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schindler plugin

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About Schindler

Schindler is a TestFlight automatic processing tool, which is used to maintain the number of TestFlight quota, eliminate useless testers, and improve the external gray effect of iOS.

Change Log

Date Version Content
2023-08-10 1.1.0 1. Adapts to App Store Connect API 2.4
2. Remove only Publick link testers, as email tester cannot be removed
3. No more deleting Unused testers
4. Multi-group account friendly, providing optional parameters Developer Portal Team ID, App Store Connect Team ID
5. Full English log
2022-09-30 1.0.1 1. Remove TestFlight testers that are not actually testing your app, support the following 3 categories: Uninstall, Expired, Unused

Getting Started

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-schindler, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin schindler




1. Fastlane Ready

# install fastlane
gem install fastlane
# create a workspace
fastlane init
# add puglin
fastlane add_plugin schindler

2. Edit Fastfile

After Init succeeds, the fastlane folder will be generated in the current directory.

Edit ./fastlane/Fastfile,for example:

# A sample Fastfile
lane :delete do
    filter_type: "3",                   # Optional, '1'-Not installed, '2'-Expired, '7'-All(1 | 2), default 3
    auto_confirm: "auto",               # Optional, 'auto'-skip, default no. Skip the second confirmation, or wait for user confirmation before deleting after scanning
    user_id: "",         # Your AppID for login App Store Connect
    user_password: "********",          # Optional, AppID password
    ios_app_id: "11112222",             # The ID of the app in the Apple Store
    portal_team_id: "my_team_id",       # Optional, Developer Portal Team ID
    itc_team_id: "my_itc_team_id"       # Optional, App Store Connect Team ID

3. Execute

fastlane delete


Run tests for this plugin

To run both the tests, and code style validation, run


To automatically fix many of the styling issues, use

rubocop -a

Extras(important by 08/10/2023)

Due to changes in App Store Connect API 2.4, beta_tester_metrics for betaTesters in Spaceship are invalid, resulting in Tester status information no longer being available.

Based on the betaTesters interface (, I updated this repository. And submitted the commit to fastlane.

Consider that it takes time and days for the commit to go through, so while waiting for it to go through, if you get an error running this script, scroll down.

Find local fastlane

First, we need to find the betaTesters file in the local fastlane

# Get local gem folder path
fastlane --version
# Assuming that the previous step yields '/Users/hongtao/.rbenv/versions/2.7.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/fastlane-2.210.1/bin/fastlane'

# Find the latest local version of fastlane, replace '/bin/fastlane' at the end with '/spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/models/beta_tester.rb'. Then open it
open /Users/hongtao/.rbenv/versions/2.7.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/fastlane-2.210.1/spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/models/beta_tester.rb

Modify local fastlane

Second, we need to manually modify the betaTesters property in the local fastlane

before modification

require_relative '../model'
module Spaceship
  class ConnectAPI
    class BetaTester
      include Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Model

      attr_accessor :first_name
      attr_accessor :last_name
      attr_accessor :email
      attr_accessor :invite_type
      attr_accessor :invitation

      attr_accessor :apps
      attr_accessor :beta_groups
      attr_accessor :beta_tester_metrics
      attr_accessor :builds

        "firstName" => "first_name",
        "lastName" => "last_name",
        "email" => "email",
        "inviteType" => "invite_type",
        "invitation" => "invitation",

        "apps" => "apps",
        "betaGroups" => "beta_groups",
        "betaTesterMetrics" => "beta_tester_metrics",
        "builds" => "builds"


after modification

require_relative '../model'
module Spaceship
  class ConnectAPI
    class BetaTester
      include Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Model

      attr_accessor :first_name
      attr_accessor :last_name
      attr_accessor :email
      attr_accessor :invite_type
      attr_accessor :invitation

      attr_accessor :apps
      attr_accessor :beta_groups
      attr_accessor :beta_tester_metrics
      attr_accessor :builds

      # add by xjkstar 2023-08-09
      attr_accessor :isDeleted
      attr_accessor :beta_tester_state
      attr_accessor :last_modified_date
      attr_accessor :installedCfBundleShortVersionString
      attr_accessor :installedCfBundleVersion
      attr_accessor :removeAfterDate
      attr_accessor :latestExpiringCfBundleShortVersionString
      attr_accessor :latestExpiringCfBundleVersionString
      attr_accessor :installedDevice
      attr_accessor :installedOsVersion
      attr_accessor :installedDevicePlatform
      attr_accessor :installedAppPlatform

        "firstName" => "first_name",
        "lastName" => "last_name",
        "email" => "email",
        "inviteType" => "invite_type",
        "invitation" => "invitation",

        "apps" => "apps",
        "betaGroups" => "beta_groups",
        "betaTesterMetrics" => "beta_tester_metrics",
        "builds" => "builds",

        # add by xjkstar 2023-08-09
        "isDeleted" => "isDeleted",
        "betaTesterState" => "beta_tester_state",
        "lastModifiedDate" => "last_modified_date",
        "installedCfBundleShortVersionString" => "installedCfBundleShortVersionString",
        "installedCfBundleVersion" => "installedCfBundleVersion",
        "removeAfterDate" => "removeAfterDate",
        "latestExpiringCfBundleShortVersionString" => "latestExpiringCfBundleShortVersionString",
        "latestExpiringCfBundleVersionString" => "latestExpiringCfBundleVersionString",
        "installedDevice" => "installedDevice",
        "installedOsVersion" => "installedOsVersion",
        "installedDevicePlatform" => "installedDevicePlatform",
        "installedAppPlatform" => "installedAppPlatform"


Let's go

Changes complete, up and running

fastlane delete

Issues and Feedback

For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.


If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.

Using fastlane Plugins

For more information about how the fastlane plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.

About fastlane

fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out


Schindler is a TestFlight tool for release useless quota.







No packages published
