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Bi-directional Log Structured Merge Tree

This repository contains the source code for SSDBM'22 paper: Bi-directional Log-Structured Merge Tree

Thanks to Dr. Qizhong Mao for developing lsm-tree's main structure for this simulator.


LSM-tree Simulator

The source code for the simulator is in ./lsm folder.

Read-only Experiment

Run ./ program to test the read-only workload.

Tree configuration:

  1. do_load: boolean. Set do_load = True to generate lsm-tree first. The constructed lsm-tree can be reused.
  2. key_len: key length, in # of bytes.
  3. data_len: value length, in # of bytes.
  4. component_size: # of records in a component. In this simulator, we let memory component and disk components have the same size.
  5. num_records: # of loaded records.
  6. size_ratio: size ratio of lsm-tree.
  7. l_0: # of component in level 0.
  8. M: # of sentinel components.
  9. cache_size: # of pages in cache.
  10. IO_unit: unit to compute IO cost.
  11. do_point_query: Set do_point_query = False to test range query.
  12. fragment_threshold: # of fragment in a disk component.
  13. policy config: go to ./ line31-35, choose the policy to use.

Mix Read&Write Experiment

Run ./ program to test the mixed workload.

Tree configuration (besides common parameters mentioned above):

  1. num_write_component: # of load components.
  2. num_rewrite_component: # of newly inserted components.


We prepare four tested datasets in ./data folder.

Each line is a record: "key,value". For example, "513219,513219", key = 513219, value = 513219.

File name: "order""# of record""update frequency".txt

For example: "random_data_1000000_with_anti_heavy.txt": randomly inserted 1000000 records, contains heavy updated record.


We prepare three tested query workloads in ./data folder.

Each line is an operation. There are two types of operations:

  1. insertion operation, with symbol 0. For example, "1:319890", insert a record key = 319890 and value = 319890.
  2. range scan operation, with symbol 1. For example, "0,40-91-130", a range query.

Range query format: "query length"-"min key"-"max-key".

For example: "0,40-91-130": a range query: [91, 130], the query length is 40.

Customer Dataset and Query Workload

We provide program to generate more datasets and query workloads. The code is in ./workload_generator folder.


This code repository is open-sourced and may be used for research purpose only. No express warranty of any kind and use at your own risk.

Contact Xin Zhang ( for any questions.


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