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Implementation of Firestore data model and query semantics as a PostgreSQL extension.

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An exploration to build a Firestore semantics query engine as a PostgreSQL extension.


  • pgrx: a framework that enables PostgreSQL extension development in Rust
  • A Rust toolchain (rustc & cargo)
  • PostgreSQL

Getting Started

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Build and run the extension and get dropped into a psql session
cargo pgrx run
psql (13.11)
Type "help" for help.

pgfirestore=# drop extension pgfirestore cascade; create extension pgfirestore;

pgfirestore=# SELECT * FROM fs_documents;
                    reference                    |                                          properties
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/1"}         | {"type":"MAP","value":{"bar":{"type":"NUMBER","value":0},"foo":{"type":"NUMBER","value":0}}}
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/1/posts/1"} | {"type":"MAP","value":{"bar":{"type":"NUMBER","value":1},"foo":{"type":"NUMBER","value":1}}}
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/1/posts/2"} | {"type":"MAP","value":{"bar":{"type":"NUMBER","value":2},"foo":{"type":"NUMBER","value":2}}}
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/2"}         | {"type":"MAP","value":{"foo":{"type":"NUMBER","value":2}}}
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/3"}         | {"type":"MAP","value":{"foo":{"type":"NUMBER","value":3}}}
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/4"}         | {"type":"MAP","value":{"foo":{"type":"NUMBER","value":4}}}
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/5"}         | {"type":"MAP","value":{"foo":{"type":"NUMBER","value":5}}}
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/posts/1"}         | {"type":"MAP","value":{"link":{"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/1/posts/1"}}}
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/posts/2"}         | {"type":"MAP","value":{"link":{"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/1/posts/2"}}}
(9 rows)

pgfirestore=# SELECT * FROM fs_collection_group('posts');
                    reference                    |                                          properties
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/1/posts/1"} | {"type":"MAP","value":{"bar":{"type":"NUMBER","value":1},"foo":{"type":"NUMBER","value":1}}}
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/1/posts/2"} | {"type":"MAP","value":{"bar":{"type":"NUMBER","value":2},"foo":{"type":"NUMBER","value":2}}}
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/posts/1"}         | {"type":"MAP","value":{"link":{"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/1/posts/1"}}}
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/posts/2"}         | {"type":"MAP","value":{"link":{"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/1/posts/2"}}}
(4 rows)

pgfirestore=# SELECT * FROM fs_collection_group('posts') WHERE properties->'foo' #>= fs_number_from_integer(2);
                    reference                    |                                          properties
 {"type":"REFERENCE","value":"/users/1/posts/2"} | {"type":"MAP","value":{"bar":{"type":"NUMBER","value":2},"foo":{"type":"NUMBER","value":2}}}
(1 row)

Run cargo pgrx schema to list the set of SQL objects defined by the pgfirestore extension

Data Model

pgfirestore stores all data in a table named fs_documents with the following schema:

CREATE TABLE fs_documents (
    reference fsvalue PRIMARY KEY,
    properties fsvalue
    CONSTRAINT valid_document_key CHECK (fs_is_valid_document_key(reference))
    CONSTRAINT valid_document_properties CHECK (fs_is_valid_document_properties(properties))

Since this is meant only as a simple query engine with no performance expectations, no secondary indexes are defined.

Firestore has a hierachical data model and supports structured queries on collection and collection groups. This is supported in pgfirestore using two custom table-valued functions:

  • fs_collection(parent fsvalue, collection_id text): returns a table consisting of all collection_id documents rooted under parent.
  • fs_collection_group(collection_id text): returns a table consisting of all collection_id documents rooted under the database root

Data Types

pgfirestore extends PostgreSQL by defining a new fsvalue type supporting the same set of data types as firestore with the same type ordering.


The in-memory and on-disk representation uses Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR), which comes out of the box in pgrx by deriving the serde::Serialize and serde::Deserialize trait.

Any PostgreSQL custom data type can optionally implements an input_function and an output_function for converting from and to an external textual representation for use in SQL queries (reference). pgfirestore uses JSON for textual representation of its data types with a custom schema:

 Null: {
  type: "NULL",
  value: null,

 Boolean: {
  type: "BOOLEAN",
  value: true,

 Number: {
  type: "NUMBER",
  value: 1,

 Date: {
  type: "DATE",
  value: 1

 String: {
  type: "STRING",
  value: "hello world"

 Bytes: {
  type: "BYTES",
  value: "0x1234"

 Reference: {
  type: "REFERENCE",
  value: "/users/1"

 Geo point: {
  type: "GEOPOINT",
  value: [1.0, 2.0]

 Array: {
  type: "ARRAY",
  value: [object]

 Map: {
  type: "MAP",
  value: object

Custom Functions

  • fs_null: constructs a SQL value with type fsvalue representing a Firestore NULL value
  • fs_nan: constructs a SQL value with type fsvalue representing a Firestore NAN value
  • fs_boolean(bool): constructs a SQL value with type fsvalue representing a Firestore boolean value
  • fs_number_from_integer(integer): constructs a SQL value with type fsvalue representing a Firestore number value
    • fs_number_from_double(double precision): constructs a SQL value with type fsvalue representing a Firestore number value
  • fs_string(text): constructs a SQL value with type fsvalue representing a Firestore string value
  • fs_reference(text): constructs a SQL value with type fsvalue representing a Firestore reference value
  • fs_array(ARRAY[fsvalue]): constructs a SQL value with type fsvalue representing a Firestore array value
  • fs_map_from_entries(ARRAY[text], ARRAY[fsvalue]): constructs a SQL value with type fsvalue representing a shallow Firestore map value

Custom Operators

The defailt comparison operators (<, >, <=, etc) on fsvalue implements Firestore type ordering with support for cross-type comparison. On the other hand, Firestore query operators (except for !=) compare only within type. To support this type of comparison, pgfirestore implements custom comparison operators #<, #>, #<=, #>=, #= and #!= with the same query semantics.

A document in Firestore is a map with arbitrary level of nesting. To retrieve a property of a document, pgfirestore supports a custom -> operator.


In no particular order:

  • Implement Firestore rules with triggers
  • Implement Date and GeoPoint data type
  • Investigate if there is a way in pgrx to declare a pg function that takes references of fsvalue instead of an owned value
  • Fix misc method signature issues (borrow by reference where possible)


Implementation of Firestore data model and query semantics as a PostgreSQL extension.







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