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File metadata and controls

888 lines (791 loc) · 31.9 KB

Binding Events

Time Estimate: 20 minutes

Difficulty Level: Advanced


This example shows how to bind events to a mojit, configure code to run on the client, and make AJAX calls to the YQL Web service. The application listens for events and then makes AJAX calls to YQL to get Flickr photo information.

The following topics will be covered:

  • configuring the application to run on the client
  • getting Flickr data from the model with YQL
  • binding events through the mojitProxy object
  • making AJAX calls to YQL from the binder

Implementation Notes

Configuring the Application to Run on the Client

Mojito lets you configure applications to run on either the server or client side. This example uses binders that are deployed to the client, so we need to configure Mojito to deploy the application to the client, where it will be executed by the browser.

To configure Mojito to run on the client, you simply set the "deploy" property to true in application.json as seen below.

    "settings": [ "master" ],
    "specs": {
      "frame": {
        "type": "HTMLFrameMojit",
        "config": {
          "deploy": true,
          "child": {
            "type": "PagerMojit"

Getting Data with YQL in the Model

In the mojit model, the YUI YQL Query Utility is used to get Flickr photo information. To access the utility in your model, specify 'yql' in the requires array as seen in the code snippet below:

YUI.add('PagerMojitModel', function(Y, NAME) {
  /* Code for PagerMojitModel */
}, '0.0.1', {requires: ['yql']});

This code example uses the table to get information for photos that have a title, description, or tags containing a string. For example, the YQL statement below returns Flickr photo information for those photos that have a title, description, or tags containing the string "Manhattan". Open the query in the YQL Console and click TEST to see the returned XML response.

select * from where text="Manhattan"

The returned response contains photo information in the photo element. You extract the farm, server, id, and secret attributes from each photo element to create the photo URI as seen here:

http://farm + {farm} + + {server} + / + {id} + _ + {secret} + .jpg

In the model.js of PagerMojit shown below, the YQL function uses the YQL statement above to get photo data, then parses the returned response to create the photo URIs. The model then wraps the photo information in an object and stores those objects in the images array that is sent to the controller through the callback function.

YUI.add('PagerMojitModel', function(Y, NAME) {
  * The PagerMojitModel module.
  * @module PagerMojitModel
  * Constructor for the Model class.
  * @class Model
  * @constructor
  Y.namespace('mojito.models')[NAME] = {
    init: function(config) {
      this.config = config;
    getData: function(query, start, count, callback) {
       var q = null;
      // Get Flickr API key:
      var API_KEY = "{your_api_key}";
      start = parseInt(start) || 0;
      count = parseInt(count) || 10;
      q = 'select * from' + start + ',' + count + ')  where text="%' + query + '%" and api_key="' + API_KEY+'"';
      Y.YQL(q, function(rawData) {
        if (!rawData.query.results) {
        var rawImages =, rawImage = null,images = [], image = null, i = 0;
        for (; i<rawImages.length; i++) {
          rawImage = rawImages[i];
          image = {
            title: rawImage.title,
            location: 'http://farm' + + '' + rawImage.server + '/' + + '_' + rawImage.secret + '.jpg',
            server: rawImage.server,
            secret: rawImage.secret
          if (!image.title) {
            image.title = "Generic Title: " + query;
}, '0.0.1', {requires: [ 'yql']});

For a more detailed explanation about how to use YQL in your Mojito application, see Calling YQL from a Mojit. For more information about YQL, see the YQL Guide.

Binding Events

This section will discuss the basics of binding events in Mojito and then look at the binder used in this code example.

Binder Basics

A mojit may have zero, one, or many binders within the binders directory. Each binder will be deployed to the browser along with the rest of the mojit code, where the client-side Mojito runtime will call it appropriately. On the client, the binder has a proxy object (mojitProxy) for interacting with the mojit it represents as well as with other mojits on the page. Methods can be called from the mojitProxy object that allow binders to listen for and fire events.

The binder consists of a constructor, an initializer, and a bind function. The following describes each component and indicates when the mojitProxy object can be used.

  • constructor - creates the namespace for your binder that wraps the initialization code and binder.
  • initializer - is passed the mojitProxy where it can be stored and used to listen and fire events with other binders. The mojitProxy is the only gateway back into the Mojito framework for your binder.
  • bind - is a function that is passed a Y.Node instance that wraps the DOM node representing this mojit instance. The DOM event handlers for capturing user interactions should be attached in this function.

The skeleton of the binders/index.js file below illustrates the basic structure of the binder. For more information, see Mojito Binders.

YUI.add('AwesomeMojitBinder', function(Y, NAME) {
  // Binder constructor
  Y.namespace('mojito.binders')[NAME] = {
    init: function(mojitProxy) {
      this.mojitProxy = mojitProxy;
    // The bind function
    bind: function(node) {
      var thatNode = node;
  Y.mojito.registerEventBinder('AwesomeMojit', Binder);
}, '0.0.1', {requires: ['mojito']});

Examining the PageMojitBinder

This code example uses the binder PageMojitBinder to perform the following:

  • attach onClick handlers to prev and next links
  • invoke the index method of the controller through the mojitProxy object
  • create an overlay with Flickr photo information received from YQL

The binders/index.js for this code example is long and fairly involved, so we will dissect and analyze the code. Let's begin by looking at the bind function of index.js, which allows mojits to attach DOM event handlers.

In this code snippet of binders/index.js, the bind function contains the nested updateDOM function that updates node content and attaches event handlers. Using the mojitProxy object, the nested flipper function calls the index function of the controller. The callback updateDOM is passed to index to update the content.

  bind: function(node) {
    var thatNode = node;
    // Define the action when user click on prev/next.
    var flipper = function(event) {
    var target =;
    // Get the link to the page.
    var page = parsePage(target.get('href'));
    var updateDOM = function(markup) {
      thatNode.set('innerHTML', markup);
      thatNode.all('#nav a').on('click', flipper, this);
      thatNode.all('#master ul li a').on('mouseover', showOverlay, this);
      thatNode.all('#master ul li a').on('mouseout', showOverlay, this);
        params: {page: page},
      }, updateDOM

The event handler for mouseovers and mouseouts are handled by the showOverlay function, which creates the overlay containing photo information. In the code snippet below, showOverlay makes an AJAX call to YQL to get photo data that is placed in an unordered list for the overlay.

  bind: function(node) {
    var showOverlay = function(event) {
      var target =;
      var href = target.get('href');
      var imageId = parseImageId(href);
      if (target.hasClass('overlayed')) {
      } else {
        Y.log('HREF: ' + href);
        Y.log('IMAGE ID: ' + imageId);
        // Query for the image metadata
        var query = 'select * from where photo_id="' + imageId + '"';'#display').setContent('Loading ...');
        Y.YQL(query, function(raw) {
          if (! {
            Y.log('No results found for photoId: ' + imageId);
          var props =;
          var snippet = '<ul style="list-style-type: square;">';
          for (var key in props) {
            if (typeof(props[key]) == 'object') {
            snippet += '<li>' + key + ': ' + props[key] + '</li>';
          snippet += '</ul>';

Thus far, we've looked at the event handlers, but not the actual binding of the handlers to nodes. At the end of the bind function, you'll see three important lines (shown below) that bind the flipper and showOutlay functions to handle click and mouseover events.

  bind: function(node) {
    // Bind all the image links to showOverlay
    thatNode.all('#master ul li a').on('mouseover', showOverlay, this);
    thatNode.all('#master ul li a').on('mouseout', showOverlay, this);
    // Bind the prev + next links to flipper
    thatNode.all('#nav a').on('click', flipper, this);

After a little analysis, the full binders/index.js below should be easier to understand. The binder attaches event handlers to nodes, invokes a function in the controller, and updates the content in the template. The binder also has a couple of helper functions for parsing and requires the IO and YQL modules, which are specified in the requires array.

YUI.add('PagerMojitBinder', function(Y, NAME) {
  Y.namespace('mojito.binders')[NAME] = {
    init: function(mojitProxy) {
      this.mojitProxy = mojitProxy;
    * The binder method, invoked to allow the mojit
    * to attach DOM event handlers.
    * @param node {Node} The DOM node to which this
    * mojit is attached.
    bind: function(node) {
      var thatNode = node;
      Y.log('NODE: ' + Y.dump(this.node));
      // define the action when user click on prev/next
      var flipper = function(event) {
        var target =;
        // get the link to the page
        var page = parsePage(target.get('href'));
        Y.log('PAGE: ' + page);
        var updateDOM = function(markup) {
          thatNode.set('innerHTML', markup);
          thatNode.all('#nav a').on('click', flipper, this);
          thatNode.all('#master ul li a').on('mouseover', showOverlay, this);
          thatNode.all('#master ul li a').on('mouseout', showOverlay, this);
            params: {page: page}
          }, updateDOM
      var showOverlay = function(event) {
        var target =;
        var href = target.get('href');
        var imageId = parseImageId(href);
        if (target.hasClass('overlayed')) {
        } else {
          Y.log('HREF: ' + href);
          Y.log('IMAGE ID: ' + imageId);
          // Query for the image metadata
          var query = 'select * from where photo_id="' + imageId + '"';
'#display').setContent('Loading ...');
          Y.YQL(query, function(raw) {
            if (! {
              Y.log('No results found for photoId: ' + imageId);
            var props =;
            var snippet = '<ul style="list-style-type: square;">';
            for (var key in props) {
              if (typeof(props[key]) == 'object') {
              snippet += '<li>' + key + ': ' + props[key] + '</li>';
            snippet += '</ul>';
      // Bind all the image links to showOverlay
      thatNode.all('#master ul li a').on('mouseover', showOverlay, this);
      thatNode.all('#master ul li a').on('mouseout', showOverlay, this);
      // Bind the prev + next links to flipper
      thatNode.all('#nav a').on('click', flipper, this);
  function parseImageId(link) {
    var matches = link.match(/com\/(\d+)\/(\d+)_([0-9a-z]+)\.jpg$/);
    return matches[2];
  function parsePage(link) {
    var matches = link.match(/page=(\d+)/);
    return matches[1];
}, '0.0.1', {requires: ['mojito', 'yql', 'io', 'dump', 'mojito-client']});

Using Paging

The paging for this code example relies on the application configuration to set route paths and the controller to create links to access previous and next pages.

The routes.json file below configures two route paths for HTTP GET calls made on the root path. The perpage configuration, however, requires a query string with the page parameter, which is used for paging. The page parameter has the value :page, which is a variable that is assigned a value by the controller that we're going to look shortly.

    "settings": ["master"],
    "root": {
      "verbs": ["get"],
      "path": "/",
      "call": "frame.index"
    "perpage": {
      "verbs": ["get"],
      "path": "/?page=:page",
      "call": "frame.index"

The controller for PagerMojit performs several functions:

  • uses the Params addon to get the page parameter from the query string
  • calculates the index of the first photo on the page
  • calls the getData function in the model to get photo data
  • creates URLs for the next and prev links

The Params addon allows you to access variables from the query string parameters, the POST request bodies, or the routing systems URLs. In this code example, you use the getFromMerged method, which merges the parameters from the query string, POST request body, and the routing system URLs to give you access to all of the parameters. In the code snippet taken from controller.server.js below, the getFromMerged method is used to get the value for the page parameter and then calculate the index of the first photo to display:

   index: function(actionContext) {
      var page = actionContext.params.getFromMerged('page');
      var start;
      page = parseInt(page) || 1;
      if ((!page) || (page<1)) {
        page = 1;
      // Page param is 1 based, but the model is 0 based
      start = (page - 1) * PAGE_SIZE;

To get the photo data, the controller depends on the model to call YQL to query the Flickr API. Using actionContext.models.{model_name} lets you get a reference to the model. In this example controller, the model of the PagerMojit is accessed through actionContext.models.PageMojit, allowing you to call getData and get the returned data from YQL in the callback function.

  index: function(actionContext) {
    var model = actionContext.models.PagerMojit;
      // Data is an array of images
    model.getData('mojito', start, PAGE_SIZE, function(data) {
      Y.log('DATA: ' + Y.dump(data));
      var theData = {
      data: data, // images
      hasLink: false,
      prev: {
        title: "prev" // opportunity to localize
      next: {
        link: createLink(actionContext, {page: page+1}),
          title: "next"
        query: 'mojito'
      if (page > 1) { = createLink(actionContext, {page: page-1});
        theData.hasLink = true;

The URLs for the prev and next links are created by passing the mojit instance, the method, and the query string parameters to the make method from the Url addon. The code snippet below creates the query string parameters with the YUI QueryString module. If the query string created by Y.QueryString.stringify is "page=2" , actionContext.url.make would return the URL {domain_name}:8666/?page=2.

function createLink(actionContext, params) {
    var mergedParams = Y.mojito.util.copy(actionContext.params.getFromMerged());
    for (var k in params) {
      mergedParams[k] = params[k];
    return actionContext.url.make('frame', 'index', Y.QueryString.stringify(mergedParams));

Stitching the above code snippets together, we have the controller.server.js below. The index function relies on the model for data and the createLink function to create URLs for the next and prev links.

YUI.add('PagerMojit', function(Y, NAME) {
  * The PagerMojit module.
  * @module PagerMojit */
  var PAGE_SIZE = 10;
  * Constructor for the Controller class.
  * @class Controller
  * @constructor
  Y.namespace('mojito.controllers')[NAME] = {
    init: function(config) {
      this.config = config;
    index: function(actionContext) {
      var page = actionContext.params.getFromMerged('page');
      var start;
      page = parseInt(page) || 1;
      if ((!page) || (page<1)) {
        page = 1;
      // Page param is 1 based, but the model is 0 based
      start = (page - 1) * PAGE_SIZE;
      var model = actionContext.models.PagerMojit;
      // Data is an array of images
      model.getData('mojito', start, PAGE_SIZE, function(data) {
        Y.log('DATA: ' + Y.dump(data));
        var theData = {
          data: data, // images
          hasLink: false,
          prev: {
            title: "prev" // opportunity to localize
          next: {
            link: createLink(actionContext, {page: page+1}),
            title: "next"
          query: 'mojito'
        if (page > 1) {
 = createLink(actionContext, {page: page-1});
          theData.hasLink = true;
  // generate the link to the next page based on:
  // - mojit id
  // - action
  // - params
  function createLink(actionContext, params) {
    var mergedParams = Y.mojito.util.copy(actionContext.params.getFromMerged());
    for (var k in params) {
      mergedParams[k] = params[k];
    return actionContext.url.make('frame', 'index', Y.QueryString.stringify(mergedParams));
}, '0.0.1', {requires: ['dump']});

Setting Up this Example

To set up and run binding_events:

  1. Create your application.

    $ mojito create app binding_events

  2. Change to the application directory.

  3. Create your mojit.

    $ mojito create mojit PagerMojit

  4. To configure you application to run on the client and use HTMLFrameMojit, replace the code in application.json with the following:

        "settings": [ "master" ],
        "specs": {
          "frame": {
            "type": "HTMLFrameMojit",
            "config": {
              "deploy": true,
              "child": {
                "type": "PagerMojit"
  5. To configure routing to call the index action from the instance of the HTMLFrameMojit, replace the code in routes.json with the following:

        "settings": ["master"],
        "root": {
          "verbs": ["get"],
          "path": "/",
          "call": "frame.index"
        "perpage": {
          "verbs": ["get"],
          "path": "/?page=:page",
          "call": "frame.index"
  6. Change to mojits/PageMojit.

  7. To have the controller get data from the model and create links for paging, replace the code in controller.server.js with the following:

    YUI.add('PagerMojit', function(Y, NAME) {
      var PAGE_SIZE = 10;
      * Constructor for the Controller class.
      * @class Controller
      * @constructor
        Y.namespace('mojito.controllers')[NAME] = {
          init: function(config) {
            this.config = config;
        index: function(actionContext) {
          var page = actionContext.params.getFromMerged('page');
          var start;
          page = parseInt(page) || 1;
          if ((!page) || (page<1)) {
            page = 1;
          // Page param is 1 based, but the model is 0 based
          start = (page - 1) * PAGE_SIZE;
          var model = actionContext.models.PagerMojit;
          // Data is an array of images
          model.getData('mojito', start, PAGE_SIZE, function(data) {
            Y.log('DATA: ' + Y.dump(data));
            var theData = {
              data: data, // images
              hasLink: false,
              prev: {
                title: "prev" // opportunity to localize
              next: {
                link: createLink(actionContext, {page: page+1}),
                title: "next"
              query: 'mojito'
            if (page > 1) {
     = createLink(actionContext, {page: page-1});
              theData.hasLink = true;
      // Generate the link to the next page based on:
      // - mojit id
      // - action
      // - params
      function createLink(actionContext, params) {
        var mergedParams = Y.mojito.util.copy(actionContext.params.getFromMerged());
        for (var k in params) {
          mergedParams[k] = params[k];
        return actionContext.url.make('frame', 'index', Y.QueryString.stringify(mergedParams));
    }, '0.0.1', {requires: ['dump']});
  8. To get Flickr photo information using YQL, replace the code in model.server.js with the following:

    YUI.add('PagerMojitModel', function(Y, NAME) {
      * The PagerMojitModel module.
      * @module PagerMojitModel
      * Constructor for the Model class.
      * @class Model
      * @constructor
      Y.namespace('mojito.models')[NAME] = {
        init: function(config) {
          this.config = config;
        getData: function(query, start, count, callback) {
           var q = null;
          // Get Flickr API key:
          var API_KEY = "{your_api_key}";
          start = parseInt(start) || 0;
          count = parseInt(count) || 10;
          q = 'select * from' + start + ',' + count + ')  where text="%' + query + '%" and api_key="' + API_KEY+'"';
          Y.YQL(q, function(rawData) {
            if (!rawData.query.results) {
            var rawImages =, rawImage = null,images = [], image = null, i = 0;
            for (; i<rawImages.length; i++) {
              rawImage = rawImages[i];
              image = {
                title: rawImage.title,
                location: 'http://farm' + + '' + rawImage.server + '/' + + '_' + rawImage.secret + '.jpg',
                server: rawImage.server,
                secret: rawImage.secret
              if (!image.title) {
                image.title = "Generic Title: " + query;
    }, '0.0.1', {requires: ['yql']});
  9. To create the binder for click events and invoke the index function of the controller, replace the code in binders/index.js with the following:

    YUI.add('PagerMojitBinder', function(Y, NAME) {
      * The PagerMojitBinder module.
      * @module PagerMojitBinder
      * Constructor for the Binder class.
      * @param mojitProxy {Object} The proxy to allow
      * the binder to interact with its owning mojit.
      * @class Binder
      * @constructor
      Y.namespace('mojito.binders')[NAME] = {
        * Binder initialization method, invoked
        * after all binders on the page have
        * been constructed.
        init: function(mojitProxy) {
          this.mojitProxy = mojitProxy;
        * The binder method, invoked to allow the mojit
        * to attach DOM event handlers.
        * @param node {Node} The DOM node to which this
        * mojit is attached.
        bind: function(node) {
          var thatNode = node;
          Y.log('NODE: ' + Y.dump(this.node));
          // define the action when user click on prev/next
          var flipper = function(event) {
            var target =;
            // get the link to the page
            var page = parsePage(target.get('href'));
            Y.log('PAGE: ' + page);
            var updateDOM = function(markup) {
              thatNode.set('innerHTML', markup);
              thatNode.all('#nav a').on('click', flipper, this);
              thatNode.all('#master ul li a').on('mouseover', showOverlay, this);
              thatNode.all('#master ul li a').on('mouseout', showOverlay, this);
                params: {page: page}
              }, updateDOM
          var showOverlay = function(event) {
            var target =;
            var href = target.get('href');
            var imageId = parseImageId(href);
            if (target.hasClass('overlayed')) {
            } else {
              Y.log('HREF: ' + href);
              Y.log('IMAGE ID: ' + imageId);
              // Query for the image metadata
              var query = 'select * from where photo_id="' + imageId + '"';
    '#display').setContent('Loading ...');
              Y.YQL(query, function(raw) {
                if (! {
                  Y.log('No results found for photoId: ' + imageId);
                var props =;
                var snippet = '<ul style="list-style-type: square;">';
                for (var key in props) {
                  if (typeof(props[key]) == 'object') {
                  snippet += '<li>' + key + ': ' + props[key] + '</li>';
                snippet += '</ul>';
          // Bind all the image links to showOverlay
          thatNode.all('#master ul li a').on('mouseover', showOverlay, this);
          thatNode.all('#master ul li a').on('mouseout', showOverlay, this);
          // Bind the prev + next links to flipper
          thatNode.all('#nav a').on('click', flipper, this);
      function parseImageId(link) {
        var matches = link.match(/com\/(\d+)\/(\d+)_([0-9a-z]+)\.jpg$/);
        return matches[2];
      function parsePage(link) {
        var matches = link.match(/page=(\d+)/);
        return matches[1];
    }, '0.0.1', {requires: ['yql', 'io', 'dump']});
  10. To display links to photos and associated photo data in the rendered template, replace the code in views/index.hb.html with the following:

    <div id="{{mojit_view_id}}" class="mojit" style="position: relative; width: 960px">
      <h3>Query Term: {{query}}</h3>
      <div id="nav" style="clear: both;">
        <a href="{{{link}}}">{{title}}</a>
        <a href="{{{link}}}">{{title}}</a>
      <div id="master" style="width: 30%; float: left;">
          <li><a href="{{location}}" data-id="{{image_id}}">{{title}}</a></li>
      <div style="width: 50%; float: right">
      <!-- load image here dynamically -->
        <div id="display" style="margin: 0 auto;">
  11. From the application directory, run the server.

    $ mojito start

  12. To view your application, go to the URL:


Source Code