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In this repository I'll try to assemble every project I make from the Frontend Mentor. The decision to do in thi way, is because this project is only for me to pratice and my Git was become a little ugly as I update more and more repositories from my classes.

Note (05 ago 23): I studied about git workflow, and take some references in Atlassian, so I'll start to put my projects in different branchs to match with what I'm registranting in my Trello (I thought to use software JIRA as I'm studying about the methodologies Kanban and Scum, but my computer didn't handled to open Figma, JIRA, VScode and others thngs at the same time)

Table of projects


Markdown editor web application.


  • BD: PostgreSQL
  • Back: Node, Express, Docker, Typescript
  • Front: Angular, Typescript, Sass

Frontend quiz app

Quizz app about web development, thtat test the user and return a final score.

Technologies: React, ViteJS, Typescript, Sass

Typemaster pre-launch

Landing page for presentation of Typemaster Keyboard

Technologies: React, ViteJS, Typescript, Sass


Project using the Github User search API

Technologies: React, ViteJS, Typescript, Sass

Art Gallery

This is a two-parte art gallery project with interesting layout design integrated with leafletjs to the map in second page

Technologies: ViteJs, JavaScript, Sass

Developer Portfolio

This is a portfolio site made with React in NextJS, TyperScript, basic of JS for the form validation.

Technologies: Typesript, React, HTML

BMI Calculator

This body mass calculator index (BMI) tool will be fun to build, testing your layout, JS and HTML from skills.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, SASS and JavaScript

Pod Request

This project is a early access landing page that includes a custom form validation.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, SASS and JavaScript


This project I still my development with SASS and mobile-first workflow, changing order of the elements when changes the device

Technologies: HTML, CSS and SASS


In this project I continue my development with the mobile-first workflow and give a try to SASS.

Technologies: HTML, CSS and SASS

Skilled Learning

In this project I continue my development with the mobile-first workflow and give a try to SASS with the content of the Youtube Channel Matheus Battisti - Hora de Codar.

Technologies: HTML & CSS

Result Sumary

It was easy compared to the lastone, but I took 6 hours in this project. 4 hours was just studying how to fetch data from json and trying ways to use that data inside the HTML. Was a good test and I'm glad this was just a component, because I could make up for the time I wasted studying JS. The mainly content that I used for understand how works the Fetch was from these Youtube Channels dcode and The coding train.

Technologies: HTML & CSS


At this project I had to became intimate with positions as relative and absolute, how create ellipse shape forms and organize the page to have differents kind of layout while the device changes. Here I tryed a new approach (for me) with the concepts of Mobile first that I'm learning with The Net Ninja. This project is kind a pratice for html and css, at the same time I used this as a opportunity to learn a new approach to code.

Technologies: HTML & CSS

Hope you enjoy it!