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yOyOeK1 edited this page Feb 10, 2022 · 7 revisions

Small application running on android. Target is to provide sensors from device to use it where you want it.


  • gps
  • accelerometer
  • magnetometer


  • reading gps, accelerometer, magnetometer
  • sending data to mqtt
  • providing simple nmea informations at :19889 tcp. Fix for bug in <5.0 opencpn if you have problem with jumping boat next to .00 of seconds in your location. On new phones I think it's 64 bit arch problem rounding in <5.0 opencpn have bug. Rounding when conversion is made from decimal location no nmea 0182 $xxRMC there is bug. If fractions of seconds in your location is starting from .0054 you will be at .54 location it's happening at latitude and longitude and jump is appearing. This App is making conversion different way and it's hosted at tcp :19889 of the device running this.
  • accelerometer, magnetometer rotation correction (setting and data on mqtt for now)
  • adjustable refresh speed


testing it with oiyshTerminal

I'm assuming that you have finished installation 01 and 02.

next step is to install ySensorsService.apk on device. Idea is that this device will be permanently attache to (in my case boat) so I will have motion on the device the same as the boat. :) Apk file is at main repository in _apk folder get newest version install it at the device. At first start you will have permissions requests. and then main screen will show up. In Mqtt url: set it to your device ip where you have your mosquitto from installation 02

if it's the same device it can be:


press save settings

close the app

turn on your location in android

in termux terminal can by by loging by ssh enter command

$ am broadcast --user 0 -n pl.yoyo.ysensorsservice/.MyBroadcastReceiver -a pl.yoyo.ysensorsservice.intent.START_SERVICE --es socket_output "abc"

it should bring location icon next to clock up. or if you have > 7.0 android it will bring up notification that service is running

to check it enter command in termux

$ mosquitto_sub -t 'and/#' -p 10883 -V mqttv311 -d

it will show messages send by ySensorsService on mqtt layer :) nice !!

CTRL-c will kill process

on different device you can chack tcp layer nmea 0182. on linux in terminal use

@pc$ nc 19889

your ip adreess can be different in install 01 you can find how to get it for yours case.

after executing we will see $YSPING,, and $YSRMC,.... lines !


back to oiyshTerminal. open web brawser and go to yours node-red service for me it's

in top right corner in menu select import. past code:

[ { "id": "21d6c7297be499c4", "type": "mqtt in", "z": "c7355d1ee607eb8f", "name": "", "topic": "and/mag", "qos": "2", "datatype": "auto", "broker": "229c7e793ed13195", "nl": false, "rap": true, "rh": 0, "inputs": 0, "x": 120, "y": 220, "wires": [ [ "7f40ad6242497ea5" ] ] }, { "id": "7f40ad6242497ea5", "type": "function", "z": "c7355d1ee607eb8f", "name": "", "func": "node.status({\n text: \"HDG:\"+msg.payload\n \n});", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 300, "y": 220, "wires": [ [] ] }, { "id": "229c7e793ed13195", "type": "mqtt-broker", "name": "MqttAtLocal", "broker": "localhost", "port": "10883", "clientid": "NRclient", "autoConnect": true, "usetls": false, "protocolVersion": "4", "keepalive": "60", "cleansession": true, "birthTopic": "", "birthQos": "0", "birthPayload": "", "birthMsg": {}, "closeTopic": "", "closeQos": "0", "closePayload": "", "closeMsg": {}, "willTopic": "", "willQos": "0", "willPayload": "", "willMsg": {}, "sessionExpiry": "" } ]

at the bottom select new flow. press import. put nodes on canvas.

at top right press deploy. if all is good you will have:

node pinkish "and/mag" line to node "function" and under it HDG: of your device !


now stop ySensorService by running in termux terminal command

_$ am broadcast --user 0 -n pl.yoyo.ysensorsservice/.MyBroadcastReceiver -a pl.yoyo.ysensorsservice.intent.STOP_SERVICE --es socket_output "abc" _

you will see HDG: under node not updating.

mqtt layer

For now it work only on mqtt layer. It's listen at (clientName)/cmd topic some commands.

ping - to get pong

sensorsEvery:? - get current sensor broadcast every iter

sensorsEvery:10 - 10 is how often it will push sensors to mqtt

magOffset:? - get current magnetic hdg offset

magOffset:10 - set magnetic offset to 10

accelCorrect:? - get current accel rotation correction

accelCorrect:90,0,180 - set correction accel rotation by 90,0,180

more is comming

communication with ySensorService

in directory you can find two sub directories. debug and production both are the same but. Debug is for testing if you want to send command to service from example pc by usb cable by adb. Production is for sending command to ySensorsService from termux or nodeRed. So it's not using adb it's directly sending am broadcast. - TODO not working currently - turn screen on when it's off - make sensors reading really fast (not recommend) - make sensors read slow - make sensors read in standby setting "sensorsEvery:30" is default - start service it's not checking if one instance is working. So it can start many times. Not good. - stop service

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