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xiaoyifang edited this page Jun 8, 2022 · 10 revisions


Official wiki

official wiki

How to compile qt from source

Official qt release does not support mp4. For someone who have the need to support video .

 configure -opensource -confirm-license -verbose -platform win32-msvc2019 -release -mp -icu -qt-pcre -qt-zlib -openssl -opengl dynamic -qt-freetype -qt-harfbuzz -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -no-sql-mysql -qt-sqlite -qt-tiff -qt-webp -webengine-proprietary-codecs -nomake tests -nomake examples -prefix "E:\Qt\Qt5.15.2_custom\5.15.2\msvc2017_64" -skip qtdoc -skip qtquickcontrols -skip qtscript -skip qtxmlpatterns -I D:\tools\icu4c-69_1-Win64-MSVC2019\include -L D:\tools\icu4c-69_1-Win64-MSVC2019\lib64 -I D:\tools\OpenSSL-Win64\include -L D:\tools\OpenSSL-Win64\lib

Qt official build qwebengineview

Build qt 5.15

Build qt on windows

VS2019 build error U1077

VS2019 patch

how to add tts to goldendict in linux

description about wildcard