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DevOps solution for Redmine or RedMica on Azure Web App for Containers


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Redmine on Azure App Service


DX2 DevOps solution for Redmine or RedMica on Azure Web App for Containers.

The project provides public container images at and suggests the workflow that supports the complete life cycle of Redmine apps (create/update/backup/restore) on the Azure App Service infrastructure. It utilizes a variety of App Service features like app settings, persistent storage, SSH connections, etc.

Container features

Application settings / environment variables

Variable Description
WEBSITES_ENABLE_APP_SERVICE_STORAGE Set true to mount a persistent storage on /home in App Service containers.
RAILS_ENV Set production or development
RAILS_IN_SERVICE Set true to start the rails server normally. Otherwise it enters the maintenance mode.
SECRET_KEY_BASE Set a random string to encrypt rails session cookies.
DATABASE_URL Rails database configuration. See the guide for configuring a database
DATABASE_FLEXIBLE Set true to use Azure Database for MySQL/PostgreSQL flexible server

Files and directories in a container

Path Description
/redmine/ Redmine app
/docker/ Various DevOps scripts and assets
/home/site/wwwroot/ Persistent data
/home/site/wwwroot/redmine.sqlite3 Default sqlite3 database in development
/home/site/wwwroot/staticsite/ Static site root for the maintenance mode
/home/site/wwwroot/backups/ Site backups
/home/site/wwwroot/files/ Symlinked from /redmine/files
/home/site/wwwroot/config/* Symlinked from /redmine/config/*
/home/site/wwwroot/plugins/* Symlinked from /redmine/plugins/*
/home/site/wwwroot/public/themes/* Symlinked from /redmine/public/themes/*
/home/site/wwwroot/public/plugin_assets Symlinked from /redmine/public/plugin_assets

Maintenance mode

When the container boots with RAILS_IN_SERVICE=false in the app settings, it enters the maintenance mode.

In the maintenance mode, the container only serves a static site from /home/site/wwwroot/staticsite/. You can safely get the shell and do any maintenance tasks in the container with an SSH connection via Azure Portal or Azure CLI (az webapp ssh or az webapp create-remote-connection).

After the maintenance is over, you should set RAILS_IN_SERVICE=true in the app settings. It causes the container to restart and make the Redmine app in service.

rmops command

rmops is a maintenance command available in the container. It has many sub commands and helps you with various tasks like the database initialization, the initial setup of Redmine app, backup/restore, etc.

root@cb1e6cc8c0da:~# rmops
  rmops dbcli           # Launch DB client
  rmops dbinit          # Initialize database
  rmops dbsql           # Generate SQL for initialization
  rmops dump            # Dump site to backup
  rmops entrypoint      # Container entrypoint
  rmops help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific command
  rmops passwd          # Reset user password
  rmops restore         # Restore site from backup
  rmops setup           # Set up Redmine instance

The usage details will be explained as needed in the document.

Persistent files

In Azure App Service, files to preserve should be stored in the persistent storage mounted on /home/site/wwwroot. Any changes outside /home/site/wwwroot will be lost when the instance restarts. Note that you have to set WEBSITES_ENABLE_APP_SERVICE_STORAGE=true in the app settings to mount the persistent storage on /home/site/wwwroot.

Therefore, in the Redmine containers, many files and directories in /redmine are symbolic links to ones in /home/site/wwwroot. Creating links is done by rmops entrypoint every time a container boots. You can utilize it to inject your instance-specific modifications. For example, you can place Redmine plugins in /home/site/wwwroot/plugins, Redmine themes in /home/site/wwwroot/public/themes, Rails configuration.yml in /home/site/wwwroot/config/configuration.yml, and so on.

Deploy to Azure App Service

Quick start with Azure Developer CLI (recommended)

Using Azure Developer CLI (azd), you can easily deploy Redmine/RedMica web sites using Azure App Service and Azure Database for MySQL/PostgreSQL.

  1. Create an azd environment and set some required variables in it.

    $ azd env new myenv
    $ azd env set DB_TYPE mysql
    $ azd env set APP_NAME app
    • DB_TYPE ... mysql or psql
    • APP_NAME ... App name to deploy. If empty, it deploys only App Service Plan.
    • APP_IMAGE ... (Optional) Choose one from the following images:
      • (default)
  2. Log in to Azure with azd and deploy the resources. You have to select Azure subscription and region to deploy.

    $ azd auth login
    $ azd provision
    Provisioning Azure resources (azd provision)
    Provisioning Azure resources can take some time.
    ? Select an Azure Subscription to use:  2. Pay-As-You-Go (58110a2c-a91b-4fdd-b8ea-3c16e75106ac)
    (✓) Done: Retrieving locations...
    ? Select an Azure location to use:  9. (Asia Pacific) Japan East (japaneast)
    Subscription: Pay-As-You-Go (58110a2c-a91b-4fdd-b8ea-3c16e75106ac)
    Location: Japan East
      You can view detailed progress in the Azure Portal:
      (✓) Done: Resource group: rg-myenv
      (✓) Done: Resource group: rg-myenv
      (✓) Done: App Service plan: myenv-6z627fx
      (✓) Done: App Service: myenv-6z627fx-app
    Congratulations!  The Redmine app has been successfully deployed to Azure.
    App link (the service initially starts in maintenance mode):
    App console link:
    App resource link in the Azure Portal:
    DB admin username:
    DB admin password link in the Azure Portal:
    Run the following commands on the app console to set up the Redmine app:
    rmops dbinit       # Use the DB admin username and password above
    rmops setup        # The initial password for the Redmine admin will be shown
    rmops passwd admin # Use this in case you forget the Redmine admin's password
    Set RAILS_IN_SERVICE=true in the app settings to exit maintenance mode.
    SUCCESS: Your application was provisioned in Azure in 6 minutes 49 seconds.
    You can view the resources created under the resource group rg-myenv in Azure Portal:
  3. Open the resource group link in the last line. You can find the following resources deployed by running azd provision:

    • Azure Database for MySQL or PostgreSQL (flexible server): ${ENV_NAME}-xxxxxxx
    • Key vault: ${ENV_NAME}-xxxxxxx
    • Log Analytics workspace: ${ENV_NAME}-xxxxxxx
    • App Service plan: ${ENV_NAME}-xxxxxxx
    • App Service app: ${ENV_NAME}-xxxxxxx-${APP_NAME}
  4. Open App link that looks like https://${ENV_NAME}-xxxxxxx-${APP_NAME} It will only display the text message Maintenance mode because RAILS_IN_SERVICE is initially set to false in the app settings.

  5. Open App console link to connect into the container via SSH. Run rmops dbinit to initialize the database.

    root@cb1e6cc8c0da:~# rmops dbinit
    Enter DB admin username: adminuser
    Enter DB admin password: 
    I, [2023-11-03T23:02:50.950826 #16]  INFO -- : Create database
    I, [2023-11-03T23:02:50.952936 #16]  INFO -- : Run ["mysql", "--ssl", "-h", "", "-P", "3306", "-u", "adminuser"]
    I, [2023-11-03T23:02:51.366948 #16]  INFO -- : Done database initialization    
    • DB admin username ... adminuser
    • DB admin password ... the secret value of dbAdminPass in the key vault. Open DB admin password link in the Azure Portal then copy/paste the secret value.

  6. Run rmops setup to perform the database migration. It displays the Redmine admin password in the end of output.

    root@cb1e6cc8c0da:~# rmops setup
    I, [2023-11-03T23:03:56.144343 #18]  INFO -- : Enter directory at /redmine
    I, [2023-11-03T23:03:56.154043 #18]  INFO -- : Remove ["files", "public/plugin_assets"]
    I, [2023-11-03T23:03:56.154433 #18]  INFO -- : Create ["/home/site/wwwroot/files", "/home/site/wwwroot/config", "/home/site/wwwroot/plugins", "/home/site/wwwroot/public/themes", "/home/site/wwwroot/public/plugin_assets", "/home/site/wwwroot/staticsite", "/home/site/wwwroot/backups"]
    I, [2023-11-03T23:03:56.184725 #18]  INFO -- : Symlink "/home/site/wwwroot/files" to "./files"
    I, [2023-11-03T23:03:56.192230 #18]  INFO -- : Symlink "/home/site/wwwroot/public/plugin_assets" to "./public/plugin_assets"
    I, [2023-11-03T23:03:56.196898 #18]  INFO -- : Enter directory at /redmine
    I, [2023-11-03T23:03:56.200515 #18]  INFO -- : Run "rake db:migrate"
    I, [2023-11-03T23:04:11.776417 #19]  INFO -- : Migrating to Setup (1)
    == 1 Setup: migrating =========================================================
    -- create_table("attachments", {:options=>"ENGINE=InnoDB", :force=>true, :id=>:integer})
       -> 0.0801s    
    I, [2023-11-03T23:05:28.855548 #18]  INFO -- : Reset password for user "admin"
    I, [2023-11-03T23:05:28.864872 #18]  INFO -- : New password: "XOXecy067zRDlFXW"
  7. Open App resource link in the Azure Portal and set RAILS_IN_SERVICE to true in the app settings.

  8. Open App link and you can see the Redmine site configured. Log in with the user admin and the password shown by rmops setup.

  9. You can populate more Redmine apps in the same azd environment with the same App Service plan and database by repeating setting APP_NAME and running azd provision:

    $ azd env set APP_NAME app2
    $ azd provision
    $ azd env set APP_NAME app3
    $ azd provision

Local development

compose.yml is provided so that you can easily build and test Redmine container images. Using a devcontainer is also recommended.

  1. Place Redmine sources in redmine directory. You can clone it from the official repository by either of the following commands:
    • Run git clone for Redmine
    • Run git clone redmine for RedMica
  2. Copy file docker.env.example to docker.env.
  3. Copy file .env.example to .env and set COMPOSE_PROFILES in it. Choose one of the supported profiles: sqlite, mysql, mariadb, postgres.
  4. Run docker compose build to build a container image.
  5. Run docker compose up -d to start containers in the background.
    • The redmine container creates ./data/wwwroot for /home/site/wwwroot volume.
    • The redmine container enters the maintenance mode because RAILS_IN_SERVICE=false in docker.env.
    • The database container creates ./data/mysql etc. for the database volume.
  6. Do the following initial setups in the container:
    1. Invoke a shell in the redmine container by either of the following methods:
      • Run docker compose exec redmine-<profile> bash
      • Run ssh root@localhost -p 3333. The password is Docker!.
    2. Run rmops dbinit. The password is secret.
    3. Run rmops setup. Redmine admin's password will be shown.
    4. Exit from the shell.
  7. Update RAILS_IN_SERVICE=true in docker.env.
  8. Run docker compose up -d again to restart the redmine container.
  9. Open http://localhost:8080 with your web browser to test the Redmine app.



  • Persistent storage support (uploaded files, themes, plugins, etc.)
  • SSH remote shell and maintenance mode support
  • Azure Developer CLI support
  • Azure Database for MySQL/PostgreSQL flexible server support
  • Azure App Service Easy Auth support (
  • rmops maintenance commands
    • dbcli: Launches database client
    • dbsql: Generates SQL to initialize database
    • dbinit: Initializes database
    • setup: Performs Redmine initial setup
    • passwd: Resets Redmine user password
    • dump: Dumps to backup
    • restore: Restores from backup


  • Email sending support from the App Service environment