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Yadaguru Dev Environment Setup

Bob D'Errico edited this page Apr 11, 2017 · 11 revisions

Follow this guide to get a complete local development stack for Yadaguru up-and-running on your machine.

Step 1 - Install Docker

If you are not familiar with Docker, check out their Getting Started guide.

Step 2 - Install Docker Compose

This will allow you to bring up an entire stack at once. See installation instructions here.

Step 3 - Install NodeJS

While NodeJS will automatically be setup in the yadaguru/api container, it will still need to be setup on the host machine in order to use NPM.

See installation instructions here.

Step 4 - Install Build Tools

In the terminal, run the following commands to globally install the necessary build tools:

npm install -g gulp
npm install -g bower
npm install -g karma
npm install -g mocha
npm install -g sequelize-cli

This will install the gulp task runner, the bower package manager, karma for running front-end tests, and mocha for running back-end tests.

Step 5 - Pull down the repos

Pull all of the Yadaguru repos into a folder called yadaguru in your home folder.

mkdir ~/yadaguru
cd ~/yadaguru
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

Below is a summary of the repos:

Step 6 - Configure the repos


cd ~/yadaguru/yadaguru-api
npm install

This will install all dependencies for the API.


cd ~/yadaguru/yadaguru-app
npm install
bower install
gulp build

This will install all development and app dependencies, and build the js/css assets. NOTE: bower may ask you to resolve version conflicts for some packages. If this occurs, refer to the bower.json file for the correct version.


cd ~/yadaguru/yadaguru-admin
npm install

This will install all development and app dependencies. For this project, npm install will also run bower install when finished. NOTE: bower may ask you to resolve version conflicts for some packages. If this occurs, refer to the bower.json file for the correct version.

Step 7 - docker-compose up

This will bring up the entire Yadaguru development stack. IMPORTANT NOTE: This guide assumes that all repos will reside in a folder called yadaguru in your home folder. If you place the repos elsewhere, you will need to modify the docker-compose.yml file in the dockerfiles repo to mount the volumes to the appropriate location.

cd ~/yadaguru/dockerfiles/compose/yada-dev-stack
docker-compose up -d

This command will do the following:

  • Pull down the all necessary images from Yadaguru's Docker Hub.
  • Expose the following ports:
    • 3005 - API
    • 5858 - API remote debugging
    • 3000 - front-end app
    • 9000 - admin portal
    • 5432 - Postgres DB
  • Create a data volume link between the repos on the host machine and the containers.
  • Run the API with nodemon, so that any changes in the yadaguru-api repo will cause the app to restart.

Note that the -d flag will run the containers in 'detached mode' (see Docker Tips below for more information). You can omit the -d flag, and this will cause all containers to output to the console. Hit CTRL+C to stop all containers.

Even after the containers have been started, it may take some time for them to complete their entrypoint scripts. You can check on the status of a container by doing the following:

docker ps

This will show you all of the containers that are running. Note the name of the container in the last column.

docker logs -f <container-name>

This will tail the stdout of the container. You will know that the stack is ready if you tail the api container and see Starting http server on port: 3005.

##Step 8 - Run Migrations

Go to the API repo and run the DB migration script.

cd ~/yadaguru/yadaguru-api
npm run migrations

This will update the database schema with recent changes.

##Step 9 - Verify

The Yadaguru development stack should be ready; let's verify this.

Browsing to localhost:3000 you should see the Yadaguru app. You should be able to create a new account and add school(s).

Browing to localhost:9000 you should get the admin login screen. You can login with the username admin and the password password. Once logged in, you should be able to view, create, update, and delete any of the resources.

Step 10 - Test

yadaguru-api and yadaguru-admin both have test suites. You can further verify that everything is working by running the tests.

cd ~/yadaguru/yadaguru-admin
npm test

to test the admin portal.

cd ~/yadaguru/yadaguru-api
npm test

to test the API.

Step 11 - Create an account and login.

In order to work on the app, you will need to create an account on your local dev setup. To do this, follow the onboarding process in yadaguru-app. Any 10 digit number will work for the phone number. The generated confirmation code will be outputted to the Chrome dev tools console. Once you create an account, add a test school (and set a date at least 90 days from now).

If you need to start fresh with a new account, click on the speech bubble icon and, and then select "Forget my phone number." This will delete your user, schools, and reminders from the database, as well as clear the local storage keys holding your access token and onboarding state.

Step 12 - Code!

Congratulations! You now have your own personal Yadaguru running on your computer. We need lots of development help. Check out our board to see where you can help.

Please create a feature branch off of master, and make a pull request when your feature is ready.

If you need assistance you can email us at, or hit us up in the #yadaguru channel in the CodeForPhilly Slack.

Docker Tips

Below are some helpful commands for working with Docker.

For any docker-compose commands, be sure to cd into ~/yadaguru/dockerfiles/compose/yada-dev-stack

docker-compose stop

Stop all containers in the stack (but keep them).

docker-compose start

Start all containers in the stack

docker-compose restart

Restart all containers in the stack

docker-compose down

Stop and destroy all containers in the stack. NOTE that this will reset the database to it's original state.

docker ps

See all of the runnning containers. Adding --all will show running and stopped containers. The last column is the name of the container (this is auto-generated by docker-compose).

docker logs -f <container-name>

Tail the stdout of a container

docker exec -ti <container-name> bash

Start bash in the container. Use this if you want to perform operations from within the container (this usually isn't necessary). bash can be replaced with any command that you would want to run from inside the container.

Connecting to the Database

Postgres is exposed on port 5432, if you need to connect directly to the database.

psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d yadaguru -U yadaguru --password

and enter the password yadaguru. NOTE that you will need to have psql installed on your host machine. See installation instructions here.