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Minizinc models

Set of problems modelled by using minizinc, that can then be solved by using a constraint solver.

List of problems modelled

Send More Money

An old classic toy problem. The goal is to find an assignment of each letter into a number (from 1 to 9) in such a way that the following math expression holds:


Latin square

The classic latin square problem, with numbers instead of letters. Given a N x N, populate the square with numbers from 1 to N in such a way that in each row and column the numbers are all different

Magic square

Given a N x N, populate the square with numbers from 1 to NxN in such a way that:

  • All numbers are different (e.g. use all numbers from 1 to NxN)
  • The sum of all numbers in the rows and columns and the 2 diagonals must be the same.


Not much to explain here. Note that this is very similar to the latin square problem.



  • number of courses
  • number of timeslot in a week
  • number of rooms

and given constraints:

  • Courses in conflicts (courses that cannot be run at the same time)
  • Courses availability
  • Timeslots needed for each course (e.g. number of hours per week that each course needs)

Find a valid schedule for the courses over the timeslots.

Encode generator

The problem is to find an encode for a set of words such that a minimum hamming distance is always granted.

In details, the input of this models consists in:

  • the desired length of each encoded word
  • the number of words that we want to encode
  • the minimum hamming distance that we want between words

Haplotype inference by pure parsimony

Given a set of genotypes, the problem is to find the minimum set H = {set of haplotypes} such that the genotype set is explained by H

Protein structure prediction

A slightly simplified version of the protein structure prediction problem.

Given a protein as a list of amino acids (only 2 types of amino acids are allowed in this model = {0,1}) predict the shape of the protein in a 2d space.

In general the protein will have a shape that maximize/minimize the energy. We maximize if we consider energy as a positive number and we minimize if we consider energy as a negative number.

Note that the two approaches are totally equivalent.

In our problem we will maximize energy: we add 1 to our energy only if two amino acids are at distance 1 and are both = 1.

Travel Salesman Problem (TSP)

The classic TSP problem: find an Hamiltonian circuit on a given weighted graph

In the example input i've used some cities near my home.

Cumulative Task Scheduling

Classic problem of scheduling multiple jobs/tasks. Each task requires a certain time to be completed, and also requires a certain number of resources/employees.

In this model the input is:

  • Set of tasks: for each task you also need to specify how much time (e.g. hours) is needed and how much resources are needed in order to complete the task
  • Total time available (E.g: total hours available)
  • The total resources available (e.g. The total number of employees of the company)

You can also specify some ordering costraints. For example: Task 1 cannot be executed before the Task 2 is completed.

Then this model can solve these problems:

  • find a schedule that minimizes total time needed
  • find a schedule that minimizes total resources needed
  • find a schedule that minimizes a sort of "total cost": total_time * resources


Set of problems solved using a constraint solver







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