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# #require "preface" ;;

Using Freer to handle effects

Effects handling is always a hot topic. Although it is possible that everything described in this guide will become obsolete as soon as OCaml allows the description of "user-defined effects", as this is not yet in the medium-term roadmap, Preface proposes a naive approach to effects management (to be read as "a final encoding of the separation between effects performance and effects interpretation).

The idea behind the handling of effects in Preface is to cover "user-defined effects", i.e. the ability for the user of the library to describe a set of effects that a program can propagate. This program is in fact "just" a description of a program and it becomes necessary to interpret it, i.e. to execute it by giving a concrete meaning to each of the propagated effects.

In concrete terms, a programme is described denotationally where effects are just descriptions, and the act of interpreting (or handling) these effects amounts to giving them an operational meaning.

This separation offers a small cost of execution but introduces, in our view, large benefits, for example:

  • Effectful program becomes easier to unit test
  • The logic of a program is no longer platform dependent, it is the interpreter that determines the execution platform
  • The effects propagated by a program are reflected in the signature

On the other hand, it is not a panacea, as said above, it introduces costs at runtime and the composition of the programs is not as elegant as that proposed in the original Multicore-OCaml papers. Until this is available, let's not deprive ourselves of Freer to describe pure programs!

The famous example of the teletype (or the "Hello World" of effectful programs)

Although the example may seem a little artificial, it captures the essence of the separation between the description of a program and its interpretation. Let's look at this software:

let () = print_endline "Hello, what's your name?"
let name = read_line ()
let () = print_endline ("Hello " ^ name ^ "! Enjoy this effectful program")

Describing and interpreting operations using an ADT and a list

This program, although very simple, is very complicated to unit test, we could try to transform it into a value and interpret it. First, let's describe the operations of our program, here, the ability to write to the standard output and read the standard input:

type operation =
  | Print of string
  | Read

And we could describe our program as a list of operations:

let program = [
  Print "Hello, what's your name?"
; Read
; Print "Hello, thanks for filling your name..."
; Print "But it's very sad... I don't know how to get it back..."

And to interpret it, you can simply use the iter function:

let run program =
  List.iter (function
    | Print message -> print_endline message
    | Read ->
       (* Normally, here we would use [read_line] but for
          the purposes of this guide, we will just ...
          do nothing. *)
       print_endline "I read something"
  ) program

And now we can run our program!

# run program ;;
Hello, what's your name?
I read something
Hello, thanks for filling your name...
But it's very sad... I don't know how to get it back...
- : unit = ()

Oh yes, it works! program is "pure" and only the run function is impure. But, I left a clue in the program description... how to pass the result of the Read line to the tail of the program? With such a naive approach, this is unfortunately impossible, fortunately, Preface offers a particular monad to describe programs and provide an interpreter.

Describing and interpreting operations using an ADT and Freer

As in the example that did not work, we will first describe the set of operations that we want to be able to perform, I call the type that will describe the io operations, because basically I want to do input and output:

type _ io =
  | Print : string -> unit io
  | Read : string io

Unlike our first proposal (the one that didn't work) the type of our operations is parameterised. This parameter corresponds to the "normal form" of our program. Now we will derive, using Freer monad all the necessary piping to describe pure programs! A freer monad is a monad built on top of a type:

module IO = Preface.Make.Freer_monad.Over (struct
  type 'a t = 'a io

We now need to lift our constructors (Print and Read) into functions that will be of type 'a IO.t, for this I can use the perform function freshly derived from the construction of our Freer Monad. For convenience, I will describe them directly in the IO module.

module IO = struct
  include Preface.Make.Freer_monad.Over (struct
     type 'a t = 'a io

   let print message = perform (Print message)
   let read = perform Read

Now we have all the ingredients to rewrite our program! To be as close as possible to my original description, I'll use let operators. And yes, since the description of a program is of type a IO.t (which is a monad) we have to use bind to sequence our operations. Fortunately, operators allow us to get syntactically closer to a direct style.

let program =
  let open IO.Monad.Syntax in
  let* () = IO.print "Hello, what's your name?" in
  let* name = in
  IO.print ("Hello " ^ name ^ "! Enjoy this program")

As you can see, the programme is very similar to the one we wrote at the beginning of the guide. However, it does nothing!

# program ;;
- : unit IO.t = IO.Bind (Print "Hello, what's your name?", <fun>)

Although we don't care about the value of our program here, we can see that its type is unit IO.t.

Let's interpret the program

Now that we have a program description, let's write the run function, which previously was just applying the iter function to our list of operations.

The IO module exposes a run function which takes a handler and a program as arguments. This handler will interpret each of our effects, propagated by our program, for example:

let run program =
  let handler : type a. (a, 'b) IO.handle =
    fun resume -> function
      | Print message ->
        let () = print_endline message in
        resume ()
      | Read ->
         (* As before, here I should call the [read_line] but
            for the purposes of the demonstration I will assume
            that [read_line] returns "Xavier" all the time. *)
         resume "Xavier"
    in { handler } program

Gee, what madness quantification, and yes, an handler takes as argument a continuation and an effect to be interpreted. Fortunately, it is generally always the same anotation that should be written. For example, in the code of Wordpress (a static blog generator written using Preface), we can see that the anotation is approximately the same, even though it has many more effects than our example.

Let us look at the interpretation of our program:

# run program ;;
Hello, what's your name?
Hello Xavier! Enjoy this program
- : unit = ()

Superb, everything works as planned!

This way of separating the description of the programme from its interpretation brings many benefits. From my point of view, the biggest benefit is the ease of writing unit tests for effect programs. For example, once again borrowing an example from WordPress (damn... that name), a complete filesystem is mocked, only by providing another interpreter/handler, so that you never have to query the real filesystem.

Main difference with first-class-modules

This approach to interpreting effects posteriorly is a kind of dependencies injection. It's hard not to wonder why we didn't just use first-class modules, isn't it? For example, define our effects, as dependencies, in a module type:

module type IO = sig
  val print : string -> unit
  val read : unit -> string

And now, let's define our program as "taking as argument" a module respecting this signature:

let program_aux (module D : IO) =
  let () = D.print "Hello, what's your name?" in
  let name = () in
  D.print ("Hello " ^ name ^ "! Enjoy this program")

The interpretation of the program seems more natural:

module IO_mod = struct
  let print = print_endline
  let read () =
     (* As before, here I should call the [read_line] but
        for the purposes of the demonstration I will assume
        that [read_line] returns "Xavier" all the time. *)

And as we can see, the result looks exactly the same:

# program_aux (module IO_mod) ;;
Hello, what's your name?
Hello Xavier! Enjoy this program
- : unit = ()

So why bother handling complicated objects that generate complex quantifications? Well, because the description of the effects using a Freer Monad is more "powerful". The execution of the run function highlights the fact that the handler function takes two arguments:

  • in second place, the effect to be interpreted
  • in first position: the captured continuation

This continuation allows the handler to decide whether to continue the execution of the program or not. This makes it possible to define handlers capable of simulating specific behaviour, often encoded as special cases of the language. For example the try/catch exception construct found in many languages.

In addition to the ability to let the handler decide whether or not it wants to continue execution, as a program described using Freer is a monad, it is possible to take advantage of all the benefits of its monadic behaviour, e.g. traversing lists of program effects to reduce them to a single list effect (for example).

In this section, higher-order modules were presented as a restricted form of effect handler, where the handler always resumes the programme. This observation also applies to Functors (parameterised modules), of course.


Freer monad offers an alternative to first class modules for dependency injection, while adding the ability to continue, or not, the execution of the program. Even if it doesn't allow to apply an equational reasoning like the "real algebraic effects" described in the various publications related to the development of "Multicore OCaml", their API allows to get close to it. And the use of let operators makes it possible to write programs in a style close to the direct style.

Controlling the continuation of the programme offers a lot of flexibility, however, it can cause problems when using linear resources (a file handler for example). A linear resource should always be passed to the handler so that not resuming the continuation allows the resource to be properly closed, and passed to the continuation to avoid memory leaks.