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PYNQ and Asyncio

Interacting with hardware frequently involves waiting for accelerators to complete or stalling for data. Polling is an inefficient way of waiting for data especially in a language like python which can only have one executing thread at once.

The Python asyncio library manages multiple IO-bound tasks asynchronously, thereby avoiding any blocking caused by waiting for responses from slower IO subsystems. Instead, the program can continue to execute other tasks that are ready to run. When the previously-busy tasks are ready to resume, they will be executed in turn, and the cycle is repeated.

In PYNQ real-time tasks are most often implemented using IP blocks in the Programmable Logic (PL). While such tasks are executing in the PL they can raise interrupts on the PS CPUs at any time. Python's asyncio library provides an effective way to manage such events from asynchronous, IO-bound tasks.

The foundation of asyncio in Pynq is the Interrupts class in the :ref:`pynq-interrupts` which provides an asyncio-style event that can be used for waiting for interrupts to be raised. The video Library, AXI GPIO and the PynqMicroblaze drivers are build on top of the interrupt event to provide coroutines for any functions that might otherwise block.

Asyncio Fundamentals

The asyncio concurrency framework relies on coroutines, futures, tasks, and an event loop. We will introduce these briefly before demonstrating their use with some introductory examples.


Coroutines are a new Python language construct. Coroutines introduce two new keywords await and async the Python syntax. Coroutines are stateful functions whose execution can be paused. This means that they can yield execution, while they wait on some task or event to complete. While suspended, coroutines maintain their state. They are resumed once the outstanding activity is resolved. The await keyword determines the point in the coroutine where it yields control and from which execution will resume.


A future is an object that acts as a proxy for a result that is initially unknown, usually because the action has not yet completed. The futures concept is essential components in the internals of asyncio: futures encapsulate pending operations so that they can be put in queues, their state of completion can be queried, and their results can be retrieved when ready. They are meant to be instantiated exclusively by the concurrency framework, rather than directly by the user.


Coroutines do not execute directly. Instead, they are wrapped in tasks and registered with an asyncio event loop. tasks are a subclass of futures.

Event Loop

The event loop is responsible for executing all ready tasks, polling the status of suspended tasks, and scheduling outstanding tasks.

An event loop runs only one task at a time. It relies on cooperative scheduling. This means that no task interrupts another, and each task yields control to the event loop when its execution is blocked. The result is single-threaded, concurrent code in which the next cycle of the loop does not start until all the event handlers are executed sequentially.

A simple example is shown below. The example defines an coroutine named wake_up defined using the new async def syntax. Function main creates an asyncio event loop that wraps the wake_up coroutine in a task called called wake_up_task and registers the task with the event loop. Within the coroutine, the await statement marks the point at which execution is initially suspended, and later resumed. The loop executes the following schedule:

  1. Starts executing wake_up_task
  2. Suspends wake_up_task and preserves its state
  3. Runs asyncio.sleep runs for 1 to 5 seconds
  4. Resumes wake_up_task from preserved state
  5. Runs to completion using the preserved state

Finally the event loop is closed.

import asyncio
import random
import time

# Coroutine
async def wake_up(delay):
    '''A coroutine that will yield to asyncio.sleep() for a few seconds
       and then resume, having preserved its state while suspended

    start_time = time.time()
    print(f'The time is: {time.strftime("%I:%M:%S")}')
    print(f"Suspending coroutine 'wake_up' at 'await` statement\n")
    await asyncio.sleep(delay)
    print(f"Resuming coroutine 'wake_up' from 'await` statement")
    end_time = time.time()
    sleep_time = end_time - start_time
    print(f"'wake-up' was suspended for precisely: {sleep_time} seconds")

# Event loop
if __name__ == '__main__':
    delay = random.randint(1,5)
    my_event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        print("Creating task for coroutine 'wake_up'\n")
        wake_up_task = my_event_loop.create_task(wake_up(delay))
    except RuntimeError as err:
        print (f'{err}' +
               ' - restart the Jupyter kernel to re-run the event loop')

A sample run of the code produces the following output:

Creating task for coroutine 'wake_up'

The time is: 11:09:28
Suspending coroutine 'wake_up' at 'await` statement

Resuming coroutine 'wake_up' from 'await` statement
'wake-up' was suspended for precisely: 3.0080409049987793 seconds

Any blocking call in event loop should be replaced with a coroutine. If you do not do this, when a blocking call is reached, it will block the rest of the loop.

If you need blocking calls, they should be in separate threads. Compute workloads should also be in separate threads/processes.

Instances of Asyncio in pynq

Asyncio can be used for managing a variety of potentially blocking operations in the overlay. A coroutine can be run in an event loop and used to wait for an interrupt to fire. Other user functions can also be run in the event loop. If an interrupt is triggered, any coroutines waiting on the corresponding event will be rescheduled. The responsiveness of the interrupt coroutine will depend on how frequently the user code yields control in the loop.

GPIO Peripherals

User I/O peripherals can trigger interrupts when switches are toggled or buttons are pressed. Both the :ref:`Button<pynq-lib-button>` and :ref:`Switch<pynq-lib-switch>` classes have a function wait_for_level and a coroutine wait_for_level_async which block until the corresponding button or switch has the specified value. This follows a convention throughout the pynq package that that coroutines have an _async suffix.

As an example, consider an application where each LED will light up when the corresponding button is pressed. First a coroutine specifying this functionality is defined:

base = pynq.overlays.base.BaseOverlay('base.bit')

async def button_to_led(number):
    button = base.buttons[number]
    led = base.leds[number]
    while True:
        await button.wait_for_level_async(1)
        await button.wait_for_level_async(0)

Next add instances of the coroutine to the default event loop

tasks = [asyncio.ensure_future(button_to_led(i) for i in range(4)]

Finally, running the event loop will cause the coroutines to be active. This code runs the event loop until an exception is thrown or the user interrupts the process.



The :ref:`PynqMicroblaze<pynq-lib-pynqmicroblaze>` class has an interrupt member variable which acts like an asyncio.Event with a wait() coroutine and a clear() method. This event is automatically wired to the correct interrupt pin or set to None if interrupts are not available in the loaded overlay.

For example:

def __init__(self)
    self.iop = pynq.lib.PynqMicroblaze(mb_info, IOP_EXECUTABLE)
    if self.iop.interrupt is None:
       warn("Interrupts not available in this Overlay")

There are two options for running functions from this new IOP wrapper class. The function can be called from an external asyncio event loop (set up elsewhere), or the function can set up its own event loop and then call its asyncio function from the event loop.

Async Functions

pynq offers both an asyncio coroutine and a blocking function call for all interrupt-driven functions. It is recommended that this should be extended to any user-provided drivers. The blocking function can be used where there is no need to work with asyncio, or as a convenience function to run the event loop until a specified condition.

The following code defines an asyncio coroutine. Notice the async and await keywords are the only additional code needed to make this function an asyncio coroutine.

async def interrupt_handler_async(self, value):
    if self.iop.interrupt is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Interrupts not available in this Overlay')
        await self.iop.interrupt.wait() # Wait for interrupt
        # Do something when an interrupt is received

Event Loops

The following code wraps the asyncio coroutine, adding to the default event loop and running it until the coroutine completes.

def interrupt_handler(self):

    if self.iop.interrupt is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Interrupts not available in this Overlay')
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Custom Interrupt Handling

The :ref:`Interrupts<pynq-interrupts>` class allows custom interrupt handlers to be built in Python.

This class abstracts away management of the AXI interrupt controller in the PL. It is not necessary to examine this code in detail to use interrupts. The interrupt class takes the pin name of the interrupt line and offers a single wait_async coroutine and the corresponding wait function that wraps it. The interrupt is only enabled in the hardware for as long as a coroutine is waiting on an Interrupt object. The general pattern for using an Interrupt is as follows:

while condition:
    await interrupt.wait()
    # Clear interrupt

This pattern avoids race conditions between the interrupt and the controller and ensures that an interrupt isn't seen multiple times.


For more examples, see the AsyncIO Buttons Notebook in the on the Pynq-Z1 in the following directory:

<Jupyter Dashboard>/base/board/