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Simple web content/proxy server that embodies enterprise zero trust security

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pswa - Protected Static Web App


pswa is a simple web content/proxy server which is suitable for various static web apps.


  • Available as a Docker image
  • User authentication with Azure Active Directory (supporting other OIDC providers is planned)
    • Support Azure App Service authentication (aka Easy Auth)
  • Flexible authorization using roles based on the following member groups sources:
    • groups claim in each user's ID token
    • /me/getMemberObjects Microsoft Graph API call
  • Support rewriting, redirecting, and proxying on incoming requests
  • Support navigation fallback rewriting suitable for single page apps
  • pswa.config.json - JSON configuration file that mimics staticwebapp.config.json


Azure AD authentication settings

When running with the built-in Azure AD authentication support:

  • Register an Azure AD application with Azure Portal.
  • Collect tenant ID and client ID for PSWA_TENANT_URI and PSWA_CLIENT_ID settings respectively.
  • Generate a client secret string for PSWA_CLIENT_SECRET settings.
  • Add <YOUR-APP-URL>/.auth/pswa/callback to the application redirect URIs. It's also for PSWA_REDIRECT_URI settings.

When running on Azure App Service with the authentication enabled (aka Easy Auth):

  • Set up the Easy Auth Azure AD provider. You will have a dedicated Azure AD application.
  • Azure AD related settings in the environment variables are not needed.

Environment variable settings

See pswa-example.env for example settings.

Variable Description
PSWA_TENANT_ID Tenant ID of Azure AD *
PSWA_CLIENT_ID Client ID registered in Azure AD *
PSWA_CLIENT_SECRET Client secret generated in Azure AD *
PSWA_REDIRECT_URI Rediect URI specifed in Azure AD *
PSWA_AUTH_PARAMS Additional authorize endpoint parameters in the form of key1=val1&key2=val2&key3=val3 *
PSWA_SESSION_KEY Ramdom string to encrypt values in the cookie session store
PSWA_LISTEN Server address to listen. Default: :8080
PSWA_WWW_ROOT Web content root directory. Default: /home/site/wwwroot
PSWA_TEST_ROOT Web content root directory for tests. Default: /testroot
PSWA_CONFIG Configuration file location. It's relative to PSWA_WWW_ROOT if not an absolute path. Default: pswa.config.json

* Azure AD related settings are not necessary when it runs on Azure App Service with the authentication enabled.

Configuration file (pswa.config.json)

See pswa-example.config.json for example settings. It's similar to staticwebapp.config.json of Azure Static Web Apps.

  • If testHandler is true, it enables the test handler for debugging purposes.
  • If testRoot is true, it serves web content from /testroot instead of /home/site/wwwroot.
  • You should specify navigationFallback to serve an SPA.
  • roles defines the roles and its members. members are object IDs of Azure AD groups.
  "testHandler": true,
  "testRoot": true,
  "navigationFallback": {
    "rewrite": "/index.html",
    "exclude": [
  "routes": [
      "route": "/admin/*",
      "allowedRoles": [
      "route": "/authenticated/*",
      "allowedRoles": [
      "route": "/pswa.config.json",
      "redirect": "/"
  "roles": [
      "role": "admin",
      "members": [


You can use a devcontainer with docker-in-docker privilege to develop the pswa executable and container. Follow the steps below in your devcontainer.

Copy pswa-example.env to pswa.env and edit it for your environment settings:

$ cp pswa-example.env pswa.env
$ vi pswa.env

Copy pswa-example.config.json to pswa.config.json and edit it for your site config:

$ cp pswa-example.config.json pswa.config.json
$ vi pswa.config.json

Build a container and run it with docker compose:

$ docker compose up --build
[+] Building 1.5s (21/21) FINISHED
[+] Running 2/2
 ✔ Network pswa_default   Created
 ✔ Container pswa-pswa-1  Created
Attaching to pswa-pswa-1
pswa-pswa-1  | 2023-06-19T05:00:23.750Z INFO Reading config: /home/site/wwwroot/pswa.config.json
pswa-pswa-1  | 2023-06-19T05:00:23.755Z INFO OpenID Connect auth config:
pswa-pswa-1  | 2023-06-19T05:00:23.755Z INFO   TenantID    = 3822b9ab-ab2c-4f20-a8cd-abe6ac986c37
pswa-pswa-1  | 2023-06-19T05:00:23.755Z INFO   ClientID    = 19c3bf12-a48a-4b68-93f4-353631f95924
pswa-pswa-1  | 2023-06-19T05:00:23.755Z INFO   RedirectURI = http://localhost:8080/.auth/pswa/callback
pswa-pswa-1  | 2023-06-19T05:00:23.755Z INFO   AuthParams  = prompt=select_account
pswa-pswa-1  | 2023-06-19T05:00:24.167Z WARN TestRoot enabled
pswa-pswa-1  | 2023-06-19T05:00:24.167Z INFO Serving from root path /testroot
pswa-pswa-1  | 2023-06-19T05:00:24.167Z INFO Serving on :8080

Open http://localhost:8080 with your web browser.


Simple web content/proxy server that embodies enterprise zero trust security



