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Brett Florio committed Jul 26, 2010
0 parents commit 8b4921c
Showing 1 changed file with 292 additions and 0 deletions.
292 changes: 292 additions & 0 deletions foxycart.cart_validation.php
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
* FoxyCart_Helper
* @author
* @copyright LLC, 2010
* @version
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @example
* Requirements:
* - Form "code" values should not have leading or trailing whitespace.
* - Cannot use double-pipes in an input's name
* - Empty textareas are assumed to be "open"
class FoxyCart_Helper {
* API Key (Secret)
* @var string
private static $secret = 'ENTER YOUR KEY HERE';

* Cart URL
* @var string
// protected static $cart_url = 'https://yourdomain.foxycart.tld/cart';
protected static $cart_url = '';

* Cart Excludes
* Arrays of values and prefixes that should be ignored when signing links and forms.
* @var array
protected static $cart_excludes = array(
// Cart values
'cart', 'fcsid', 'empty', 'coupon', 'output', 'sub_token', 'redirect', 'callback', '_',
// Checkout pre-population values
'customer_email', 'customer_first_name', 'customer_last_name', 'customer_address1', 'customer_address2',
'customer_city', 'customer_state', 'customer_postal_code', 'customer_country', 'customer_phone', 'customer_company',
'shipping_first_name', 'shipping_last_name', 'shipping_address1', 'shipping_address2',
'shipping_city', 'shipping_state', 'shipping_postal_code', 'shipping_country', 'shipping_phone', 'shipping_company',
protected static $cart_excludes_prefixes = array(
'h:', 'x:', '__',

* Debugging
* Set to $debug to TRUE to enable debug logging. This will BREAK the functionality, but will aid in debugging.
protected static $debug = FALSE;
protected static $log = array();

* "Link Method": Generate HMAC SHA256 for GET Query Strings
* Notes: Can't parse_str because PHP doesn't support non-alphanumeric characters as array keys.
* @return string
public static function fc_hash_querystring($qs, $output = TRUE) {
self::$log[] = '<strong>Signing link</strong> with data: '.htmlspecialchars(substr($qs, 0, 150)).'...';
$fail = self::$cart_url.'?'.$qs;

// If the link appears to be hashed already, don't bother
if (strpos($qs, '||')) {
self::$log[] = '<strong>Link appears to be signed already</strong>: '.htmlspecialchars($code[0]);
return $fail;

// Stick an ampersand on the beginning of the querystring to make matching the first element a little easier
$qs = '&'.urldecode($qs);

// Get all the prefixes, codes, and name=value pairs
preg_match_all('%(?P<amp>&(?:amp;)?)(?P<prefix>[a-z0-9]{1,3}:)?(?P<name>[^=]+)=(?P<value>[^&]+)%', $qs, $pairs, PREG_SET_ORDER);
self::$log[] = 'Found the following pairs to sign:<pre>'.htmlspecialchars(print_r($pairs, true)).'</pre>';

// Get all the "code" values, set the matches in $codes
$codes = array();
foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
if ($pair['name'] == 'code') {
$codes[$pair['prefix']] = $pair['value'];
if ( ! count($codes)) {
self::$log[] = '<strong style="color:#600;">No code found</strong> for the above link.';
return $fail;
self::$log[] = '<strong style="color:orange;">CODES found:</strong> '.htmlspecialchars(print_r($codes, true));

// Sign the name/value pairs
foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
// Skip the cart excludes
if (in_array($pair['name'], self::$cart_excludes) || in_array($pair['prefix'], self::$cart_excludes_prefixes)) {
self::$log[] = '<strong style="color:purple;">Skipping</strong> the reserved parameter or prefix "'.$pair['prefix'].$pair['name'].'" = '.$pair['value'];

// Continue to sign the value and replace the name=value in the querystring with name=value||hash
$value = self::fc_hash_value($codes[$pair['prefix']], $pair['name'], $pair['value'], 'value', FALSE, 'urlencode');
$replacement = $pair['amp'].$pair['prefix'].urlencode($pair['name']).'='.$value;
$qs = str_replace($pair[0], $replacement, $qs);
self::$log[] = 'Signed <strong>'.$pair['name'].'</strong> = <strong>'.$pair['value'].'</strong> with '.$replacement.'.<br />Replacing: '.$pair[0].'<br />With... '.$replacement;
$qs = ltrim($qs, '&'); // Get rid of that leading ampersand we added earlier

if ($output) {
echo self::$cart_url.'?'.$qs;
} else {
return self::$cart_url.'?'.$qs;

* "Form Method": Generate HMAC SHA256 for form elements or individual <input />s
* @return string
public static function fc_hash_value($product_code, $option_name, $option_value = '', $method = 'name', $output = TRUE, $urlencode = false) {
if (!$product_code || !$option_name) {
return FALSE;
if ($option_value == '--OPEN--') {
$hash = hash_hmac('sha256', $product_code.$option_name.$option_value, self::$secret);
$value = ($urlencode) ? urlencode($option_name).'||'.$hash.'||open' : $option_name.'||'.$hash.'||open';
} else {
$hash = hash_hmac('sha256', $product_code.$option_name.$option_value, self::$secret);
if ($method == 'name') {
$value = ($urlencode) ? urlencode($option_name).'||'.$hash : $option_name.'||'.$hash;
} else {
$value = ($urlencode) ? urlencode($option_value).'||'.$hash : $option_value.'||'.$hash;

if ($output) {
echo $value;
} else {
return $value;

* Raw HTML Signing: Sign all links and form elements in a block of HTML
* Accepts a string of HTML and signs all links and forms.
* Requires link 'href' and form 'action' attributes to use 'https' and not 'http'.
* Requires a 'code' to be set in every form.
* @return string
public static function fc_hash_html($html) {
// Initialize some counting
$count['temp'] = 0; // temp counter
$count['links'] = 0;
$count['forms'] = 0;
$count['inputs'] = 0;
$count['lists'] = 0;
$count['textareas'] = 0;

// Find and sign all the links
preg_match_all('%<a .*?href=[\'"]'.preg_quote(self::$cart_url).'(?:\.php)?\?(.+?)[\'"].*?>%i', $html, $querystrings);
// print_r($querystrings);
foreach ($querystrings[1] as $querystring) {
// If it's already signed, skip it.
if (preg_match('%&(?:amp;)?hash=%i', $querystring)) {
$pattern = '%(href=[\'"])'.preg_quote(self::$cart_url, '%').'(?:\.php)?\?'.preg_quote($querystring, '%').'([\'"])%i';
$signed = self::fc_hash_querystring($querystring, FALSE);
$html = preg_replace($pattern, '$1'.$signed.'$2', $html, -1, $count['temp']);
$count['links'] += $count['temp'];

// Find and sign all form values
preg_match_all('%<form [^>]*?action=[\'"]'.preg_quote(self::$cart_url).'(?:\.php)?[\'"].*?>(.+?)</form>%is', $html, $forms);
foreach ($forms[1] as $form) {
self::$log[] = '<strong>Signing form</strong> with data: '.htmlspecialchars(substr($form, 0, 150)).'...';

// Store the original form so we can replace it when we're done
$form_original = $form;

// Check for the "code" input, set the matches in $codes
if (!preg_match_all('%<[^>]*?name=([\'"])([0-9]{1,3}:)?code\1[^>]*?>%i', $form, $codes, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
self::$log[] = '<strong style="color:#600;">No code found</strong> for the above form.';
// For each code found, sign the appropriate inputs
foreach ($codes as $code) {
// If the form appears to be hashed already, don't bother
if (strpos($code[0], '||')) {
self::$log[] = '<strong>Form appears to be signed already</strong>: '.htmlspecialchars($code[0]);
// Get the code and the prefix
$prefix = (isset($code[2])) ? $code[2] : '';
preg_match('%<[^>]*?value=([\'"])(.+?)\1[^>]*?>%i', $code[0], $code);
$code = trim($code[2]);
self::$log[] = '<strong>Prefix for '.htmlspecialchars($code).'</strong>: '.htmlspecialchars($prefix);
if (!$code) { // If the code is empty, skip this form or specific prefixed elements

// Sign all <input /> elements with matching prefix
preg_match_all('%<input [^>]*?name=([\'"])'.preg_quote($prefix).'(?![0-9]{1,3})(?:.+?)\1[^>]*>%i', $form, $inputs);
foreach ($inputs[0] as $input) {
// Test to make sure both name and value attributes are found
if ((preg_match('%name=([\'"])'.preg_quote($prefix).'(?![0-9]{1,3})(.+?)\1%i', $input, $name) > 0) && (preg_match('%value=([\'"])(.+?)\1%i', $input, $value) > 0)) {

self::$log[] = '<strong>INPUT:</strong> Code: <strong>'.$prefix.htmlspecialchars(preg_quote($name[2])).'</strong>';
self::$log[] = '<strong>Replacement Pattern:</strong> ([\'"])'.$prefix.preg_quote($name[2]).'\1';
$input_signed = preg_replace('%([\'"])'.$prefix.preg_quote($name[2]).'\1%', '${1}'.$prefix.self::fc_hash_value($code, $name[2], $value[2], 'name', FALSE)."$1", $input);
self::$log[] = '<strong>INPUT:</strong> Code: <strong>'.htmlspecialchars($prefix.$code).
'</strong> :: Name: <strong>'.htmlspecialchars($prefix.$name[2]).
'</strong> :: Value: <strong>'.htmlspecialchars($value[2]).
'</strong><br />Initial input: '.htmlspecialchars($input).
'<br />Signed: <span style="color:#060;">'.htmlspecialchars($input_signed).'</span>';
$form = str_replace($input, $input_signed, $form);
self::$log[] = '<strong>FORM after INPUTS:</strong> <pre>'.htmlspecialchars($form).'</pre>';

// Sign all <option /> elements
preg_match_all('%<select [^>]*name=([\'"])'.preg_quote($prefix).'(?![0-9]{1,3})(.+?)\1[^>]*>(.+?)</select>%is', $form, $lists, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// echo "\n\nSelects: ".print_r($lists, true);
foreach ($lists as $list) {
preg_match_all('%<option [^>]*value=([\'"])(.+?)\1[^>]*>(?:.*?)</option>%i', $list[0], $options, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// echo "\n\nOptions: ".print_r($options, true);
foreach ($options as $option) {
$option_signed = preg_replace('%([\'"])'.preg_quote($option[2]).'\1%', "$1".self::fc_hash_value($code, $list[2], $option[2], 'value', FALSE)."$1", $option[0]);
$form = str_replace($option[0], $option_signed, $form);
self::$log[] = '<strong>OPTION:</strong> Code: <strong>'.htmlspecialchars($prefix.$code).
'</strong> :: Name: <strong>'.htmlspecialchars($prefix.$list[2]).
'</strong> :: Value: <strong>'.htmlspecialchars($option[2]).
'</strong><br />Initial option: '.htmlspecialchars($option[0]).
'<br />Signed: <span style="color:#060;">'.htmlspecialchars($option_signed).'</span>';
self::$log[] = '<strong>FORM after OPTIONS:</strong> <pre>'.htmlspecialchars($form).'</pre>';

// Sign all <textarea /> elements
preg_match_all('%<textarea [^>]*name=([\'"])'.preg_quote($prefix).'(?![0-9]{1,3})(.+?)\1[^>]*>(.*?)</textarea>%is', $form, $textareas, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// echo "\n\nTextareas: ".print_r($textareas, true);
foreach ($textareas as $textarea) {
// Tackle implied "--OPEN--" first, if textarea is empty
$textarea[3] = ($textarea[3] == '') ? '--OPEN--' : $textarea[3];
$textarea_signed = preg_replace('%([\'"])'.preg_quote($prefix.$textarea[2]).'\1%', "$1".self::fc_hash_value($code, $textarea[2], $textarea[3], 'name', FALSE)."$1", $textarea[0]);
$form = str_replace($textarea[0], $textarea_signed, $form);
self::$log[] = '<strong>TEXTAREA:</strong> Code: <strong>'.htmlspecialchars($prefix.$code).
'</strong> :: Name: <strong>'.htmlspecialchars($prefix.$textarea[2]).
'</strong> :: Value: <strong>'.htmlspecialchars($textarea[3]).
'</strong><br />Initial textarea: '.htmlspecialchars($textarea[0]).
'<br />Signed: <span style="color:#060;">'.htmlspecialchars($textarea_signed).'</span>';
self::$log[] = '<strong>FORM after TEXTAREAS:</strong> <pre>'.htmlspecialchars($form).'</pre>';

// Exclude all <button> elements
$form = preg_replace('%<button ([^>]*)name=([\'"])(.*?)\1([^>]*>.*?</button>)%i', "<button $1name=$2x:$3$4", $form);

// Replace the entire form
self::$log[] = '<strong>FORM after ALL:</strong> <pre>'.htmlspecialchars($form).'</pre>'.'replacing <pre>'.htmlspecialchars($form_original).'</pre>';
$html = str_replace($form_original, $form, $html);
self::$log[] = '<strong>FORM end</strong><hr />';

// Return the signed output
$output = '';
if (self::$debug) {
self::$log['Summary'] = $count['links'].' links signed. '.$count['forms'].' forms signed. '.$count['inputs'].' inputs signed. '.$count['lists'].' lists signed. '.$count['textareas'].' textareas signed.';
$output .= '<h3>FoxyCart HMAC Debugging:</h3><ul>';
foreach (self::$log as $name => $value) {
$output .= '<li><strong>'.$name.':</strong> '.$value.'</li>';
$output .= '</ul><hr />';
return $output.$html;


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