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Anthony Schiano
Howie Lin
Michael Traynor
Brian Chen
Michael Lanurias

Warning does not work on school server, we deployed to an ubuntu 20.04 digital ocean droplet

To Test:

Notes: these are only tested on ubuntu 20.04 and in this testing mode you will not be able to run a wireguard server

  1. Install basic dependincies and set them up. Please note you will have to run these are root
    sudo apt install python3 python-is-python3 python3-virtualenv mysql-server wireguard-tools

You will also need to add in a new user to mysql, in this case please run:
sudo mysql -u root -e "CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';" where username is the desired username and password is the desired password
the give the user permissions where username is the username used in the previous step:
sudo mysql -u root -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS wireguard DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'utf8';"
sudo mysql -u root -e "mysql -u root -e "GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON wireguard.* TO 'username'@'localhost';"
mysql -u root -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;"
Then create all the tables for the database
mysql -u root -e "USE wireguard; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wireguard ( user_id varchar(9) NOT NULL, email varchar(32) NOT NULL, username varchar(32) NOT NULL, password varchar(64) NOT NULL, admin tinyint(1), banned tinyint(1), PRIMARY KEY (user_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS server ( uid varchar(9) NOT NULL, private_key varchar(256) NOT NULL, public_key varchar(256) NOT NULL, ip int(32), PRIMARY KEY (uid), CONSTRAINT server_id FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES wireguard (user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB;"
2. clone the git repo (note you may need to install git)
git clone
then please change directory into the directory created by the above command
3. to run code use the command Create a virtual environment for python to run and source it
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
3. Then install the rest of the dependincies
pip install -r requirements.txt
4. You should then edit the database file to add in your credentials for the database created above
assuming you are in the root directory of the project
nano src/database/
then change the line for DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD to the correct username and password

  1. You can then either run the server entirly or run the unit testing using:
    To run the server

  2. Upon launching the application in your web browser, you can login as the admin using the credentials: Username: admin Password: password After logging in, you will be directed to the admin dashboard. From there you can use the sidebar to navigate the site.

To run test you should run
python -m pytest
while in the same directory as main To create a test add a file under the tests directory using the name of style test_{{name}}.py
6. optional You can also setup a incomplete wireguard server by running
sudo sh setup/
Note that this wireguard server may not work as intended

To Deploy:

Note only tested on Ubuntu 20.04 server and the wireguard server will not work if you are on the same subnet due to technical limitations of wireguard. All commands below are expected to be run as root user, you can also prepend sudo to each command to run the as root.

  1. Clone repositories
    git clone
  2. Enter into repositories directory
    cd cse442-spring2022-team-pyc442
  3. run setup script and follow prompts
    sudo sh
  4. enable ufw
    (Must be run as root)
    ufw allow ssh
    ufw allow 'Apache Full'
    ufw enable
  5. Allow ipv4 forwarding
    (must be run as root)
    sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
    Warning you will have to run this command after every server restart or you will not have internet access