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Social Impact

Know more About Us Objective Mitra is a website that serves as a platform for food donation, shelter homes, and hospitality. The website is designed to connect people who want to donate food or provide shelter to those in need with individuals or organizations that require these services. Through Mitra, users can easily donate excess food or unopened packaged food items to those who are hungry or in need of sustenance. The website also connects individuals or organizations that provide shelter homes for the homeless or those who need temporary housing due to various reasons such as displacement, domestic violence, or natural disasters. Additionally, Mitra also serves as a platform for hospitality, where users can offer to host guests who are in need of temporary accommodation or are traveling for medical treatments or other reasons. The website is easy to navigate and allows users to search for specific types of donations or services in their local areas. Overall, Mitra is a valuable resource for those in need of food, shelter, or hospitality, and for those who want to help by making a difference in their communities.

So this site is made for those peoples who were in Emergency and want help but don't have any knowledge about that location.

This site has three sections:


FOOD DONOR Our main objective for choosing this theme, is to help those poor peoples who were dying from hunger on daily basis. We know that there were many NGO’s ,working for those poor peoples. But lack of communication between the peoples who have excess of food and the NGO’s is the main issue, A piece of bread can also save someone's life.

SHELTER This section provides the data of oldage homes near the entered location.

HOSPITALS This section provides the location and contacts of nearby hospitals. Such that the peoples who were in emegency can easily reach the nearby hospital.