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OAuth2 - Token Exchange with mo

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Why? Then How.

    1. Authn vs Authz
    1. Tokens
    1. Roles
    1. Protocol Flow
    1. Grant Types
    1. Examples

Authn vs Authz

  • Authentication: to verify the identity of who you are.
  • Authorization: to verify that you should be granted access to a resource or action.

Authn vs Authz

Example 1: Flying on a plane

  • passport: authentication
  • plane ticket: authorization

Authn vs Authz

Example 2: Riding the bus

A transit token authorizes you to ride the bus for 90 minutes. Proof of identity is not required.

        |        transit ticket        |
        |                              |
        |                              |
        |                              |
        | expires: 90 minutes          |

Authn vs Authz

Transferring the token to someone else, authorizes them to ride the bus for 90 minutes. You're not supposed to transfer your transit token but detection is difficult.

        |        transit ticket        |
        |                              |
        |                              |
        |                              |
        | expires: 90 minutes          |

Tokens - Types

  • Access Token: Used to access a resource.
  • Refresh Token: Exchanged for a new access/refresh token.

Tokens - Access Token

The purpose of the access token is to allow clients to access a protected resource scoped to the privileges defined by the token and scope.

The access token represents a subject, audience, issuer and expiration.

        |        transit ticket        |
        |                              |
        |                              |
        |                              |
        | expires: 90 minutes          |

Tokens - Access Token

Subject: Ticket bearer Audience: Bus Driver Issuer: Calgary Transit Expiration: 90 minutes from when the ticket was purchased.

        |        transit ticket        |
        |                              |
        |                              |
        |                              |
        | expires: 90 minutes          |

Tokens - Stateful vs Stateless

Stateful: A stateful token is one where the token needs to be looked up in a database to honour it.

Stateless: A stateless token has all the information encoded in the token.

Tokens - Stateful

Example: Concert ticket

When you enter a concert venue and you are asked to present your ticket. They will likely scan your ticket to verify that the ticket is legit. The scan will need to verify that the ticket is in a database.

        |    KRS-ONE                   |
        |                              |
        |                              |
        |                              |
        |                              |
        |      |XXXX|XXXX|XXXX|XXXX|   |

Tokens - Stateless

Example: Calgary Transit Ticket

When you board a bus in Calgary, you must show the driver the ticket. All the data the driver needs to admit you is in the ticket itself.

        |        transit ticket        |
        |                              |
        |                              |
        |                              |
        | expires: 90 minutes          |

Tokens - JWT

JSON web tokens allow us to create stateless tokens that encode the necessary information into the token.


Tokens - JWT

Example Token


Tokens - JWT

JSON Web Signature

  "alg": "RS256"

JWT Claims

  "exp": 1553206143,
  "iat": 1553119743,
  "iss": "https://shiro.test/metadata",
  "nbf": 1553119743,
  "jti": "30ee4f06-3e2b-4ef4-961e-5a1dfd530ca5",
  "sub": "d98ecc05-eab8-4683-8288-249312d3f592",

Tokens - Refresh Token

An access token can expire. When an access token expires a client can exchange a refresh token to gain a new access token and refresh token.

The purpose of the refresh token is to allow a client to get a new access token and refresh token pair. Once a refresh token is used it cannot be re-used.

        |        Credit Card           |
        |                              |
        |         XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX  |
        |                              |
        |            expires: 2024-01  |

Roles - OAuth 2.0

  • Client: Your service, web app, SPA, mobile app.
  • Resource Owner: The HUMAN!
  • Resource Server: The API
  • Authorization Server: The OAuth 2.0 server.

Protocol Flow

OAuth 2 is a delegation protocol. The client does not know the credentials of the resource owner but can access resources on it's behalf.

     +--------+                               +---------------+
     |        |--(A)- Authorization Request ->|   Resource    |
     |        |                               |     Owner     |
     |        |<-(B)-- Authorization Grant ---|               |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |--(C)-- Authorization Grant -->| Authorization |
     | Client |                               |     Server    |
     |        |<-(D)----- Access Token -------|               |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |--(E)----- Access Token ------>|    Resource   |
     |        |                               |     Server    |
     |        |<-(F)--- Protected Resource ---|               |
     +--------+                               +---------------+

Protocol Flow

OAuth 2 is a delegation protocol. The client does not know the credentials of the resource owner but can access resources on it's behalf.

     +--------+                               +---------------+
     |        |--(A)- Authorization Request ->|               |
     |        |                               |     HUMAN     |
     |        |<-(B)-- Authorization Grant ---|               |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |--(C)-- Authorization Grant -->|               |
     | my app |                               |   auth.amp.*  |
     |        |<-(D)----- Access Token -------|               |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |--(E)----- Access Token ------>|               |
     |        |                               |   api.amp.*   |
     |        |<-(F)--- Protected Resource ---|               |
     +--------+                               +---------------+

Protocol Flow

Short circuit for SAML service providers.

     +--------+                               +---------------+
     |        |                               |               |
     |        |                               |     HUMAN     |
     |        |                            -- |               |
     |        |                            |  +---------------+
     |        |    (A) SAML Authentication |
     |        |                            |  +---------------+
     |        |                            -->|               |
     | my app |                               |   auth.amp.*  |
     |        |<-(B)----- Access Token -------|               |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |
     |        |                               +---------------+
     |        |--(C)----- Access Token ------>|               |
     |        |                               |   api.amp.*   |
     |        |<-(D)--- Protected Resource ---|               |
     +--------+                               +---------------+

Protocol Flow

    +--------+                                           +---------------+
    |        |--(A)------- Authorization Grant --------->|               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |<-(B)----------- Access Token -------------|               |
    |        |               & Refresh Token             |               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |                            +----------+   |               |
    |        |--(C)---- Access Token ---->|          |   |               |
    |        |                            |          |   |               |
    |        |<-(D)- Protected Resource --| Resource |   | Authorization |
    | Client |                            |  Server  |   |     Server    |
    |        |--(E)---- Access Token ---->|          |   |               |
    |        |                            |          |   |               |
    |        |<-(F)- Invalid Token Error -|          |   |               |
    |        |                            +----------+   |               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |--(G)----------- Refresh Token ----------->|               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |<-(H)----------- Access Token -------------|               |
    +--------+           & Optional Refresh Token        +---------------+

Grant Types

  • Authorization Code: for web apps
  • Implicit: for single page apps.
  • Password Credentials: for trusted clients.
  • Client Credentials: for service authentication.
  • Refresh: for exchanging a refresh token for an access token.
  • Extensions: SAML bearer, JWT bearer

Grant Types - Authorization Code

For server based applications where a client id and client secret can be stored securely.

This uses a redirect flow that depends on the user agent having access to both the authorization server and the client web app.

Grant Types - Authorization Code

    | Resource |
    |   Owner  |
    |          |
    +----|-----+          Client Identifier      +---------------+
    |         -+----(A)-- & Redirection URI ---->|               |
    |  User-   |                                 | Authorization |
    |  Agent  -+----(B)-- User authenticates --->|     Server    |
    |          |                                 |               |
    |         -+----(C)-- Authorization Code ---<|               |
    +-|----|---+                                 +---------------+
      |    |                                         ^      v
     (A)  (C)                                        |      |
      |    |                                         |      |
      ^    v                                         |      |
    +---------+                                      |      |
    |         |>---(D)-- Authorization Code ---------'      |
    |  Client |          & Redirection URI                  |
    |         |                                             |
    |         |<---(E)----- Access Token -------------------'
    +---------+       (w/ Optional Refresh Token)

Grant Types - Authorization Code

            username: xxxxxxx
            password: xxxxxx


Grant Types - Authorization Code

`client X` would like the following scopes:

    read your profile information (
    write your profile information (



Grant Types - Authorization Code

    +--------+                                           +---------------+
    |        |--(A)------- Authorization Grant --------->|               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |<-(B)----------- Access Token -------------|               |
    |        |               & Refresh Token             |               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |                            +----------+   |               |
    |        |                            |          |   |               |
    |        |                            |          |   |               |
    |        |                            | Resource |   | Authorization |
    | Client |                            |  Server  |   |     Server    |
    |        |                            |          |   |               |
    |        |                            |          |   |               |
    |        |                            |          |   |               |
    |        |                            +----------+   |               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    +--------+                                           +---------------+

Grant Types - Authorization Code

$ curl \
  -X POST \
  -d '{"grant_type":"authorization_code","code":"secret"}' \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Basic base64(client_id:client_secret)"
200 OK

Cache-Control: private, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "refresh_token": "eyJleHAiOjE1NDA5M"

Grant Types - Refresh Token

This grant can be used by a client to exchange a refresh token for a new access token and refresh token.

    +--------+                                           +---------------+
    |        |--(A)------- Authorization Grant --------->|               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |<-(B)----------- Access Token -------------|               |
    |        |               & Refresh Token             |               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |                            +----------+   |               |
    |        |--(C)---- Access Token ---->|          |   |               |
    |        |                            |          |   |               |
    |        |<-(D)- Protected Resource --| Resource |   | Authorization |
    | Client |                            |  Server  |   |     Server    |
    |        |--(E)---- Access Token ---->|          |   |               |
    |        |                            |          |   |               |
    |        |<-(F)- Invalid Token Error -|          |   |               |
    |        |                            +----------+   |               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |--(G)----------- Refresh Token ----------->|               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |<-(H)----------- Access Token -------------|               |
    +--------+           & Optional Refresh Token        +---------------+

Grant Types - Refresh Token

POST /token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic base64(client_id:client_secret)
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded



HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Cache-Control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache


Protocol Flow - Accessing a Protected Resource

GET /api/policies/
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  { "name": "Audit" },
  { "name": "Protect" },

Moonwalk to this!

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Examples - Quick & Dirty

namespace :token do
  desc 'register a new service access/refresh token'
  task :register, [:token] => [:environment] do |task, args|
    require 'register_token'
    puts :shiro, token: args[:token]).inspect

  desc 'exchange refresh token for a new access token'
  task renew: [:environment] do
    refresh_token = :desc).first

Examples - Quick & Dirty

class Token < ApplicationRecord
  def exchange!(client: token_exchange_client)
    response =
    transaction do
        service: service,
        token_type: :access,
        expires_at: response[:expires_in].to_i.seconds.from_now,
        value: response[:access_token]
        service: service,
        token_type: :refresh,
        expires_at: response[:expires_in].to_i.seconds.from_now,
        value: response[:refresh_token]

Examples - AWS Secrets Manager

You can customize Lambda functions to extend Secrets Manager rotation to other secret types, such as API keys and OAuth tokens used to authenticate users to mobile applications.


An access token decouples a resource owners credentials from the authorization that it is delegating to a client to access protected resources from a resource server. A refresh token can be used by a client to gain a new access token and refresh token.

The exchange process can be triggered when an access token expires or is revoked.

    +--------+                                           +---------------+
    |        |--(A)------- Authorization Grant --------->|               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |<-(B)----------- Access Token -------------|               |
    |        |               & Refresh Token             |               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |                            +----------+   |               |
    |        |--(C)---- Access Token ---->|          |   |               |
    |        |                            |          |   |               |
    |        |<-(D)- Protected Resource --| Resource |   | Authorization |
    | Client |                            |  Server  |   |     Server    |
    |        |--(E)---- Access Token ---->|          |   |               |
    |        |                            |          |   |               |
    |        |<-(F)- Invalid Token Error -|          |   |               |
    |        |                            +----------+   |               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |--(G)----------- Refresh Token ----------->|               |
    |        |                                           |               |
    |        |<-(H)----------- Access Token -------------|               |
    +--------+           & Optional Refresh Token        +---------------+




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