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Releases: xieguigang/sciBASIC

Test framework installer

14 Oct 16:23
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  1. Merge softwaretoolkit namespace into ApplicationSerivces namespace
  2. Improvements on the CLI framework console output of the CLI help info by using App ? <command>
  3. Rewrite the charting plot gdi API component
  4. Add excel xlsx read API based on the openXML

sciBASIC# Graphics Artist Project

01 Feb 22:44
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  1. Fix the error of the dynamics color expression translator
  2. Add vendor 3mf 3D graphic model reader, which is avaliable in Microsoft.VisualBasic.Imaging.Drawing3D.Landscape.dll
  3. Improvements on the 3D graphics control for winform
  4. fix the math expression stack for the math function invokes
  5. Add R language like optional parameter scripting language feature, you can apply this new feature using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mathematical.Scripting.ParameterExpression.Apply(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression(Of System.Func(Of Object()))) in dll module: Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mathematical.dll
  6. csv file namespace renamed to Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.csv.IO
  7. Move math expression types to namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mathematical.Scripting
  8. Add string interpolation extensions in the parameter expression
  9. Great improvements on the 3D graphics engine, which is avaliable in Microsoft.VisualBasic.Imaging.Drawing3D namespace

Details about how to implements the parameter expression, read on this codeproject article:

C-Means and Parameter Space Analysis

14 Dec 20:58
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  1. Fix a internal thread high CPU occupied problem, now this bug in internal threading model for debugger console output is fixed
  2. Add a scatter heatmap plot for the ODEs system dynamics parameter space analysis
  3. Add a fuzzy C-Means cluster algorithm in the data mining module
  4. The namespace of chart plot system have been changes to Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.ChartPlots
  5. Fix the bugs of range scaling in the chart plot axis
  6. Fix the bugs of the ODEs system

Network canvas with 3D and SVG exports example

14 Dec 21:04
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Data Fittings Bootstrapping

10 Nov 13:31
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  1. Fix a internal thread high CPU occupied problem
  2. Add a data fitting module using LeastSquares method in dll Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.Bootstrapping.Fittings.dll
  3. Add various spline interpolation methods in namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mathematical.Interpolation
  4. csv serialization module improvements: add custom cell parser in column attribute, you can implements your object parser by implement the interface Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.csv.StorageProvider.Reflection.IParser
  5. All possible system states character by using monte-carlo method in module: Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.Bootstrapping.MonteCarlo.StatesCharacters

Darwinism Computing Module

02 Nov 11:03
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Add Darwinism computing modules, these module includes:

  1. Genetic Algorithm Framework
  2. Difference Evolution module
    you can found these module in namespace: Microsoft.VisualBasic.DataMining.Darwinism

Add two curve spline Interpolation module in namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mathematical.Interpolation, includes:
b-spline and cubic-spline

Add a new random generator based on the random number table, which is avaliable at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mathematical.Randomizer

A data parameter estimates method based on the genetic algorithm , protocol is avaliable in Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.Bootstrapping.Darwinism

Renames the odes solver as Microsoft.VisualBasic.Mathematical.ODEsSolver.dll

VisualBasic Data Science App runtime

13 Oct 07:00
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base type constrain

Source code license signed tools

29 Jun 06:53
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3d network canvas

09 Jun 20:07
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network canvas example

05 Jun 13:23
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I trying to visualize the network in the style like:

And this release is the first basically visualization result: