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Small project implement with Deno, gRPC, CQRS pattern, mongodb, elasticsearch, typescript

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Project Descriptions

This project using Deno to write GRPC api service with CQRS model to support social networks with keyword suggestion or hot posts feature.

Note: Hono framework hasn't supported Deno.listen for listen a connection yet. So this project will implememted with Deno and grpc_basic library (limited features).

  1. Api CRUD posts (title: string, content: string, tags:[string],...).
  2. Research the algorithm to calculate the increase or decrease in trend of an posts or keyword (trend must gradually decrease over time).
  3. The API retrieves a list of the top 10 hottest posts.
  4. The API retrieves a list of the top 10 most searched keywords.
  5. The API retrieves a list of the top 10 most suitable posts suggested for a user.

Tech Stack

  • Deno, gRPC, CQRS pattern, Mongoose/MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Typescript, etc.

My Solution

Task 1 - Api CRUD posts

1. Define Proto's Post schema (./protos/social_media.proto).
2. Define Mongo's Post schema (./models/PostSchema.ts).
3. Setup gRPC server, connect to MongoDB, connect to Elasticsearch.
4. Implement CRUD action.
5. Sync data to Elasticsearch for fast retrieve posts opeations.

Task 2 - Calculating trending algorithm

interaction_score = interaction_count * event_weigth

  • Event weights:
    • isVideoPlayback: 0.01
    • isPhotoExpanded: 0.02
    • isClicked: 0.2
    • isLiked: 0.3
    • isProfileClicked: 0.5
    • isBookmarked: 0.6
    • isShared: 0.9
    • isCommented: 1.0

trending_score = sigmoid(interaction_score * e^(-decay_score * time))

Sigmoid formula

decay_score = 0.95

Note: I also use Deno.CronJob to calculate and sync trending score to Elasticsearch every xx minutes. This will be helpfull for fast retrieving the top hot posts in the big data contexts.

Task 3 - Top 10 hot posts

  • Based on Task 2, using elasticsearch query to retrieve top 10 posts in the last 7 days and sort them by descending trending score.

Task 4 - Top 10 hot search keywords

  1. Beside retrieve data, also store the keywords when user use search operation.
  2. Use elasticsearch's aggregation to retrieve the top 10 hot search keywords in the last 1 day.

Task 5 - Top 10 recommended posts for a user

  • My strategy:

    • Based on user_id and user_favorite_categories, apply Item-Item Collaborative Filtering method to retrieve top 10 recommended posts.
  • Cosine similarity: Calculate the similarity between all the item pairs.

Cosine similarity

  • Prediction computation:
    • Given the user_interactions and the item similarity_matrix
      • Example user_interactions vector, i.e., list of categories that the user liked: [0 0 1 0]
      • Item similarity_matrix:
      [[1.        0.         0.81649658 0.70710678]
      [0.         0.         0.         0.        ]
      [0.81649658 0.         1.         0.57735027]
      [0.70710678 0.         0.57735027 1.        ]]
    • Multiply each row of item_similarity by the corresponding element in user_interactions and sum them up for each column
    • Combine the results to get the vectors: [0.81649658 0 1. 0.57735027] <=> [category1 category2 category3 category4]
    • Sort and get the recommendation results: category3 > category1 > category 4 > category2

Issues Note

grpc/grpc-js hasn't supported Deno (typescript) well

Deno hasn't supported grpc server error/status response yet! See issues here:

Hono framework hasn't supported Deno.listen for listen a connection yet! See issues here:


Small project implement with Deno, gRPC, CQRS pattern, mongodb, elasticsearch, typescript







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