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Crawler Language

This language is conceptual and designed to be.
The mod can be downloaded from the in-game mod browser.
If something does not suit you, create an issue.


The crawler alphabet has 19 letters and no capitals.
a b c d e g h i l m n o p r s t u w y

Some combinations of letters form their own sounds.
th[ð] ph[θ] sh[ʂ] ch[t͡ɕ]

Some signs have their own name and are pronounced in speech.
?[as'] ![vɒu] ;[ɲj]

Word Formation

Everything is simple, there are roots, prefixes and endings, the last two are needed to change the meaning of the word. Prefixes are at the beginning, roots are in the middle, and endings are separated from the root with the sign `. There are only a few endings and prefixes.
e[plural] i[verb] or[occupation] thio[transformation]
al[all] aly[any] no[negation] la[adjective] tha[forced adjective] othe[other] re[repetition] owe[over] ay[self] sau[start of action]
Ending e and thio can be combined with ending or. Ending thio can be used as a noun or verb.

  • ingin - engineering
  • ingin`or - engineer
  • ingin`ore - engineers
  • ingin`i - to engineer
  • ingin`thio - becoming an engineer
  • ingin`thior - mentor engineer
  • otheingin`or - other engineer
  • lamawo - wet
  • thamawo - wetted


Adjectives are formed using the prefixes la and tha, the latter means that the characteristic was given to the subject forcibly.

  • lawuic - fast
  • thasouwl - slowed

If the adjective comes before the word to which it refers, then the prefix la is not put for reasons of space.

  • wuic ayowl dot wuic nim`i
  • wuic ener pharom ayowl

Sentence Formation

Sentences consist of a subject and content parts acting as a predicate, adjective or object. Content parts are separated from the subject by the question they answer.

  • ayowl dot? - what am I doing?
  • ayowl dot drim`i - I sleep.

Sentences are separated by a dot and a particle of time is placed at the end, but for convenience, you can not put a particle of time if the previous sentence has a particle of the same time, or replace it with a content part.

  • ayowl dot drim`i niw . yoy dot spiar`i niw - I am sleeping now. You're talking now.
  • ayowl dot drim`i yet . yoy dot spiar`i - I was asleep. You were talking.
  • ayowl dot drim`i at neybl - I sleep at night.

If there are several content parts in the sentence related to the same subject, then they are separated by a semicolon. Exception - en and ale.

  • ayowl dot wioko`i ma spor niw - the first content part is related to ayowl and the second part is related to wioko
  • adpromet ma medi; arch wuic phur - both parts related to adpromet

There are well-established expressions in the language, i.e. instead of ayowl dot cu`i co yoy niw you can say just cu. Or for example nim nim translates as delicious.


All words and their translation into English. There are quite a few of them because language at an early stage of development.

Personal Pronouns

There is no object case in this language, deal with it.

  • ayowl - i
  • owl - we
  • ayone - he / she
  • one - they
  • yoy - you
  • eto - it

Universal, indefinite and negative pronouns

  • alone - everybody
  • aleto - everything
  • alto - everywhere
  • alat - always
  • alyone - anybody
  • alyeto - anything
  • alyto - anywhere
  • alyat - anytime
  • noone - nobody
  • noeto - nothing
  • noto - nowhere
  • noat - never


  • dot - what doing
  • ma - what / of what
  • ima - what for
  • to - where / where in
  • toi - where to / into
  • at - when
  • ati - while
  • co - who / whom
  • cuth - why / because
  • arch - what it is like / equals / as
  • en - and what
  • ale - but what

Particles of Time

Subordinate clause can be used instead.

  • phur - future
  • niw - present
  • yet - past


Crawlers have a quinary number system.

  • nox - zero
  • ome - one
  • tow - two
  • tie - three
  • nin - four

All Other Words

All words will be in alphabetical order.

adon - addition
adpromet - production
amuno - ammunition
aytem - item

birm - mace / hammer
blaco - coal
boat - bullet
bolt - arc / curve
bron - durability
brum - drill
bumboat - bomd
bumo - explosion

capa - storage / capacity
centarom - core / kernel
clouth - closeness / nearness
con - connection
constict - structure / construction
corupt - disease
cosmo - space
coum - ice
cowo - coldness
crawler - fictional spider-like creatures
cryo - cryofluid
cu - greetings

decons - consumption
deon - removal / deletion
deph - defense
dephomet - fortress
dom - usage
dohil - health
drim - sleep

eclipsol - eclipse
ener - energy
enerion - electricity
eneriothis - electronics
ethe - do / make

genehil - repairing / treatment
genedom - generator
gid - type / kind
god - omnipotence / absolute power
group - group
gud - good / well
gwe - waste / garbage

hemet - chemical substance / element
hemiry - chemistry
hempara - compound
hier - hearing
horaython - horizon

isolayt - insulation
imgur - image
ingin - engineering
inpho - information

lap - plane / flat surface
laymento - flare / flash
layan - sunrise / sunset
layt - light
lengu - language
lio - liquid

magma - magma / slag
magwo - moltenness
manpara - complex
maoma - water
mat - material
mawo - wetness
medi - copper
melo - alloy
mesh - scrap
metal - metal
metio - block
memento - moment
memer - memory
mihathis - machine / mechanism
mila - cuteness
mord - death
morder - murder

nayphl - knife / dagger
new - understanding
newer - knowledge
neybl - night
nim - eat / drink
noami - name
nou - reign / power
noun - stone
noustict - scepter
nowey - advanced / new
noy - no / false

ocey - okay / fine
ocle - atom
thenit - zenith / maximum
omowey - homing

para - part / component
paral - constitute
paralap - panel
parash - fragment
phair - enemy / foe
pharom - fire / flame
phayth - fear
phawo - burness
phou - air
phuil - fuel
phurwo - softness
plast - plastanium
ploil - oil / mineral liquid oily combustible substance
potent - potential
promet - product
pruls - press / pressed
pur - purity / refined
pursh - processing
pul - impulse / impact
pulsol - pulsar

radio - radio
radom - reactor
radsol - quasar
riact - reactivity
riwe - river / stream / flow
routher - router

saynet - kinetics
separay - separation
sey - yes / true
shagl - metaglass
shawer - weapon
shawerity - weaponry
shot - shoot / fire
sili - silicon
slap - sector / region
sol - day cycle
solar - star
souwl - slow
spiar - talk
spor - spore pod
sprey - spraying
standeph - standard / default
stict - stick / beam
supar - sand / fine particles
surs - resource

terv - looseness / friability
thosa - lead
tim - team / faction
titin - titanium
tophi - phase fabric
tori - thorium
trabl - trouble / problem
tramov - transportation
trasprey - distribution
turet - turret

um - mind
unt - unit / unit of measure

walom - wall
wana - a wish / want
wayt - day
wioko - vision
wol - life
wuic - fast