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Clone the repository with git clone <name> or by downloading as zip.

You need to install dependencies for both the api and the frontend. Enter the frontend folder and run npm install, then repeat in the api folder.


Both the frontend and the api use environment variables to store important data which should not be exposed to the public.

Under /api create a file called .env. Within .env you will need the following environment variables:

  • DB_HOST The host name of the database server you will connect to.
  • DB_NAME The database name. It does not require prior table initiaizion.
  • DB_PORT The port on which your database is running.
  • DB_USERNAME Database login credentials
  • PORT On which the app will run on the machine.
  • JWT_SECRET Random string for access token generation.

Under /frontend create .env.development and .env.production. Both of these files must contain the following variables:

  • REACT_APP_DEV_URL The URL at which you can view the website. The development URL should be localhost:<port>, while the production URL should be the hostname on which it is run.
  • REACT_APP_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY First you must obtain a Google api key then place it here.

Running the app

With dependencies installed and environment variables populated in the necessary files, you are ready to run the app. This is a two-step process, and requires two terminal windows. Make sure your database is running and visible.

In the first window cd into /api and run npm run start.

In the second window cd into /frontend and run npm start. For more detailed instructions on testing and production, look here

If you would like these processes to continue running after you close your terminal, add an & after each command, such as npm run start & and npm start &.

You can view the website by placing the REACT_APP_DEV_URL into your browser.


See testing instructions here


cse442-spring2022-team-liquorlooker created by GitHub Classroom






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