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Repository files navigation


A tab panel built using Angular 12.


Clone the repository and start a local server :

ng serve --open

User stories

  • Make the responsive navigation sidebar
  • When the user clicks on the tabs, display the page related to the clicked tab.
  • When you press arrow left or right you switch the focus from the active tab heading to the next or previous one
  • When you press Enter or Space, actual content will transition to the content related to selected Tab Heading
  • When you have focus on Button 1, then you press tabulation, focus go to the current active tab heading, then if you press tabulation, focus will go to button 3

What i learned

Module organization practice

It's a good practice to create a module for each feature. A module contains all components required of a feature.

Create the module CustomerDashboard:

ng generate module CustomerDashboard

Create a main component of this module :

ng generate component customer-dashboard/CustomerDashboard

Export the CustomerDashboardComponent component to let others modules to get to it :

// customer-dashboard.module.ts

exports: [CustomerDashboardComponent];

To incorporate the feature module into your app, you have to let the root module, app.module.ts, know about it:

// app.module.ts

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    CustomerDashboardModule // add the feature module here

You can now use CustomerDashboardComponent in your app app.component.html:

<!-- app.component.html -->


See: Feature modules - Angular

Life cycle hooks

ngAfterViewInit() - When the application loads, the child element may not be loaded completely, and if we try to access the component, it returns undefined. To resolve this, we use the lifecycle hook, which allows us to access any element after the view is initialized.

export class TabPanelComponent implements AfterViewInit {

  // After all of the component are mounted on the DOM
  ngAfterViewInit() {
    // Some code

see: Le cycle de vie d’un Component - Learn Angular

DOM manipulation

@ViewChild and @ViewChildren are the types of decorators used to query the DOM element of a child component.

Query all tab buttons of TabButtonComponent from DOM:

  @ViewChildren(TabButtonComponent, { read: ElementRef }) tabButtonsEl!: QueryList<any>;
  tabButtons: ElementRef[] = [];

  // After all of the component are mounted on the DOM
  ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.tabButtons = this.tabButtonsEl.toArray();
    // Display the first tab button

See: Querying the DOM with @ViewChild and @ViewChildren


tabindex HTML attribute indicates that its element can be focused.

Make a button that is NOT accessible when pressing the tabulation :

  [attr.aria-controls]="'panel-' + panelId"

See: ARIA: tab role - MDN

Responsive in Angular

Angular Flex-Layout library allows us to use flexbox to create a responsive component.

// gt-sm : screen and (min-width: 960px)
<app-tab-list fxLayout="row""column"></app-tab-list>


Accessible Tabs in Angular - This Dot Labs helps me to build this tab panel.