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Attaching Assets with HTMLFrameMojit

Time Estimate: 15 minutes

Difficulty: Intermediate


This example shows how to configure an application to use the HTML Frame Mojit (HTMLFrameMojit) with predefined assets (CSS) that are attached to the rendered template of a mojit.

The following topics will be covered:

  • configuring the application to use the HTMLFrameMojit
  • configuring the HTMLFrameMojit to automatically include assets in the rendered template

Implementation Notes

This example code's application.json, shown below, configures the application to use the HTML Frame Mojit and to include CSS assets. The HTMLFrameMojit creates the HTML skeleton and includes the CSS in the <head> tag because of the "top" property. To configure Mojito, place the CSS at the bottom, wrap the css array in the "bottom" property. You can also include JavaScript by including the path to JavaScript files in a js array. If you do not use the HTMLFrameMojit, you have to explicitly include assets as static resources in your template. To learn more about the HTMLFrameMojit, see the code example Using the HTML Frame Mojit.

    "settings": [ "master" ],
    "specs": {
      "frame" : {
        "type" : "HTMLFrameMojit",
        "config": {
          "child" : {
            "type" : "framed"
          "assets": {
            "top": {
              "css": [

The template index.hb.html below uses the asset index.css, but you do not need to include them in the file. If you use the same name for your CSS file as the name of your template and place the CSS in the mojit assets directory, HTMLFrameMojit will automatically include the assets in the <head> tag for you and then inject the rendered template into the <body> tag.

For example, the mojits/framed/assets/index.css file will automatically be included in the <head> tag of the rendered mojits/framed/views/index.hb.html template. When the index.hb.index template below is rendered, it will be embedded in an HTML skeleton that includes a <html>, <head>, and <body> tags. If the /assets/index.css file exists, it will automatically be injected into the <head> tag.

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Changes background color of the header.
  // Note: JavaScript code should not be hard
  //coded into the template. It's done
  // here to simplify the code example.
  function setColor(id, color) {
    document.getElementById(id).style.backgroundColor = color;
<div id="{{mojit_view_id}}" class="mojit">
  <h2 id="header">{{title}}</h2>
  <ul class="toolbar">
      <li><a href="#" onClick="setColor('header','{{rgb}}');">{{id}}</a></li>


If you do not use the HTMLFrameMojit or use CSS with a different name than the template, you will have to explicitly reference your CSS files in the assets directory. For example, if you have /mojits/{mojit_name}/assets/simple.css, you can use the HTML <link> tag to reference the CSS at the following location: /static/{mojit_name}/assets/simple.css

Setting Up this Example

To create and run framed_assets:

  1. Create your application.

    $ mojito create app framed_assets

  2. Change to the application directory.

  3. Create your mojit.

    $ mojito create mojit framed

  4. To configure your application to have assets, replace the code in application.json with the following:

        "settings": [ "master" ],
        "specs": {
          "frame" : {
            "type" : "HTMLFrameMojit",
            "config": {
              "child" : {
                "type" : "framed"
              "assets": {
                "top": {
                  "css": [
  5. To configure routing, replace the code in routes.json with the following:

        "settings": [ "master" ],
        "_framed_view": {
          "verbs": ["get"],
          "path": "/",
          "call": "frame.index"
  6. Change to mojits/framed.

  7. Modify your controller to pass an array of objects to the template by replacing the code in controller.server.js with the following:

    YUI.add('framed', function(Y, NAME) {
      Y.namespace('mojito.controllers')[NAME] = {
        init: function(config) {
          this.config = config;
        index: function(ac) {
          var data = {
            title: "Framed Assets",
            colors: [
              {id: "green", rgb: "#616536"},
              {id: "brown", rgb: "#593E1A"},
              {id: "grey",  rgb: "#777B88"},
              {id: "blue",  rgb: "#3D72A4"},
              {id: "red",  rgb: "#990033"}
    }, '0.0.1', {requires: []});
  8. Include the assets in your template by replacing the code in views/index.hb.html with the following:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      // Changes background color of the header.
      // Note: JavaScript code should not be hard
      //coded into the template. It's done
      // here to simplify the code example.
      function setColor(id, color) {
        document.getElementById(id).style.backgroundColor = color;
    <div id="{{mojit_view_id}}" class="mojit">
      <h2 id="header">{{title}}</h2>
      <ul class="toolbar">
        <li><a href="#" onClick="setColor('header','{{rgb}}');">{{id}}</a></li>
  9. Replace the contents of assets/index.css for the CSS of your page with the following:

    .mojit {
      margin: auto;
      width: 40%;
      text-align: center;
    ul.toolbar {
      display: block;
      margin: 0 auto;
      width: 17.0em;
    .toolbar li { display:inline; }
  10. From the application directory, run the server.

    $ mojito start

  11. To view your application, go to the URL:


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