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executable file
59 lines (39 loc) · 2.27 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
59 lines (39 loc) · 2.27 KB

Frontend setup

  1. Install Node if not installed
  2. Ensure ./node_modules is in your PATH
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run gulp

Gulp tasks

List available tasks: gulp help

LiveReload (optional)

LiveReload is enabled while gulp watch is active. To use, install the the LiveReload extension for your browser and activate it for the relevant page(s) (in Chrome, click the extension icon when viewing a page).

Linting setup (optional)

Run bundle install (unless scss_lint gem is already available).

Updating live/staging

Run ./update && gulp dist - this does the following:

  1. Stashes changes (if stashable changes exist)
  2. Rebases origin/current branch onto current branch
  3. Applies stashed changes (if changes were stashed)
  4. Runs default gulp task
  5. Versions and minifies CSS/JS

Generating SVG sprites

For each sprite, create the following directory pattern (replacing {spritename} with a URL-friendly ID, e.g. ui or logos):


Inside this nested svg directory, add an .svg file for each icon (with URL-friendly file names). These should be pre-scaled to the size at which they will be used (not vital as they're scalable, but this will help in IE8 when they're replaced with raster graphics)

Add the following @import rule to your Sass: @import "{spritename}/sprite.scss"; (Replacing {spritename} as above)

Run gulp sprites && gulp sass. This generates the SVG sprite + creates a reference HTML file: ./src/sprites/{spritename}/svg/sprite.html (may be useful as an overview of the available icons)

If you add additional .svg files in future, re-run gulp sprites && gulp sass

Using SVG sprites

Use markup similar to:

<i class="icon icon--{spritename}__{iconname}">
	<svg><use xlink:href="/media/images/sprites/{spritename}.svg#{iconname}" xmlns:xlink=""></use></svg>

e.g. If a sprite exists named ui which contains an icon file named logo.svg, the markup to use the logo portion of the sprite would be:

<i class="icon icon--ui__logo">
	<svg><use xlink:href="/media/images/sprites/ui.svg#logo" xmlns:xlink=""></use></svg>