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Nuxtjs User Device information npm (scoped with tag)

user Device information for Nuxt.js based on bowser

📖 Release Notes


  • Add nuxtjs-device dependency using npm to your project
npm install nuxtjs-device --save
  • Add nuxtjs-device to the modules section of your nuxt.config.js file
  modules: ['nuxtjs-device'];


nuxtjs-device detect all of user device/browser information. You can use this module with $device insntant.


// output
  browser: {
    name: "Firefox",
    version: "78.0",
    touch: false,
    mouse: false,
    ip: ""
  os: {
    name: "Windows",
    version: "NT 10.0",
    versionName: "10"
  platform: {
    type: "desktop",
    vendor: "",
    model: "",
    pwa: false
  engine: {
    name: "Gecko",
    version: "20100101"


You could want to filter some particular browsers to provide any special support for them or make any workarounds. It could look like this:

const isValidBrowser = this.$device.filter({
  // declare browsers per OS
  windows: {
    'internet explorer': '>10'
  macos: {
    safari: '>10.1'

  // per platform (mobile, desktop or tablet)
  mobile: {
    safari: '>=9',
    'android browser': '>3.10'

  // or in general
  chrome: '~20.1.1432',
  firefox: '>31',
  opera: '>=22',

  // also supports equality operator
  chrome: '=20.1.1432', // will match particular build only

  // and loose-equality operator
  chrome: '~20', // will match any 20.* sub-version
  chrome: '~20.1' // will match any 20.1.* sub-version (20.1.19 as well as


  • Clone this repository
  • Install dependencies using yarn install or npm install
  • Start development server using yarn run dev or npm run dev
  • Point your browser to http://localhost:3000


MIT License