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U - Understand: Problem: Design a C++ class template that:

  1. Represents a series of a numeric type (either an integer and/or a double).
  2. A typical data object contains lots of duplicates.
  3. A typical data object has no limit to the amount of unique data elements.
  4. Has minimal storage requirements.
  5. Supports O(1) access to statistical data members: mean, standard deviation, min, max. This requires a call to calculation method upon each update operation.
  6. Must support the following methods:
  • calculate_mean: calculate mean of data series, update data member for mean statistic
  • calculate_SD: private; calculate standard deviation of data series, update data member for standard deviation statistic
  • calculate_min: private; calculate min of data series, update data member for min statistic
  • calculate_max: private; calculate max of data series, update data member for max statistic
  • get_ mean: returns the mean value of the current entire data set, must be O(1)
  • get_SD: returns the standard deviation of the current entire data set, must be O(1)
  • get_min: returns the minimum data item in the current entire data set, must be O(1)
  • append: append new data; call methods to update statistic data members
  • removem: (remove duplicates) remove m instances of a given data element only if m is less than the current amount of duplicates n; call methods to update statistic data members
  • empty: delete all data; call methods to update statistic data members
  • feed: append from any standard C++ container that supports iteration; call methods to update statistic data members
  • search: fastest possible search method for the data structure. Must return the location of the first occurrence and the number of occurrences.
  • overloaded array index operator []: access each unique element through an index
  • length_unique: number of unique elements in your data object
  • length_total: total number of elements in your data object
  • unique_set: return all the unique elements as an std::set
  1. Container within class must be one of the linear structures included in the code provided in Canvas: AList, AQueue, AStack, etc.
  2. Two constructors:
  • default: empty data object
  • create by feeding in data items from any standard C++ container

Input considerations:

  • feed method must append data elements from any standard C++ container
  • simple_stat class container only needs to store int or double

M - Match:

  • AList seems to be most suitable container
  • using template T for data member and type for stat data members

P - Plan:

I - Implement:

R - Review:

E - Evaluate:

// From the software distribution accompanying the textbook

// "A Practical Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis,

// Third Edition (C++)" by Clifford A. Shaffer.

// Source code Copyright (C) 2007-2011 by Clifford A. Shaffer."


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