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Download from the vito datapool websites and


You need to have itsybitsy installed. Then run

python install

To use the read_h5 module, you also need xarray and netCDF4.


import vito_download as vito
import xarray as xr

url = vito.build_url(product='SWI', year=2016, month=1, day=1)

local_files = vito.download_data(url, username='USERNAME', password='PASSWORD',
                                 download_dir='.', include='*.nc')

dataset = xr.open_dataset(list(local_files)[0])

data = dataset['SWI_010'].values.squeeze()


The new downloader adds the ?coord parameter to download URLs by default, when build_url is called with an extent dictionary (here). However, coord only works for some products (e.g. not SWI), so manual cropping after the download is needed.

From the manual:

If you want to download only a specific region, the coord parameter (in LonLat) can be added to the URL. The structure of this URL part is ?coord=XLL,YLL,XUR,YUR where (XLL,YLL) is the LonLat coordinates of the lower-left corner of the boundingBox and (XUR,YUR) is the LonLat coordinates of the upper-right corner. E.g. ?coord=-10.1,-5.1,10.0,5.0 Note: the coord parameter is only supported for PROBA-V synthesis products.