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It helps you to inject js and css into html and to concatenate them in the correct order.


npm install --save-dev gulp-module-packer


This plugin will help you with 4 things:

  • inject code into your HTML (keeping file order)
  • concatenate your files into modules (keeping file order)
  • pack your HTML templates
  • list all available js/css to your project


First you need to create modpack.json next to your gulpfile.js

You can list multiples HTML that will be injected. For each HTML you should define a list of modules for both JS and CSS.

Then you define the content of each module.


    "inject": {
        "index.html": {
            "js": [
            "css": [
        "index-ionic.html": {
            "js": [
            "css": [
    "js": {
        "app": [
        "base": [
        "ionic": [
    "css": {
        "app-css": [
        "ionic": [

Your HTML files should include 2 placeholders:

<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-br" ng-app="myApp">
    <title>My App</title>
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
    <!-- gmp:inject:css -->
    <!-- gmp:end -->
    <div id="main-div" ui-view></div>
    <script src="//any/external/stuff.js"></script>
    <!-- gmp:inject:js -->
    <!-- gmp:end -->

Finally a simple gulpfile:

var packer = require('gulp-module-packer');

gulp.task('inject', function(){
    return gulp.src('www/**/*.html')
            dev  : false,
            min  : true,
            hash : '.12345' //useful if set to your git hash

Will render to:

<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-br" ng-app="myApp">
    <title>My App</title>
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
    <!-- gmp:inject:css -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="app-css.12345.min.css">
    <!-- gmp:end -->
    <div id="main-div" ui-view></div>
    <script src="//any/external/stuff.js"></script>
    <!-- gmp:inject:js -->
    <script src="base.12345.min.js"></script>
    <script src="app.12345.min.js"></script>
    <!-- gmp:end -->

If you set min: false and hash: '' then:

<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-br" ng-app="myApp">
    <title>My App</title>
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
    <!-- gmp:inject:css -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="app-css.css">
    <!-- gmp:end -->
    <div id="main-div" ui-view></div>
    <script src="//any/external/stuff.js"></script>
    <!-- gmp:inject:js -->
    <script src="base.js"></script>
    <script src="app.js"></script>
    <!-- gmp:end -->

And for dev: true:

<!-- index.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-br" ng-app="myApp">
    <title>My App</title>
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
    <!-- gmp:inject:css -->
    <!-- app-css -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="app.css">
    <!-- gmp:end -->
    <div id="main-div" ui-view></div>
    <script src="//any/external/stuff.js"></script>
    <!-- gmp:inject:js -->
    <!-- base -->
    <script src="angular.js"></script>
    <script src="angular-animate.js"></script>
    <script src="angular-ui-router.js"></script>
    <!-- app -->
    <script src="app.js"></script>
    <script src="routes.js"></script>
    <!-- gmp:end -->

For any HTML file not listed in modpack.json, gulp-module-packer.inject() will behave as a pass-through.


For every module inside js and css in your modpack.json this plugin will create a file with the content of every file listed for this module in the same order they are listed.

Also you can consume files already in the stream to be concatenated too. Example:

    "inject": {
        "index.html": {
            "js": [
            "css": [...]
    "js": {
        "myapp": [
        "base": [...]
    "css": {
        "app-css": [...]

Here, after concatenation, the module myapp.js will include app.js file, then the content of a stream named templates.js and finally the route/routes.js file.

During injection with dev: true the file templates.js will NOT be injected.

If the gulp-module-packer.concat() is called with keepConsumed: true then the file templates.js will be left untouched in the stream and will be saved as real file in next gulp.dest().


var packer = require('gulp-module-packer');

var GIT_HASH = sh.exec('git rev-parse --short HEAD', {silent: true}).output.trim();

gulp.task('release-js', function(){
    return gulp.src('www/templates/*.html')
            removeComments     : true,
            collapseWhitespace : true,
            filename   : 'templates.js'
            root       : 'templates',
            module     : 'templates',
            standalone : false
            hash: GIT_HASH,
            preserveComments : 'license',
            compress : {
                drop_console : true,
        .on('error', dealWithError)

This nice example for angular will generate a template cache for all HTML files and then use gulp-module-packer.concat() to pack it with all other .js files.


I know there already more then one template packer for angular around. But this one allows for multiples! 😄


To keep the modpack.json file updated is a manual work. You should include all .js and .css files in their correct position, this is up to you to do. But, this module can help you by listing all available .js and .css in your project, so all you have to do is move them to the correct position and simply ignore the available files that should be ignored.

A simple task like this will do the job:

var packer = require('gulp-module-packer');

gulp.task('available', function(){
    return gulp.src(['www/**/*.js', 'www/**/*.css'], {read: false}).pipe(packer.list());

and will alter your modpack.json to include a available field with all unused files available. Example:

    "inject": {
        "index.html": {
            "js": [
            "css": [
    "js": {
        "app": [
        "base": [
    "css": {
        "app-css": [
    "available": [



option defaut description
configFile 'modpack.json' name of configuration file
block 'css' or 'js'
keepConsumed false Keep inside stream any file consumed during concatenation
min false if true then include '.min' to concatenated filename
hash '' added between filename and [.min].(js/css)

Please note that if you set options.min true in here all it does is to include the .min to its name. You still have to pipe a minifier after this. (In other words: you don't have to pipe a rename just to include .min to your filename).


option defaut description
configFile modpack.json name of configuration file
min false if true then include '.min' to injected file
dev true if true inject developing files instead of concatenated files
keepComment true keep the placeholder comment wrapping the injection
hash '' added between filename and [.min].(js/css)
jsStart '<script src="'
jsEnd '"></script>'
cssStart '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'
cssEnd '">'

Please note that this function does not handle files, all it does is to inject elements inside your HTML code. So, if you set options.min true for instance all it does it to inject <script src="app.min.js"></script> (including the min to its name). Is up to you to generate that minified file elsewhere.


option defaut description
configFile 'modpack.json' name of configuration file


option defaut description
configFile 'modpack.json' name of configuration file


If you want to change the code:

# install coffeescript
npm install -g coffeescript

# compile code with:
coffee -cwbo lib src