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A LoRa web server providing convenience to access to LoRa system for device owners.


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This web page is used to register applications, gateways, and devices. After successful registration, it will return the AppEUI of the application, the gatewayId of the gateway, and the DevEUI of the device. Users need these important fields when using the server. At the same time, the web page is based on Laravel framework, which is one of php frameworks. The database uses MySQL and MongoDB, and these development environments need to be installed first.

1 Environment installation

1.1 Apache(version:2.4.* recommend: 2.4.7)
  • Enter the update check command at the terminal:

    sudo apt-get update
  • After the update is completed (if you don't want to check for updates, you can enter this step directly), enter:

    sudo apt-get install apache2
  • After the completion, enter http://localhost or in the browser. If the Apache version page is successfully jumped, the installation is successful.

  • Stop the service:

    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
  • The default document root directory for Apache is the /var/www directory on Ubuntu, the configuration file is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, and the subdirectories stored in the /etc/apache2 directory are configured.

1.2 PHP(version>=7.0.0 recommend: 7.0.30)
  • Install PHP7.0.30:

    sudo apt-get install php
  • Install apache2 php7 module:

    sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php
  • Install MySQL php module:

    apt-get install php-mysql
  • Create a new file test.php in the project root directory. Then input: echo phpinfo (); , check whether the environment is configured successfully.

1.3 MySQL(version>=5.7 recommend: 5.7)
  • Install mysql-server module:

    sudo apt-get install mysql-server
  • Install mysql_client module:

    sudo apt-get isntall mysql-client
  • Install libmysqlclient-dev module:

    sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
  • During the installation process, you will be prompted to set a password. Note that you should not forget to set it up. After the installation is complete, you can use the following command to check whether the installation is successful:

    sudo netstat -tap | grep mysql

    After checking by the above command, if you see that the mysql socket is in the listen state, the installation is successful.

  • To log in to the mysql database, you can use the following command:

    mysql -u root -p

    -u indicates the user name to log in, and -p indicates the user password for login. After the above command is entered, the user will be prompted to enter the password. At this time, the password can be used to log in to mysql.

1.4 MongoDB(recommend: 3.4.9)
  • Install MongoDB via apt:

    sudo apt-get install mongo3.4.9
  • Install PHP MongoDB driver

    • First need to install pecl:

      sudo apt-get install php-pear
    • Then install the MongoDB extension via pecl:

      sudo pecl install mongodb
    • Note: If phpize: not found appears, you need to install php-dev and then do the above:

      sudo apt-get install php-dev
    • Note: If configure: error: Cannot find OpenSSL's libraries, try installing the following package 4:

      sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
    • Then, add to php.ini file :

      sudo apt-get install php-mongodb
    • Restart Apache2:

      service apache2 restart
1.5 Composer(recommend: 1.5.2)

 Composer supports two methods for installation.

1.5.1 Install as a local variable
  • Download:

    curl –sS <> | php
  • Install:

    /usr/bin/php composer.phar –1.5.2
  • Set global command:

    sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
1.5.2 Install as a global variable
  • Download & Install:

    php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');" 
    php composer-setup.php 
     php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
  • Set global command:

    sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

    Note: composer is a tool used by PHP to manage dependencies. Composer will help you install php dependent library files in the Laravel framework. The official website is composer.

2 Download the code of the web page

Enter the following command at the terminal:

git clone

Or download the zip and unzip it to use it.

3 Install the dependencies

Laravel relies on composer to install dependencies and use composer install to resolve dependencies: (run into the downloaded Laravel project directory):

composer install

4 Add the configuration file

  • We need to create the .env file, because .env file defaults to the files that github ignores: (runs into the downloaded Laravel project directory)

    cp .env.example .env
  • Because there is no app key by default in env.example file, we generate a new app key in .env file: (run into the downloaded Laravel project directory)

    php artisan key:generate
  • Next, open the .env file we just copied and fill in the database information to the appropriate location: mainly the configuration of the MySQL database and the MongoDB database. (The part that needs to be modified is explained in the comments. The default configuration does not need to be modified if there is no demand.)

    // the configuration of the database(MySQL)
    // the host of the database
    // the port of the database
    // the name of the database
    // the username
    // the password
    //registration interface provided by lora server,the default is http://localhost:3000
    // the configuration of the database(MongoDB) 
    // the name of the Mongo database

5 Set the considering database

Run the artisan command to perform database migration. The configuration information of the database is in the .env configuration file above: (Run into the downloaded Laravel project directory)

php artisan migrate

If the operation is successful, the required data table will be created in the set MySQL database.

6 Start-up

6.1 Start-up Directly
  • Run the artisan command in the project root directory:

    php artisan serve --host= --port=XXXX
6.2 Ubuntu14.04
  • Add the xxx.conf file to the /etc/init folder and configure the project path, log, startup commands, and so on. (The part that needs to be modified is explained in the comments.The default configuration does not need to be modified if there is no demand.)

    # lora-simple-web config
    # a web management system for lora-simple-web
    # this is a upstart conf file
    # lora-simple-web name can be modified, 
    # this is the name of the self-started service
    description  "lora-simple-web"
    # no configuration required
    start on runlevel [2345]
    stop on shutdown
    respawn limit 10 5
    # configuration content that needs to be modified
         PHP=`which php`
         # the directory of the Laravel project
         # the directory of the log of the Laravel project
         # self-starting host name, set to local
         # the port number of the web page,
         # ensure that it is not occupied by other services.
         # no configuration required
         LOG_DIR=`dirname $LOG_PATH`
         [[ -d $LOG_DIR ]] || mkdir -p $LOG_PATH
         # no configuration required
         exec $PHP "$PROJECT_PATH/artisan" serve --host $HOST --port $PORT >> $LOG_PATH 2>&1
    end script
  • Self-starting start/stop/restart

    service xxx start/stop/restart

    (XXX is lora-simple-web in this example configuration file)

6.3 Ubuntu16.04
  • Add the startup script to the /usr/sbin/ directory and write the absolute path to the xxx.service file in /lib/systemd/system/

    #!/bin/sh  XXX stand for the absolute path of the laravel project 
    php /XXX/XXX/lora-simple-web /artisan serve --host --port XXXX
    #the XXXX after the port indicates the port number of the web page startup.
  • Add the xxx.service file to /lib/systemd/system/

    Description= lora-simple-web
    #the specific shell execution file of the service process, 
    #xxx is the file name, not the folder name
    #here is the startup configuration file under the /usr/sbin/ path above.
  • Self-starting start/stop/restart:

    systemctl start/stop/restart xxx.servic

7 The running of the web

Open the local IP + the PORT number in the configuration file in the browser (for example:, 8888 is the PORT you set) , and you will see the web.

8 Appendix


A LoRa web server providing convenience to access to LoRa system for device owners.








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