pull Request: After implementing your changes, submit a pull request. Clearly articulate the purpose of your modifications in the description.
  • Code Reviews: Your pull request will undergo a review process, fostering discussion and potential improvements.
  • Merge: Upon approval, your contributions will be merged into the main project.

Contact me

If you encounter any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me:
or via Teams


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