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General Adversarial Defense Against Black-box Attacks via Pixel Level and Feature Level Distribution Alignments

This is a pytorch project for the paper [General Adversarial Defense Against Black-box Attacks via Pixel Level and Feature Level Distribution Alignments] by Xiaogang Xu, Hengshuang Zhao, Philip Torr and Jiaya Jia.


Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to the black-box adversarial attack that is highly transferable. This threat comes from the distribution gap between adversarial and clean samples in feature space of the target DNNs. In this paper, we use Deep Generative Networks (DGNs) with a novel training mechanism to eliminate the distribution gap. The trained DGNs align the distribution of adversarial samples with clean ones for the target DNNs by translating pixel values. Different from previous work, we propose a more effective pixel-level training constraint to make this achievable, thus enhancing robustness on adversarial samples. Further, a class-aware feature-level constraint is formulated for integrated distribution alignment. Our approach is general and applicable to multiple tasks, including image classification, semantic segmentation, and object detection. We conduct extensive experiments on different datasets. Our strategy demonstrates its unique effectiveness and generality against black-box attacks

paper link

Project Setup

First install Python 3. We advise you to install Python 3 and PyTorch with Anaconda:

conda create --name py36 python=3.6
source activate py36

Clone the repo and install the complementary requirements:

cd $HOME
git clone --recursive
cd ddcat
pip install -r requirements.txt

The environment of our experiments is CUDA10.2 and TITAN V.


  • Hardware: 1 GPU (better with >=11G GPU memory)


For the dataset downloading of image classification, you can refer to TRADES, for semantic segmentation, you can refer to semseg, for object detection, you can refer to ssd.

Also, download ImageNet pre-trained models and put them under folder initmodel for weight initialization.

Finally, download the pretrained models for image classification, semantic segmentation, and object detection from google pan. You should have "model_cls_NoD", "model_seg_NoD", and "model_det_NoD".

Semantic Segmentation


The "resume_path" in is the path of pretrained model without defense, and we use the PSPNet as the example here

  • Train the model on Cityscapes to protect PSPNet (train for at least 70 epochs)
    python --name cityscapes_model_pspnet --no_instance --label_nc 20 --tf_log --model pix2pixHD_cityscapes


The "resume_path" in is the path of pretrained model without defense, and we use the PSPNet as the example here

  • Train the model on VOC2012 to protect PSPNet (train for at least 20 epochs)
    python --name voc_model_pspnet --no_instance --label_nc 22 --tf_log --model pix2pixHD_voc2012

Image Classification


The "resume_path" in is the path of pretrained model without defense, and we use the WideResNet as the example here

  • Train the model on CIFAR10 to protect WideResNet (train for at least 100 epochs)
    python --name cifar10_model_wideresnet --no_instance --label_nc 10 --tf_log --model pix2pixHD_cifar10 --n_downsample_global 2 --batchSize 64


The "resume_path" in is the path of pretrained model without defense, and we use the WideResNet as the example here

  • Train the model on CIFAR100 to protect WideResNet (train for at least 100 epochs)
    python --name cifar100_model_wideresnet --no_instance --label_nc 100 --tf_log --model pix2pixHD_cifar100 --n_downsample_global 2 --batchSize 64


The "resume_path" in is the path of pretrained model without defense, and we use the WideResNet as the example here

  • Train the model on TinyImageNet to protect WideResNet (train for at least 30 epochs)
    python --name tinyimagenet_model_wideresnet --no_instance --label_nc 200 --tf_log --model pix2pixHD_tinyimagenet --n_downsample_global 2 --batchSize 16

Object Detection


The "trained_model" in is the path of pretrained model without defense, and we use the SSD as the example here

  • Train the model on VOC07+12 to protect SSD (train for at least 70 epochs)
    python --name voc0712_model_ssd --no_instance --label_nc 22 --tf_log --model pix2pixHD_voc_det --batchSize 4


Semantic Segmentation


We provide the script for evaluation, reporting the miou on adversarial samples. You should first modify the "data_root", "test_list", "colors_path", "names_path" according to your dataset path. "save_folder" is the path to store the results, "save_path" is the path of trained generator. "model_path" for "model" is the pretrained model without defense and the generator is trained to protect it. "model_path" for "model_black" is the pretrained model without defense and adversarial perturbations can be generated from it.

  • Test the model on Cityscapes to protect PSPNet


We provide the script for evaluation, reporting the miou on adversarial samples. You should first modify the "data_root", "test_list", "colors_path", "names_path" according to your dataset path. "save_folder" is the path to store the results, "save_path" is the path of trained generator. "model_path" for "model" is the pretrained model without defense and the generator is trained to protect it. "model_path" for "model_black" is the pretrained model without defense and adversarial perturbations can be generated from it.

  • Test the model on VOC2012 to protect PSPNet

Image Classification

First, enter the dictionary of "test_cls"

cd test_cls

You should install foolbox to conduct adversarial evaluation.


We provide the script for evaluation, reporting the accuracy on adversarial samples. You should first modify "root='../data'" according to your dataset path. "save_path" is the path of trained generator. "model_path_this" for "model" is the pretrained model without defense and the generator is trained to protect it. "model_path_this" for "model_black" is the pretrained model without defense and adversarial perturbations can be generated from it.

  • Test the model on CIFAR10 to protect WideResNet


We provide the script for evaluation, reporting the accuracy on adversarial samples. You should first modify "root='../data'" according to your dataset path. "save_path" is the path of trained generator. "model_path_this" for "model" is the pretrained model without defense and the generator is trained to protect it. "model_path_this" for "model_black" is the pretrained model without defense and adversarial perturbations can be generated from it.

  • Test the model on CIFAR100 to protect WideResNet


We provide the script for evaluation, reporting the accuracy on adversarial samples. You should first modify "test_dir" according to your dataset path. "save_path" is the path of trained generator. "model_path_this" for "model" is the pretrained model without defense and the generator is trained to protect it. "model_path_this" for "model_black" is the pretrained model without defense and adversarial perturbations can be generated from it.

  • Test the model on CIFAR100 to protect WideResNet

Object Detection

First, enter the dictionary of "test_det"

cd test_det


We provide the script for evaluation, reporting the accuracy on adversarial samples. You should first modify "VOC_ROOT" and "VOCroot" according to your dataset path. "save_path" is the path of trained generator. "model_path" is the pretrained model without defense and the generator is trained to protect it. "model_black_path" is the pretrained model without defense, adversarial perturbations can be obtained from it.

  • Test the model on VOC07+12 to protect SSD

Citation Information

If you find the project useful, please cite:

  title={General Adversarial Defense Against Black-box Attacks via Pixel Level and Feature Level Distribution Alignments},
  author={Xiaogang Xu, Hengshuang Zhao, Philip Torr and Jiaya Jia},


This source code is inspired by pix2pixHD, semseg, TRADES, ssd.pytorch, and RFBNet_Pytorch.


If you have any questions/comments/bug reports, feel free to e-mail the author Xiaogang Xu (


The project for General Adversarial Defense Against Black-box Attacks via Pixel Level and Feature Level Distribution Alignments.






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