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Parallelizable Shampine-Gordon ODE solver Build status

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Solves a general system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) using an algorithm by L. F. Shampine and M. K. Gordon:

y′(t) = f(t, y(t))

The code was originally translated from the Netlib version with the aid of f2c.


Download the latest tarball and run:

make PREFIX=/usr/local install

Replace /usr/local (the default PREFIX) with wherever you want it to be installed. Afterward, the library will be installed to $PREFIX/lib/ and the header files will be installed to $PREFIX/include/sg_ode/.

Arch Linux users can use the PKGBUILD script instead.


To include the headers in your source code, write:

#include <sg_ode/ode.h>

Be sure that $PREFIX/include is part of your header search path (-I $PREFIX/include).

To link with the library, pass -l sgode and make sure $PREFIX/lib is part of your library search path (-L $PREFIX/include).


The tests/main.c directory provides a generic test driver for integrating ODE equations using this library. It must be linked with either tests/harmonic_oscillator.c, tests/jacobian_elliptic_a.c, or tests/jacobian_elliptic_b.c to create a full program.

Parallelization support

To support parallelization, the algorithm utilizes an abstract vector interface that is sufficiently generic to support single-threaded, multi-threaded, and distributed vector representations without significantly compromising performance. The actual implementations are provided by a vector driver.

To keep the library lightweight and dependency-free, the library comes with only a driver for the trivial vector representation. It should be straightforward to implement a driver for a distributed vector representation for say MPI.

The core of the abstract vector interface lies in a single higher-order function that we have uncreatively named operate. Here is a sketch of its type signature with the boring parts omitted for clarity:

void operate(Accum total,
             void f(Accum subtotal,
                    const Accum input,
                    double data[m][n],
                    size_t n),
             Vector vectors[m],
             size_t m);

The function operate performs a map-like (i.e. element-wise) operation over m vectors followed by a fold (accumulate/reduce) operation over all the elements. The actual operation is specified by f, which performs the desired operation over a set of m subvectors of length n and also accumulates the value of input as well as the value of the subvector elements into the subtotal.
