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MeCab installation

yaaaaashiki edited this page May 5, 2018 · 5 revisions

mecab-ipadic-neologd installation

(At the same time, you can install Mecab on your development environment)

Note before installing

Make sure that main memory is 2.0GB or more before installing

  • If main memory is less, output terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' and then fail to install.
  • In case of virtual machine(via vagrant, ubuntu16.04 64bit), main memory assigned virtual machine is 3072GB so we can install.
  • In case of virtual machine(via vagrant, CentOS 64bit), main memory thst assigned virtual machine is 2048GB so we can install.
  • If you cannot do that, visit following link 「in case of empty memory shortage」 and then try the way

How to install

Reference and then install mecab-ipadic-neologd. (In case of Ubuntu, you can see that we use aptitude when installing needed library, but we can use apt)