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A tool to quickly access, query and merge per-read base modification results from different software tools

./modRegion.R --help
# modRegion
# A tool to quickly access, query and merge per-read base modification results from different software tools.
# Usage:
#   modRegion.R extract (-r=<region> | -f=<regions_txt>)... (-o=<output> | -p=<plot_file> [--title=<title>])... \
# [--nanopolish <[label:]file>]... [--tombo <[label:]file>]... [--deepsignal <[label:]file>]...
#   modRegion.R overlap (-o=<output> | -p=<plot_file> [--title=<title>])... [--overhang <overhang>] \
# [--gene_name <gene_name>]... [--gene_biotype <gene_biotype>]... [-r=<region> | -f=<regions_txt>]... \
# [--nanopolish <[label:]file>]... [--tombo <[label:]file>]... [--deepsignal <[label:]file>]... --gtf=<gtf_file>
#   modRegion.R plot [--gtf=<gtf_file>] (-r=<region> | -f=<regions_txt>)... -p=<plot_file> <mod_file>...
#   modRegion.R --help
# Options:
#   -h --help  Show this screen.
#   -r --region=<region>  Genomic region in UCSC/IGV/samtools format, eg "chr9:3500-4500", can be given multiple times.
#   -f --regions_file=<regions_txt>  File containing genomic regions (one per line).
#   --nanopolish <[label:]file>  Nanopolish methylation data and (optional) label name.
#   --tombo <[label:]file>  Tombo methylation data and (optional) label name.
#   --deepsignal <[label:]file>  DeepSignal methylation data and (optional) label name.
#   -o --output=<output>  Save dataframe to .tsv or .tsv.gz file.
#   -p --plot_file=<plot_file>  Save plot(s) to pdf.
#   --gtf <gtf_file>  Gene Transfer Format that contains gene informations.
#   --gene_name <gene_name>  Name of the gene, can be given multiple times.
#   --gene_biotype <gene_biotype>  Biotype of gene, eg "protein_coding", can be given multiple times. [default: protein_coding]
#   --overhang <overhang>  Up to how many bases up and downstream from gene. [default: 2000]
#   --title=<title>  Title of the plot.
# Argument:
#   mod_file  Modification .tsv or .tsv.gz file filtered with modRegion.


The motivation is that we are interested in fast querying output statistics over range of genomic positions at the single read resolution, and want to be able to have a common interface and coherent way of accessing the information as well as to save space on disk and on RAM.

This tool is primarily written to quickly extract regional methylation statistics from tsv outputted from methylation callers and it now supports: nanopolish, tombo and deepsignal.

It now has the following features:

  • extract - pulls out statistics in the region(s) supplied from one or more base modification tsvs
  • overlap - finds statistics within ±overhang bases of genes
  • plot - accepts filtered output and plots


Example data

Example data can be found the under test/ folder.


1. extract

Thanks to vroom, modRegion builds index to the tsv without loading it entirely to the RAM. This is ideal when the tsv is large and only certain parts of genome are of interest. Users can select either to -o output the results as tsv or -p plot the regions or both.

modRegion can work with and write to compressed tsv freely.

./modRegion.R extract -r "NC_001144.5:430000-470000" \
  --deepsignal test/small_deepsignal.tsv.gz \
  -o test/small_deepsignal.extracted.tsv.gz \
  -p test/small_deepsignal.plots.pdf
sample seqname pos read_id strand log_lik_ratio prob_mod
sample_1 NC_001144.5 462607 5535970a-66a3-4f45-a391-1386afbad4f9 + 0.2734 0.4321
sample_1 NC_001144.5 462653 5535970a-66a3-4f45-a391-1386afbad4f9 + 3.058 0.04486
sample_1 NC_001144.5 462655 5535970a-66a3-4f45-a391-1386afbad4f9 + 3.126 0.04205

Users can give multiple -r or -f options in order to query into multiple regions. It is also possible to provide multiple input files from any supported callers, each with an optional label name as shown below. The program with merge the results into one single dataframe and plot as different samples.

./modRegion.R extract -r "7:6724000-6736000" -r "2:174279000-174300000" \
  --nanopolish nano:test/paternal.nanopolish.tsv.gz \
  --tombo tom:test/paternal.tombo.tsv.gz \
  -o test/nanotom.extracted.tsv.gz \
  -p test/nanotom.plots.pdf \
  --title "Tombo vs Nanopolish"

Tsv returned will have the following columns:

  • sample: label name of sample
  • seqname: name of contig
  • pos: 0-based position of the targeted base on forward strand
  • read_id: the read name
  • strand: +/-, the aligned strand of the read to the reference
  • log_lik_ratio: log likelihood ratio of not modified to modified
  • prob_mod: probability of base modification at this pos
sample seqname pos read_id strand log_lik_ratio prob_mod
nano 2 174279377 0bd2cba4-b5c8-411f-8a8d-a2323f799728 + -3.66 0.9749
nano 2 174279377 d231b863-d45f-4577-af60-137a4ede78c1 + 1.32 0.2108
. . .
tom 7 6735740 d22fe339-6cca-4b5e-acbc-34786c5b0460 - -2.499 0.9241
tom 7 6735613 d22fe339-6cca-4b5e-acbc-34786c5b0460 - -5.362 0.9953
tom 7 6735598 d22fe339-6cca-4b5e-acbc-34786c5b0460 - -1.739 0.8505


2. overlap

modRegion finds all the statistics that fall in or up to overhang bases away from any genes as specified in the GTF file. This could be helpful in studying the modification pattern around the gene, especially in the prometer region. Users can also optionally specify the name of gene or the gene biotype as in GTF file. Using -p coupled with -r or -f option will produce a similar plot as before but with an extra track added showing the gene annotation at that region.

Command below outputs and plots methylation pattern at some known imprinting control regions of mice.

./modRegion.R overlap -f test/icr.txt \
   --nanopolish paternal:test/paternal.nanopolish.tsv.gz \
   --nanopolish maternal:test/maternal.nanopolish.tsv.gz \
   --gtf test/genes.gtf.gz \
   -o test/icr.overlap.tsv.gz \
   -p test/icr.plots.pdf

Returned file is in the following format, in addition to the columns before:

  • gene_name: name of the gene
  • gene_biotype: biotype of the gene
  • gene_strand: direction of transcription
  • gene_start: 0-based gene start position on forward strand
  • gene_end: 0-based gene end position on forward strand
sample seqname pos read_id strand log_lik_ratio prob_mod gene_name gene_biotype gene_strand gene_start gene_end
paternal 10 13085491 29605b24-2fda-43bc-8b01-0ded01872fbf + 3.49 0.0296 Plagl1 protein_coding + 13060503 13131693
paternal 10 13085491 29d053d2-1428-417f-9c38-364ffa486c4c + -0.3 0.5744 Plagl1 protein_coding + 13060503 13131693
. . .
maternal 7 6736662 507d6453-e44f-4b4f-8367-ff96b687fea8 + -7.4 0.9994 Usp29 protein_coding + 6730577 6967218
maternal 7 6736662 7184ca84-3dd6-484a-bc39-796eb92642f1 - -14.93 1 Usp29 protein_coding + 6730577 6967218

icr_plot1 icr_plot2

3. plot

Added so that users could generate plots of different regions without re-running modRegion extract or overlap. With output from previous example as input, the following command plots the regions again with gene annotation added.

./modRegion.R plot -r "7:6724000-6736000" -r "2:174279000-174300000" \
  --gtf test/genes.gtf.gz \
  -p test/nanotom_genes.plots.pdf \

Use functions outside modRegion.R

Users can make use of the functions written simply by sourcing the script files in R.

source("~/github/modRegion/load_mod_data.R", chdir=T)
source("~/github/modRegion/plot_mod_data.R", chdir=T)
source("~/github/modRegion/mod_gene_overlaps.R", chdir=T)


A tool to quickly access, query and merge per-read base modification results from different software tools






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