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Graeme makes a case for reinstating xia2.to_shelx, since he'd still like to use it (and perhaps others amongst us should be using it too?), however it remains essentially undocumented.
This reverts commit 1d60243.
  • Loading branch information
benjaminhwilliams committed Dec 19, 2018
1 parent 6c8ff38 commit 84864be
Showing 1 changed file with 224 additions and 0 deletions.
224 changes: 224 additions & 0 deletions command_line/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import datetime
import json
import optparse
import sys

import iotbx.cif.model
import xia2.XIA2Version

def parse_compound(compound):
import string
result = { }
element = ''
number = ''
compound += 'X'
for c in compound:
if c in string.uppercase:
if not element:
element += c
if number == '':
count = 1
count = int(number)
if not element in result:
result[element] = 0
result[element] += count
element = '' + c
number = ''
if c == 'X':
elif c in string.lowercase:
element += c
elif c in string.digits:
number += c
return result

def generate_cif(prefix='xia2', unit_cell_data=None, wavelength=None, structure=None):
block = iotbx.cif.model.block()
block["_audit_creation_method"] = xia2.XIA2Version.Version
block["_audit_creation_date"] =

block["_publ_section_references"] = '''
Winter, G. (2010) Journal of Applied Crystallography 43
def format_value_with_esd(value, esd, decimal_places):
return "%%.%df(%%d)" % decimal_places % (value, round(esd * (10 ** decimal_places)))

if unit_cell_data:
for parameter, cifname in zip(['a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'volume'],
['length_a', 'length_b', 'length_c', 'angle_alpha', 'angle_beta', 'angle_gamma', 'volume']):
block['_cell_%s' % cifname] = format_value_with_esd(unit_cell_data['solution_constrained'][parameter]['mean'],
block['_cell_measurement_reflns_used'] = unit_cell_data['sampling']['used_reflections']
block['_cell_measurement_theta_min'] = unit_cell_data['sampling']['used_min_2theta'] / 2
block['_cell_measurement_theta_max'] = unit_cell_data['sampling']['used_max_2theta'] / 2
block['_diffrn_reflns_number'] = unit_cell_data['reflections']['count']
block['_diffrn_reflns_limit_h_min'] = unit_cell_data['reflections']['min_miller'][0]
block['_diffrn_reflns_limit_h_max'] = unit_cell_data['reflections']['max_miller'][0]
block['_diffrn_reflns_limit_k_min'] = unit_cell_data['reflections']['min_miller'][1]
block['_diffrn_reflns_limit_k_max'] = unit_cell_data['reflections']['max_miller'][1]
block['_diffrn_reflns_limit_l_min'] = unit_cell_data['reflections']['min_miller'][2]
block['_diffrn_reflns_limit_l_max'] = unit_cell_data['reflections']['max_miller'][2]
block['_diffrn_reflns_theta_min'] = unit_cell_data['reflections']['min_2theta'] / 2
block['_diffrn_reflns_theta_max'] = unit_cell_data['reflections']['max_2theta'] / 2

if structure:
space_group = structure.space_group()
sgi = structure.space_group_info()
block['_space_group_crystal_system'] = space_group.crystal_system().lower()
block['_space_group_IT_number'] = sgi.type().number()
block['_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M'] = sgi.type().lookup_symbol()
block['_cell_formula_units_Z'] =

loop = iotbx.cif.model.loop()
symm_ops = []
for i in xrange(space_group.n_smx()):
rt_mx = space_group(0, 0, i)
if rt_mx.is_unit_mx(): continue
loop['_symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz'] = symm_ops

if wavelength:
block['_diffrn_radiation_wavelength'] = wavelength

cif = iotbx.cif.model.cif()
cif[prefix] = block
with open('%s.cif_xia2' % prefix, 'w') as fh:

def to_shelx(hklin, prefix, compound='', options=None):
'''Read hklin (unmerged reflection file) and generate SHELXT input file
and HKL file'''

from iotbx.reflection_file_reader import any_reflection_file
from iotbx.shelx import writer
from iotbx.shelx.hklf import miller_array_export_as_shelx_hklf
from cctbx.xray.structure import structure
from cctbx.xray import scatterer

reader = any_reflection_file(hklin)
mtz_object = reader.file_content()
ma = reader.as_miller_arrays(merge_equivalents=False)
labels = [ for c in ma]
if ['I', 'SIGI'] not in labels:
if ['I(+)', 'SIGI(+)', 'I(-)', 'SIGI(-)'] in labels:
print("Error: xia2.to_shelx must be run on unmerged data.")
print("Error: columns I / SIGI not found.")

intensities = [c for c in ma if == ['I', 'SIGI']][0]

# FIXME do I need to reindex to a conventional setting here

indices = reader.file_content().extract_original_index_miller_indices()
intensities = intensities.customized_copy(indices=indices,

with open('%s.hkl' % prefix, 'wb') as hkl_file_handle:
# limit values to 4 digits (before decimal point), as this is what shelxt
# writes in its output files, and shelxl seems to read. ShelXL apparently
# does not read values >9999 properly
miller_array_export_as_shelx_hklf(intensities, hkl_file_handle,
scale_range=(-9999., 9999.), normalise_if_format_overflow=True)

crystal_symm = intensities.crystal_symmetry()

wavelength = None
if options:
wavelength = options.wavelength
if wavelength is None:
mtz_crystals = mtz_object.crystals()
wavelength = mtz_crystals[1].datasets()[0].wavelength()
print('Experimental wavelength: %.3f Angstroms' % wavelength)

unit_cell_dims = None
unit_cell_esds = None
cell_data = None
if options and options.cell:
if options.cell.endswith('.json'):
with open(options.cell, 'r') as fh:
cell_data = json.load(fh)
if 'solution_constrained' in cell_data:
# json from xia2.get_unit_cell_errors (obsolete)
solution = cell_data.get('solution_constrained', cell_data['solution_unconstrained'])
unit_cell_dims = tuple([
solution[dim]['mean'] for dim in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']
unit_cell_esds = tuple([
solution[dim]['population_standard_deviation'] for dim in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']
# json from dials.two_theta_refine
cell_data = None
from dxtbx.model.experiment.experiment_list import ExperimentListFactory
experiments = ExperimentListFactory.from_json_file(options.cell)
crystal = experiments.crystals()[0]
unit_cell_dims = crystal.get_unit_cell().parameters()
unit_cell_esds = crystal.get_cell_parameter_sd()

else: # treat as .cif
import iotbx.cif
cif = iotbx.cif.reader(file_path=options.cell).model()
unit_cell = [cif.get('xia2', cif.get('two_theta_refine', {})).get(key) for key in
('_cell_length_a', '_cell_length_b', '_cell_length_c',
'_cell_angle_alpha', '_cell_angle_beta', '_cell_angle_gamma')]

# now need to inverse transform these ESD numbers into unit_cell_dims and unit_cell_esds
def dim_esd(iucr_number_format):
if '(' not in iucr_number_format:
return float(iucr_number_format), 0
p = iucr_number_format.split('(')
dim = float(p[0])
esd = float(p[1].split(')')[0])
if '.' in p[0]:
esd = esd / (10 ** len(p[0].split('.')[1]))
return dim, esd
unit_cell_dims, unit_cell_esds = zip(*(dim_esd(p) for p in unit_cell))

cb_op = crystal_symm.change_of_basis_op_to_reference_setting()

if cb_op.c().r().as_hkl() == 'h,k,l':
print('Change of basis to reference setting: %s' % cb_op)
crystal_symm = crystal_symm.change_basis(cb_op)
if str(cb_op) != "a,b,c":
unit_cell_dims = None
unit_cell_esds = None
# Would need to apply operation to cell errors, too. Need a test case for this

# crystal_symm.show_summary()
xray_structure = structure(crystal_symmetry=crystal_symm)
if compound:
result = parse_compound(compound)
for element in result:
open('%s.ins' % prefix, 'w').write(''.join(
if options and options.cell and not options.cell.endswith('.cif'):
generate_cif(prefix=prefix, unit_cell_data=cell_data, wavelength=wavelength, structure=xray_structure)

if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog .mtz-file output-file [atoms]")
parser.add_option("-?", action="help", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP)
parser.add_option("-w", "--wavelength", dest="wavelength", help="Override experimental wavelength (Angstrom)", default=None, type="float")
parser.add_option("-c", "--cell", dest="cell", metavar="FILE", help="Read unit cell information from a .cif or .json file", default=None, type="string")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) > 2:
atoms = ''.join(args[2:])
print('Atoms: %s' % atoms)
to_shelx(args[0], args[1], atoms, options)
elif len(args) == 2:
to_shelx(args[0], args[1], options=options)

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