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Assemble and Simulate multistage testing in R

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Rmst: Assemble and Simulate Computerized Adaptive Multistage Tests

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Rmst allows uers to use the bottom-up or the top-down approach to assemble computerized adaptive multistage tests (MSTs). See more details regarding automated test assembly (ATA) and mixed integer programming (MIP) in Rata. After assembling MST panels, users can simulate the administration of those MST panels, which is a useful means of evaluating the psychometric and content characteristics of those panels.


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Users would use the following functions to build an ATA model for assembling MST panels:

  • mst: initiate an ATA model for assembling MST panels.
  • mst_route: add or remove routes from the MST panel design
  • mst_objective: add an absolute or relative objective to the model
  • mst_constraint: add categorical and continuous constraints to the model
  • mst_stage_length: set the limits on the module length in a stage
  • mst_rdp: anchor the TIF intersections between two adjacent modules
  • mst_module_info: set the minimum and/or maximum values of the module information function
  • mst_assemble: assemble MST panels using MIP
  • mst_get_items: retrieve items from the solved ATA model
  • plot: plot the TIF of assembled modules or routes

Use mst(..., method=) to choose between the top-down and the bottomp-up approach. In the top-down appraoch, objectives and constraints are added directly on routes, and thus the indices refers to the route index in the top-down approach and the module index in the bottom-up approach. If needed, use mst_objective(..., method=) and mst_constraint(..., method=) to override the default method in order to implement a hybrid assembly approach.


First, let’s load some packages and write a helper function for generating item pools. By default, the pool includes 400 3PL items, 20 GPCM items, and 20 GRM items. Each item has a categorical item attribute (content area) and a continuous attribute (response time).

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts=FALSE)
library(ggplot2, warn.conflicts=FALSE)

item_pool <- function(types=c('3pl', 'gpcm', 'grm'), n_3pl=400, n_gpcm=20, n_grm=20, seed=987653) {
  items <- model_mixed_gendata(1, n_3pl, n_gpcm, n_grm, n_c=3)$items
  if(n_3pl > 0)
    items$'3pl' <- cbind(items$'3pl', id=1:n_3pl, type='3PL', content=sample(4, n_3pl, replace=TRUE), time=round(rlnorm(n_3pl, 4.0, .28)), group=sort(sample(n_3pl/2, n_3pl, replace=TRUE)))
  if(n_gpcm > 0)
    items$'gpcm' <- cbind(items$'gpcm', id=1:n_gpcm, type='GPCM', content=sample(4, n_gpcm, replace=TRUE), time=round(rlnorm(n_gpcm, 4.0, .28)), group=sort(sample(n_gpcm/2, n_gpcm, replace=TRUE)))
  if(n_grm > 0)
    items$'grm' <- cbind(items$'grm', id=1:n_grm, type='GRM', content=sample(4, n_grm, replace=TRUE), time=round(rlnorm(n_grm, 4.0, .28)), group=sort(sample(n_grm/2, n_grm, replace=TRUE)))
  items[names(items) %in% types]

Example 1: Top-down 1-2 MST

Assemble 2 panels of 1-2 MST using the top-down design approach. Each route includes 40 items, and no item reuse is allowed. Maximize TIF over the [-1.64, 0] for the route 1M-2E and over [0, 1.64] for the route 1M-2H in hopes of covering the regioin [-1.64, 1.64] (90% of the population) jointly with adequate test information.

As for non-statistical constraints, each route is required to have 36 3PL items, 2 GPCM items, and 2 GRM items. Also, each route includes 9 to 11 items in each of the four content domains and has an average response time of 60 +/- 4 seconds per item.

Solve the model using lp_solve under a time limit of 5 minutes.

x <- mst(item_pool(), design='1-2', n_panels=2, method='topdown', test_len=40, max_use=1)
x <- mst_objective(x, seq(-1.64, 0, length.out=3), 'max', indices=1)
x <- mst_objective(x, seq(0,  1.64, length.out=3), 'max', indices=2)
x <- mst_constraint(x, 'type', min=36, max=36, level='3PL')
x <- mst_constraint(x, 'type', min=2, max=2, level='GPCM')
x <- mst_constraint(x, 'type', min=2, max=2, level='GRM')
for(i in 1:4)
  x <- mst_constraint(x, 'content', min=9, max=11, level=i)
x <- mst_constraint(x, 'time', min=56*40, max=64*40)
x <- mst_assemble(x, 'lpsolve', time_limit=60*5)
## the model is sub-optimal, optimum: 9.791 (12.613, 2.822)
# Plot the route information functions
plot(x, byroute=TRUE, label=TRUE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=seq(-1.64, 1.64, length.out=3), linetype=2, color='gray60')

# Plot the module information functions
plot(x, byroute=FALSE, label=TRUE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=seq(-1.64, 1.64, length.out=3), linetype=2, color='gray60')

To achieve a more balanced routing distribution, anchor the TIF intersection of Module 2E and 2M at 0 and solve the model again.

x <- mst_rdp(x, 0, 2:3, tol=.1)
x <- mst_assemble(x, 'lpsolve', time_limit=60*5)
## the model is sub-optimal, optimum: 9.24 (12.57, 3.33)
# Plot the route information functions
plot(x, byroute=TRUE, label=TRUE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=seq(-1.64, 1.64, length.out=3), linetype=2, color='gray60')

# Plot the module information functions
plot(x, byroute=FALSE, label=TRUE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=seq(-1.64, 1.64, length.out=3), linetype=2, color='gray60')

Alternatively, the model can be solved by using GLPK.

x_glpk <- mst_assemble(x, 'glpk', time_limit=60*5)
## time limit exceeded, optimum: 9.227 (13.079, 3.852)
# Plot the route information functions
plot(x_glpk, byroute=TRUE, label=TRUE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=seq(-1.64, 1.64, length.out=3), linetype=2, color='gray60')

# Plot the module information functions
plot(x_glpk, byroute=FALSE, label=TRUE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=seq(-1.64, 1.64, length.out=3), linetype=2, color='gray60')

Examine the distribution of item type, content domain and average response time in each panel and route in the lp_solve solution.

rs <- NULL
for(p in 1:x$n_panels)
  for(i in 1:x$n_routes) {
    items <- mst_get_items(x, panel_ix=p, route_ix=i)
    item_content <- rowSums(sapply(items, function(x) freq(x$content, 1:4)$freq))
    names(item_content) <- paste('content', 1:4, sep='')
    item_type <- unlist(Map(nrow, items))
    item_time <- mean(unlist(sapply(items, function(x) x$time)))
    rs <- rbind(rs, c(panel=p, route=i, item_content, item_type, time=item_time))
##      panel route content1 content2 content3 content4 3pl gpcm grm   time
## [1,]     1     1       11       10        9       10  36    2   2 56.075
## [2,]     1     2       11        9        9       11  36    2   2 57.875
## [3,]     2     1       10       10        9       11  36    2   2 56.300
## [4,]     2     2        9       10       10       11  36    2   2 56.075

Examine the number of items in each module.

Map(function(x) mutate(x, module=paste(stage, label, sep='')) %>% 
  select(id, panel, module, type), x$items) %>%
  Reduce(rbind, .) %>% group_by(panel, module) %>%
  summarise(n=n(), n_3pl=sum(type=='3PL'), n_gpcm=sum(type=='GPCM'), n_grm=sum(type=='GRM')) %>%
##   panel module  n n_3pl n_gpcm n_grm
## 1     1     1M 35    33      1     1
## 2     1     2E  5     3      1     1
## 3     1     2H  5     3      1     1
## 4     2     1M 16    14      0     2
## 5     2     2E 24    22      2     0
## 6     2     2H 24    22      2     0

Let’s simulate the administration of these assembled two MST panels to 3,000 students drawn from the standard normal distribution. After finishing Stage 1, students are routed to Stage 2 using a fixed point theta=0.

true_t <- rnorm(3000, 0, 1)
sims <- Map(function(t) mst_sim(x, t, rdp=list('stage2'=0)), true_t)
rs <- Map(function(xx) {
  cbind(true=xx$true, est=xx$theta, panel=xx$admin$'3pl'$panel[1], se=xx$stats$se[x$n_stages], info=xx$stats$info[x$n_stages],
        route=x$module[xx$stats$route, c('stage', 'label')] %>% apply(., 1, paste, collapse='') %>% paste(., collapse='-'),
}, sims) %>% Reduce(rbind, .) %>% data.frame(., stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rs$true <- as.numeric(rs$true) %>% round(., 4)
rs$est <- as.numeric(rs$est) %>% round(., 4)
rs$info <- as.numeric(rs$info) %>% round(., 4)
rs$se <- as.numeric(rs$se) %>% round(., 4)
rs$n_items <- as.integer(rs$n_items)
rs$panel <- paste('Panel', rs$panel)

# Panel usage
freq(rs$panel) %>% mutate(perc=round(perc, 2), cum_perc=round(cum_perc, 2))
##     value freq perc cum_freq cum_perc
## 1 Panel 1 1463 0.49     1463     0.49
## 2 Panel 2 1537 0.51     3000     1.00
# Route usage
freq(rs$route) %>% mutate(perc=round(perc, 2), cum_perc=round(cum_perc, 2))
##   value freq perc cum_freq cum_perc
## 1 1M-2E 1915 0.64     1915     0.64
## 2 1M-2H 1085 0.36     3000     1.00
# Compare true and estimated thetas
with(rs, c(corr=cor(true, est), rmse=rmse(true, est))) %>% round(., 2)
## corr rmse 
## 0.96 0.27
mutate(rs, lb=est-1.96*se, ub=est+1.96*se) %>%
  ggplot(aes(true, est, ymin=lb, ymax=ub, color=route)) +
  geom_linerange(color='skyblue',alpha=.5) + geom_point(alpha=.5) + facet_wrap(~panel) +
  xlab(expression(paste('True ', theta))) + ylab(expression(paste('Estimated ', theta))) +
  theme_bw() + scale_color_discrete(guide=guide_legend('Routes'))

Example 2: Bottom-up 1-3 MST

Assemble 2 panels of 1-3 MST using the bottom-up design approach. Each module includes 20 items so that each route has 40 items, and no item reuse is allowed. Maximize TIF over the [-1.96, -0.65] for the easy route (1M-2E), over [-0.65, 0.65] for the moderate route (1M-2M), and over [0.65, 1.96] for the hard route (1M-2H). Together, the central region of the scale from -1.96 to 1.96 which includes 95% of the populatoin is supplied with high test information.

In addition, each module is required to comply with the following constraints:

  • 15 3PL items, 2 to 3 GPCM items, and 2 to 3 GRM items
  • 4 to 6 items in each of the four content domains
  • 56 to 64 seconds of response time per item

The model is solved using lp_solve under a time limit of 5 minutes.

x <- mst(item_pool(), design='1-3', n_panels=2, method='bottomup', test_len=20, max_use=1)
x <- mst_objective(x, seq(-.65, .65, length.out=3), 'max', indices=c(1,3))
x <- mst_objective(x, seq(-1.96, -0.65, length.out=3), 'max', indices=2)
x <- mst_objective(x, seq(0.65, 1.96, length.out=3), 'max', indices=4)
x <- mst_constraint(x, 'type', min=15, max=15, level='3PL')
x <- mst_constraint(x, 'type', min=2, max=3, level='GPCM')
x <- mst_constraint(x, 'type', min=2, max=3, level='GRM')
for(i in 1:4)
  x <- mst_constraint(x, 'content', min=4, max=6, level=i)
x <- mst_constraint(x, 'time', min=56*20, max=64*20)
x <- mst_assemble(x, 'lpsolve', time_limit=60*5)
## the model is sub-optimal, optimum: 4.012 (7.436, 3.424)
# Plot the route functions
plot(x, byroute=TRUE, label=TRUE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=seq(-1.96, 1.96, length.out=3), linetype=2, color='gray60')

# Plot the module information functions
plot(x, byroute=FALSE, label=TRUE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=seq(-1.96, 1.96, length.out=3), linetype=2, color='gray60')

Examine the compliance of the solution with the content constraints.

Map(function(x) mutate(x, module=paste(stage, label, sep='')) %>% 
  select(id, panel, module, type, content, time), x$items) %>%
  Reduce(rbind, .) %>% group_by(panel, module) %>%
  summarise(n=n(), n_3pl=sum(type=='3PL'), n_gpcm=sum(type=='GPCM'), n_grm=sum(type=='GRM'), 
            time=round(mean(time), 2), content1=sum(content==1), content2=sum(content==2), 
            content3=sum(content==3), content4=sum(content==4)) %>%
##   panel module  n n_3pl n_gpcm n_grm  time content1 content2 content3
## 1     1     1M 20    15      3     2 58.80        6        6        4
## 2     1     2E 20    15      3     2 56.65        5        4        6
## 3     1     2H 20    15      3     2 59.60        5        4        6
## 4     1     2M 20    15      2     3 58.70        6        4        6
## 5     2     1M 20    15      2     3 56.15        6        4        4
## 6     2     2E 20    15      3     2 56.55        4        6        4
## 7     2     2H 20    15      2     3 57.90        6        4        4
## 8     2     2M 20    15      2     3 57.50        5        4        6
##   content4
## 1        4
## 2        5
## 3        5
## 4        4
## 5        6
## 6        6
## 7        6
## 8        5

After test assembly, administer the panels to 3,000 students drawn from the standard normal distribution using the maximum information routing rule.

true_t <- rnorm(3000, 0, 1)
sims <- Map(function(t) mst_sim(x, t), true_t)
rs <- Map(function(xx) {
  cbind(true=xx$true, est=xx$theta, panel=xx$admin$'3pl'$panel[1], se=xx$stats$se[x$n_stages], info=xx$stats$info[x$n_stages],
        route=x$module[xx$stats$route, c('stage', 'label')] %>% apply(., 1, paste, collapse='') %>% paste(., collapse='-'),
}, sims) %>% Reduce(rbind, .) %>% data.frame(., stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rs$true <- as.numeric(rs$true) %>% round(., 4)
rs$est <- as.numeric(rs$est) %>% round(., 4)
rs$info <- as.numeric(rs$info) %>% round(., 4)
rs$se <- as.numeric(rs$se) %>% round(., 4)
rs$panel <- as.integer(rs$panel)
rs$n_items <- as.integer(rs$n_items)

# Panel usage
freq(rs$panel) %>% mutate(perc=round(perc, 2), cum_perc=round(cum_perc, 2))
##   value freq perc cum_freq cum_perc
## 1     1 1517 0.51     1517     0.51
## 2     2 1483 0.49     3000     1.00
# Route usage
freq(rs$route) %>% mutate(perc=round(perc, 2), cum_perc=round(cum_perc, 2))
##   value freq perc cum_freq cum_perc
## 1 1M-2E  730 0.24      730     0.24
## 2 1M-2H  756 0.25     1486     0.50
## 3 1M-2M 1514 0.50     3000     1.00
# Compare true and estimated thetas
with(rs, c(corr=cor(true, est), rmse=rmse(true, est))) %>% round(., 2)
## corr rmse 
## 0.97 0.25
mutate(rs, lb=est-1.96*se, ub=est+1.96*se) %>%
  ggplot(aes(true, est, ymin=lb, ymax=ub, color=route)) +
  geom_linerange(color='skyblue', alpha=.5) + geom_point(alpha=.5) + facet_wrap(~panel) +
  xlab(expression(paste('True ', theta))) + ylab(expression(paste('Estimated ', theta))) +
  theme_bw() + scale_color_discrete(guide=guide_legend('Routes'))

Example 3: Top-down 1-2-3 MST with Reused Items

Assemble 2 panels of 1-2-3 MST using the top-down approach. Two routes with capricious ability change (1M-2E-3H & 1M-2H-3E) are blocked. Items are allowed to be used up to four times. Each route needs to meet the following criteria:

  • Maximize TIF over [-1.96, -0.64] for the easy route (1M-2E-3E), over [-0.64, 0.64] for the moderate routes (1M-2E-3M & 1M-2H-3M), and over [0.64, 1.96] for the hard route (1M-2H-3H)
  • Include a total of 40 items
  • 34 to 38 3PL items, 1 to 3 GPCM items, and 1 to 3 GRM items
  • 8 to 12 items in each of the four content domains
  • 56 to 64 seconds of response time per item

To yield decent routing accuracy, the first two stages are required to include at least 8 items. The model is solved by lp_solve under a time limit of 5 minutes.

x <- mst(item_pool(), design='1-2-3', n_panels=2, method='topdown', test_len=40, max_use=4)
x <- mst_route(x, c(1, 2, 6), "-")
x <- mst_route(x, c(1, 3, 4), "-")
x <- mst_objective(x, seq(-1.96, -0.64, length.out=3), 'max', indices=1)
x <- mst_objective(x, seq(-0.64,  0.64, length.out=3), 'max', indices=2:3)
x <- mst_objective(x, seq( 0.64,  1.96, length.out=3), 'max', indices=4)
x <- mst_constraint(x, 'type', min=34, max=38, level='3PL')
x <- mst_constraint(x, 'type', min=1, max=3, level='GPCM')
x <- mst_constraint(x, 'type', min=1, max=3, level='GRM')
for(i in 1:4)
  x <- mst_constraint(x, 'content', min=8, max=12, level=i)
x <- mst_constraint(x, 'time', min=56*40, max=64*40)
x <- mst_stage_length(x, 1:2, min=8)
x <- mst_assemble(x, 'lpsolve', time_limit=60*5)
## the model is sub-optimal, optimum: 8.258 (12.837, 4.579)
# Plot the route information functions
plot(x, byroute=TRUE, label=TRUE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=seq(-1.96, 1.96, length.out=3), linetype=2, color='gray60')

# Plot the module information functions
plot(x, byroute=FALSE, label=TRUE) +
  geom_vline(xintercept=seq(-1.96, 1.96, length.out=3), linetype=2, color='gray60')

Examine the compliance of the assembly results with the content constraints.

rs <- NULL
for(p in 1:x$n_panels)
  for(i in 1:x$n_routes) {
    items <- mst_get_items(x, panel_ix=p, route_ix=i)
    item_content <- rowSums(sapply(items, function(x) freq(x$content, 1:4)$freq))
    names(item_content) <- paste('content', 1:4, sep='')
    item_type <- unlist(Map(nrow, items))
    item_time <- mean(unlist(sapply(items, function(x) x$time)))
    rs <- rbind(rs, c(panel=p, route=i, item_content, item_type, time=item_time))
##      panel route content1 content2 content3 content4 3pl gpcm grm   time
## [1,]     1     1        9       10        9       12  35    3   2 56.450
## [2,]     1     2        9        8       12       11  36    2   2 60.025
## [3,]     1     3       11       10       10        9  37    2   1 58.400
## [4,]     1     4       11       12        8        9  35    2   3 57.100
## [5,]     2     1       10        8       10       12  35    3   2 56.850
## [6,]     2     2       12       10        9        9  36    2   2 57.500
## [7,]     2     3       12       11        8        9  35    2   3 57.825
## [8,]     2     4       11       10        8       11  37    1   2 57.825
Map(function(x) mutate(x, module=paste(stage, label, sep='')) %>% 
  select(id, panel, module, type), x$items) %>%
  Reduce(rbind, .) %>% group_by(panel, module) %>%
  summarise(n=n(), n_3pl=sum(type=='3PL'), n_gpcm=sum(type=='GPCM'), n_grm=sum(type=='GRM')) %>%
##    panel module  n n_3pl n_gpcm n_grm
## 1      1     1M  9     8      1     0
## 2      1     2E 12    11      0     1
## 3      1     2H 12    12      0     0
## 4      1     3E 19    16      2     1
## 5      1     3H 19    15      1     3
## 6      1     3M 19    17      1     1
## 7      2     1M 13    12      0     1
## 8      2     2E 14    14      0     0
## 9      2     2H 14    13      0     1
## 10     2     3E 13     9      3     1
## 11     2     3H 13    12      1     0
## 12     2     3M 13    10      2     1

Administer the assembled panels to 3,000 students drawn from the standard normal distribution using the maximum information routing rule.

# simulation
true_t <- rnorm(3000, 0, 1)
sims <- Map(function(t) mst_sim(x, t), true_t)
rs <- Map(function(xx) {
  cbind(true=xx$true, est=xx$theta, panel=xx$admin$'3pl'$panel[1], se=xx$stats$se[x$n_stages], info=xx$stats$info[x$n_stages],
        route=x$module[xx$stats$route, c('stage', 'label')] %>% apply(., 1, paste, collapse='') %>% paste(., collapse='-'),
}, sims) %>% Reduce(rbind, .) %>% data.frame(., stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rs$true <- as.numeric(rs$true) %>% round(., 4)
rs$est <- as.numeric(rs$est) %>% round(., 4)
rs$info <- as.numeric(rs$info) %>% round(., 4)
rs$se <- as.numeric(rs$se) %>% round(., 4)
rs$panel <- as.integer(rs$panel)
rs$n_items <- as.integer(rs$n_items)

# Panel usage
freq(rs$panel) %>% mutate(perc=round(perc, 2), cum_perc=round(cum_perc, 2))
##   value freq perc cum_freq cum_perc
## 1     1 1532 0.51     1532     0.51
## 2     2 1468 0.49     3000     1.00
# Route usage
freq(rs$route) %>% mutate(perc=round(perc, 2), cum_perc=round(cum_perc, 2))
##      value freq perc cum_freq cum_perc
## 1 1M-2E-3E  632 0.21      632     0.21
## 2 1M-2E-3M 1169 0.39     1801     0.60
## 3 1M-2H-3H  221 0.07     2022     0.67
## 4 1M-2H-3M  978 0.33     3000     1.00
# Compare true and estimated thetas
with(rs, c(corr=cor(true, est), rmse=rmse(true, est))) %>% round(., 2)
## corr rmse 
## 0.96 0.26
mutate(rs, lb=est-1.96*se, ub=est+1.96*se) %>%
  ggplot(aes(true, est, ymin=lb, ymax=ub, color=route)) +
  geom_linerange(color='skyblue', alpha=.5) + geom_point(alpha=.5) + facet_wrap(~panel) +
  xlab(expression(paste('True ', theta))) + ylab(expression(paste('Estimated ', theta))) +
  theme_bw() + scale_color_discrete(guide=guide_legend('Routes'))

Example 4: Use the hybrid assembly approach

Assemble 2 panels of 1-3 MST using a hybrid assembly approach that sets constraints on routes but test information functions on modules. In particular, module 1M is required to have a flat TIF of 6 over the region from -1.28 to 1.28, module 2E, 2M, and 2H to hit the TIF target of 8 at -1.28, 0, and 1.28 respectively. Additionally, each route is required to have 4 to 6 items in each content domain and 20 items in total.

x <- mst(item_pool(), '1-3', n_panels=2, method='topdown', test_len=20, max_use=1)
x <- mst_objective(x, seq(-1.28, 1.28, length.out=3), target=6, indices=1, method='bottomup')
x <- mst_objective(x, -1.28, target=8, indices=2, method='bottomup')
x <- mst_objective(x,     0, target=8, indices=3, method='bottomup')
x <- mst_objective(x,  1.28, target=8, indices=4, method='bottomup')
for(i in 1:4)
  x <- mst_constraint(x, 'content', min=4, max=6, level=i)
x <- mst_assemble(x, 'lpsolve', time_limit=30)
## the model is sub-optimal, optimum: 1.869 (0.988, 0.881)
# plot the route information functions
plot(x, byroute=FALSE, label=TRUE)

# plot the module information functions
plot(x, byroute=TRUE, label=TRUE)

# check the content distribution
rs <- NULL
for(p in 1:x$n_panels)
  for(r in 1:x$n_routes){
    x_items <- mst_get_items(x, panel_ix=p, route_ix=r)
    x_content <- Map(function(x) if(is.null(x)) rep(0, 4) else with(x, freq(content, 1:4)$freq), x_items)
    x_content <- colSums(Reduce(rbind, x_content))
    names(x_content) <- paste('content', 1:4, sep='')
    rs <- rbind(rs, c(panel=p, route=r, x_content))
##      panel route content1 content2 content3 content4
## [1,]     1     1        6        6        4        4
## [2,]     1     2        5        5        4        6
## [3,]     1     3        6        5        4        5
## [4,]     2     1        4        6        4        6
## [5,]     2     2        4        6        4        6
## [6,]     2     3        4        6        4        6

Getting help

If you encounter a bug, please post a code example that exposes the bug on github. You can post your questions and feature requests on github or to the author.


Assemble and Simulate multistage testing in R






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