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A summary of Data-to-text Generation Papers.

Public Datasets Corpora Generation and Manipulation
Data Augmentation
Data Representation Content Generation
Surface Realization Other Directions
Training Methods
  1. Challenges in Data-to-Document Generation EMNLP, 2017 paper

    Sam Wiseman; Stuart M. Shieber; Alexander M. Rush

  2. Creating Training Corpora for NLG Micro-Planners ACL, 2017 paper

    Claire Gardent; Anastasia Shimorina; Shashi Narayan; Laura Perez-Beltrachini

  3. Creating a Corpus for Russian Data-to-Text Generation Using Neural Machine Translation and Post-Editing BSNLP@ACL, 2019 paper

    Anastasia Shimorina; Elena Khasanova; Claire Gardent

  4. Ensuring Readability and Data-fidelity using Head-modifier Templates in Deep Type Description Generation ACL, 2019 paper

    Jiangjie Chen; Ao Wang; Haiyun Jiang; Suo Feng; Chenguang Li; Yanghua Xiao

  5. ViGGO: A Video Game Corpus for Data-To-Text Generation in Open-Domain Conversation. INLG, 2019 paper

    Juraj Juraska; Kevin K. Bowden; Marilyn A. Walker

  6. The CACAPO Dataset : A Multilingual, Multi-Domain Dataset for Neural Pipeline and End-to-End Data-to-Text Generation INLG, 2020 paper

    Chris van der Lee; Chris Emmery; Sander Wubben; Emiel Krahmer

  7. ToTTo: A Controlled Table-To-Text Generation Dataset EMNLP, 2020 paper

    Ankur P. Parikh; Xuezhi Wang; Sebastian Gehrmann; Manaal Faruqui; Bhuwan Dhingra; Diyi Yang; Dipanjan Das

  8. Plum2Text: a french plumitifs -descriptions data-to-text dataset for natural language generation ICAIL, 2021 paper

    Nicolas Garneau; Eve Gaumond; Luc Lamontagne; Pierre-Luc Déziel

  9. Towards Table-to-Text Generation with Numerical Reasoning ACL/IJCNLP, 2021 paper

    Lya Hulliyyatus Suadaa; Hidetaka Kamigaito; Kotaro Funakoshi; Manabu Okumura; Hiroya Takamura

  1. Schema-Guided Natural Language Generation. INLG, 2020 paper

    Yuheng Du; Shereen Oraby; Vittorio Perera; Minmin Shen; Anjali Narayan-Chen; Tagyoung Chung; Anu Venkatesh; Dilek Hakkani-Tur

  2. Knowledge Graph Based Synthetic Corpus Generation for Knowledge-Enhanced Language Model Pre-training NAACL-HLT, 2021 paper

    Oshin Agarwal; Heming Ge; Siamak Shakeri; Rami Al-Rfou

  1. Neural Data-to-Text Generation with LM-based Text Augmentation EACL, 2021 paper

    Ernie Chang; Xiaoyu Shen; Dawei Zhu; Vera Demberg; Hui Su

  2. Automatic Construction of Evaluation Suites for Natural Language Generation Datasets arXiv, 2021 paper

    Simon Mille; Kaustubh Dhole; Saad Mahamood; Laura Perez-Beltrachini; Varun Gangal; Mihir Kale; Emiel van Miltenburg; Sebastian Gehrmann

  1. Automated learning of templates for data-to-text generation: comparing rule-based, statistical and neural methods INLG, 2018 paper

    Chris van der Lee; Emiel Krahmer; Sander Wubben

  2. Handling Rare Items in Data-to-Text Generation INLG, 2018 paper

    Anastasia Shimorina; Claire Gardent

  3. Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Data-to-Text Natural Language Generation:Word- vs. Character-based Processing and Output Diversity INLG, 2018 paper

    Glorianna Jagfeld; Sabrina Jenne; Ngoc Thang Vu

  4. A Closer Look at Recent Results of Verb Selection for Data-to-Text NLG. INLG, 2019 paper

    Guanyi Chen; Jin-Ge Yao

  5. Neural data-to-text generation: A comparison between pipeline and end-to-end architectures EMNLP/IJCNLP, 2019 paper

    Thiago Castro Ferreira; Chris van der Lee; Emiel van Miltenburg; Emiel Krahmer

  6. Remodeling Numerical Representation for Text Generation on Small Corpus: A Syntactical Analysis Proceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 2019 paper

    Aristotle Tan; Hui-Ngo Goh; Lai-Kuan Wong

  7. On Hallucination and Predictive Uncertainty in Conditional Language Generation EACL, 2021 paper

    Yijun Xiao; William Yang Wang

  1. Table-to-text Generation by Structure-aware Seq2seq Learning arXiv, 2017 paper

    Tianyu Liu; Kexiang Wang; Lei Sha; Baobao Chang; Zhifang Sui

  2. A Hierarchical Model for Data-to-Text Generation arXiv, 2019 paper

    Clément Rebuffel; Laure Soulier; Geoffrey Scoutheeten; Patrick Gallinari

  3. Data-to-Text Generation with Attention Recurrent Unit IJCNN, 2019 paper

    Hechong Wang; Wei Zhang; Yuesheng Zhu; Zhiqiang Bai

  4. Data-to-text Generation with Entity Modeling ACL, 2019 paper

    Ratish Puduppully; Li Dong; Mirella Lapata

  5. Hierarchical Encoder with Auxiliary Supervision for Neural Table-to-Text Generation: Learning Better Representation for Tables AAAI, 2019 paper

    Tianyu Liu; Fuli Luo; Qiaolin Xia; Shuming Ma; Baobao Chang; Zhifang Sui

  6. Table-to-Text Natural Language Generation with Unseen Schemas. arXiv, 2019 paper

    Tianyu Liu; Wei Wei; William Yang Wang

  7. A Hierarchical Model for Data-to-Text Generation ECIR, 2020 paper

    Clément Rebuffel; Laure Soulier; Geoffrey Scoutheeten; Patrick Gallinari

  8. Capturing Entity Hierarchy in Data-to-Text Generative Models. CIRCLE, 2020 paper

    Clément Rebuffel; Laure Soulier; Geoffrey Scoutheeten; Patrick Gallinari

  9. Data-to-text Generation with Pointer-Generator Networks AEECA, 2020 paper

    Mengzhu Liu; Zhaonan Mu; Jieping Sun; Cheng Wang

  10. Learning Better Representation for Tables by Self-Supervised Tasks. arXiv, 2020 paper

    Liang Li; Can Ma; Yinliang Yue; Linjun Shou; Dayong Hu

  11. Exploring Structural Encoding for Data-to-Text Generation. INLG, 2021 paper

    Joy Mahapatra; Utpal Garain

  12. TABBIE: Pretrained Representations of Tabular Data NAACL-HLT, 2021 paper

    Hiroshi Iida; Dung Thai; Varun Manjunatha; Mohit Iyyer

  1. Operation-guided Neural Networks for High Fidelity Data-To-Text Generation EMNLP, 2018 paper

    Feng Nie; Jinpeng Wang; Jin-Ge Yao; Rong Pan; Chin-Yew Lin

  2. Beyond Word for Word: Fact Guided Training for Neural Data-to-Document Generation NLPCC, 2019 paper

    Feng Nie; Hailin Chen; Jinpeng Wang; Rong Pan; Chin-Yew Lin

  3. Enhancing Neural Data-To-Text Generation Models with External Background Knowledge EMNLP/IJCNLP, 2019 paper

    Shuang Chen; Jinpeng Wang; Xiaocheng Feng; Feng Jiang; Bing Qin; Chin-Yew Lin

  4. Step-by-Step: Separating Planning from Realization in Neural Data-to-Text Generation NAACL-HLT, 2019 paper

    Amit Moryossef; Yoav Goldberg; Ido Dagan

  5. Sticking to the Facts: Confident Decoding for Faithful Data-to-Text Generation. arXiv, 2019 paper

    Ran Tian; Shashi Narayan; Thibault Sellam; Ankur P. Parikh

  6. Table-to-Text Generation via Row-Aware Hierarchical Encoder CCL, 2019 paper

    Heng Gong; Xiaocheng Feng; Bing Qin; Ting Liu

  7. Data-to-Text Generation with Iterative Text Editing. INLG, 2020 paper

    Zdenek Kasner; Ondrej Dusek

  8. Neural Data-to-Text Generation via Jointly Learning the Segmentation and Correspondence ACL, 2020 paper

    Xiaoyu Shen; Ernie Chang; Hui Su; Cheng Niu; Dietrich Klakow

  9. A case-based approach to data-to-text generation. ICCBR, 2021 paper

    Ashish Upadhyay; Stewart Massie; Ritwik Kumar Singh; Garima Gupta; Muneendra Ojha

  10. Attention Is Indeed All You Need: Semantically Attention-Guided Decoding for Data-to-Text NLG. INLG, 2021 paper

    Juraj Juraska; Marilyn A. Walker

  11. Control Prefixes for Text Generation. arXiv, 2021 paper

    Jordan Clive; Kris Cao; Marek Rei

  12. Controlling hallucinations at word level in data-to-text generation Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2021 paper

    Clément Rebuffel; Marco Roberti; Laure Soulier; Geoffrey Scoutheeten; Rossella Cancelliere; Patrick Gallinari

  13. Generative adversarial network for Table-to-Text generation Neurocomputing, 2021 paper

    Jianyu Zhao; Zhiqiang Zhan; Tong Li; Rang Li; Changjian Hu; Siyun Wang; Yang Zhang

  1. Towards Table-to-Text Generation with Numerical Reasoning ACL/IJCNLP, 2021 paper

    Lya Hulliyyatus Suadaa; Hidetaka Kamigaito; Kotaro Funakoshi; Manabu Okumura; Hiroya Takamura

  1. Order-Planning Neural Text Generation From Structured Data AAAI, 2017 paper

    Lei Sha; Lili Mou; Tianyu Liu; Pascal Poupart; Sujian Li; Baobao Chang; Zhifang Sui

  2. Data-to-Text Generation with Content Selection and Planning AAAI, 2019 paper

    Ratish Puduppully; Li Dong; Mirella Lapata

  3. End-to-End Content and Plan Selection for Data-to-Text Generation INLG, 2018 paper

    Sebastian Gehrmann; Falcon Z. Dai; Henry Elder; Alexander M. Rush

  4. Fine-Grained Control of Sentence Segmentation and Entity Positioning in Neural NLG Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Discourse Structure in Neural NLG, 2019 paper

    Kritika Mehta; Raheel Qader; Cyril Labbé; François Portet

  5. Improving Quality and Efficiency in Plan-based Neural Data-to-text Generation INLG, 2019 paper

    Amit Moryossef; Yoav Goldberg; Ido Dagan

  6. Sentence generation for entity description with content-plan attention AAAI, 2020 paper

    Bayu Distiawan Trisedya; Jianzhong Qi; Rui Zhang

  7. AggGen: Ordering and Aggregating while Generating ACL/IJCNLP, 2021 paper

    Xinnuo Xu; Ondřej Dušek; Verena Rieser; Ioannis Konstas

  8. Data-to-text Generation with Macro Planning Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2021 paper

    Ratish Puduppully; Mirella Lapata

  9. Grouped-Attention for Content-Selection and Content-Plan Generation EMNLP (Findings), 2021 paper

    Bayu Distiawan Trisedya; Xiaojie Wang; Jianzhong Qi; Rui Zhang; Qingjun Cui

  10. Plan-then-Generate: Controlled Data-to-Text Generation via Planning arXiv, 2021 paper

    Yixuan Su; David Vandyke; Sihui Wang; Yimai Fang; Nigel Collier

  1. Probabilistic Verb Selection for Data-to-Text Generation Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2018 paper

    Dell Zhang; Jiahao Yuan; Xiaoling Wang; Adam Foster

  2. Table-to-Text: Describing Table Region With Natural Language. AAAI, 2018 paper

    Junwei Bao; Duyu Tang; Nan Duan; Zhao Yan; Yuanhua Lv; Ming Zhou; Tiejun Zhao

  3. Ensuring Readability and Data-fidelity using Head-modifier Templates in Deep Type Description Generation ACL, 2019 paper

    Jiangjie Chen; Ao Wang; Haiyun Jiang; Suo Feng; Chenguang Li; Yanghua Xiao

  4. Long and Diverse Text Generation with Planning-based Hierarchical Variational Model EMNLP/IJCNLP, 2019 paper

    Zhihong Shao; Minlie Huang; Jiangtao Wen; Wenfei Xu; Xiaoyan Zhu

  5. Narrative context-based data-to-text generation for ambient intelligence Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2019 paper

    Jungsun Jang; Hyungjong Noh; Yeonsoo Lee; Soo Min Pantel; Hae-Chang Rim

  6. Consistent Data-to-Text Generation with Topic Sequences JSAI, 2020 paper

    Soichiro Murakami

  7. Latent Template Induction with Gumbel-CRFs NeurIPS, 2020 paper

    Yao Fu; Chuanqi Tan; Bin Bi; Mosha Chen; Yansong Feng; Alexander M. Rush

  8. Learning with Contrastive Examples for Data-to-Text Generation COLING, 2020 paper

    Yui Uehara; Tatsuya Ishigaki; Kasumi Aoki; Hiroshi Noji; Keiichi Goshima; Ichiro Kobayashi; Hiroya Takamura; Yusuke Miyao

  9. Make Templates Smarter: A Template Based Data2Text System Powered by Text Stitch Model EMNLP (Findings), 2020 paper

    Bingfeng Luo; Bai Zuo; Kunfeng Lai; Jianping Shen

  10. Template-Based Multi-solution Approach for Data-to-Text Generation ADBIS, 2020 paper

    Abelardo Vieira Mota; Ticiana L. Coelho da Silva; José Antônio Fernandes de Macêdo

  11. Variational Template Machine for Data-to-Text Generation ICLR, 2020 paper

    Rong Ye; Wenxian Shi; Hao Zhou; Zhongyu Wei; Lei Li

  12. A case-based approach to data-to-text generation. ICCBR, 2021 paper

    Ashish Upadhyay; Stewart Massie; Ritwik Kumar Singh; Garima Gupta; Muneendra Ojha

  13. De-Confounded Variational Encoder-Decoder for Logical Table-to-Text Generation ACL/IJCNLP, 2021 paper

    Wenqing Chen; Jidong Tian; Yitian Li; Hao He; Yaohui Jin

  14. Generative adversarial network for Table-to-Text generation Neurocomputing, 2021 paper

    Jianyu Zhao; Zhiqiang Zhan; Tong Li; Rang Li; Changjian Hu; Siyun Wang; Yang Zhang

  1. Data-to-Text Generation with Style Imitation arXiv, 2019 paper

    Shuai Lin; Wentao Wang; Zichao Yang; Xiaodan Liang; Frank F. Xu; Eric P. Xing; Zhiting Hu

  2. Natural Language Generation for Non-Expert Users Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 2019 paper

    Van Nguyen; Tran Cao Son; Enrico Pontelli

  3. Text Generation with Exemplar-based Adaptive Decoding NAACL-HLT, 2019 paper

    Hao Peng; Ankur P. Parikh; Manaal Faruqui; Bhuwan Dhingra; Dipanjan Das

  4. Data-to-Text Generation with Style Imitation EMNLP, 2020 paper

    Shuai Lin; Wentao Wang; Zichao Yang; Xiaodan Liang; Frank F. Xu; Eric P. Xing; Zhiting Hu

  1. A Novel Task-Oriented Text Corpus in Silent Speech Recognition and its Natural Language Generation Construction Method NLPIR, 2019 paper

    Dong Cao; Dongdong Zhang; Haibo Chen

  2. Key Fact as Pivot: A Two-Stage Model for Low Resource Table-to-Text Generation ACL, 2019 paper

    Shuming Ma; Pengcheng Yang; Tianyu Liu; Peng Li; Jie Zhou; Xu Sun

  3. KGPT: Knowledge-Grounded Pre-Training for Data-to-Text Generation EMNLP, 2020 paper

    Wenhu Chen; Yu Su; Xifeng Yan; William Yang Wang

  4. TableGPT: Few-shot Table-to-Text Generation with Table Structure Reconstruction and Content Matching COLING, 2020 paper

    Heng Gong; Yawei Sun; Xiaocheng Feng; Bing Qin; Wei Bi; Xiaojiang Liu; Ting Liu

  5. Template-Based Multi-solution Approach for Data-to-Text Generation ADBIS, 2020 paper

    Abelardo Vieira Mota; Ticiana L. Coelho da Silva; José Antônio Fernandes de Macêdo

  6. Text-to-Text Pre-Training for Data-to-Text Tasks INLG, 2020 paper

    Mihir Kale

  1. Select and Attend: Towards Controllable Content Selection in Text Generation EMNLP/IJCNLP 2019, [paper](Xiaoyu Shen; Jun Suzuki; Kentaro Inui; Hui Su; Dietrich Klakow; Satoshi Sekine)


  2. Scalable Micro-planned Generation of Discourse from Structured Data Computational Linguistics 2019, [paper](Anirban Laha; Parag Jain; Abhijit Mishra; Karthik Sankaranarayanan)


  3. Data-to-text Generation by Splicing Together Nearest Neighbors EMNLP 2021, [paper](Sam Wiseman; Arturs Backurs; Karl Stratos)


  4. GenNI: Human-AI Collaboration for Data-Backed Text Generation. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 2021 paper

    Hendrik Strobelt; Jambay Kinley; Robert Krueger; Johanna Beyer; Hanspeter Pfister; Alexander M. Rush

  1. Towards Automatic Generation of Product Reviews from Aspect-Sentiment Scores INLG, 2017 paper

    Hongyu Zang; Xiaojun Wan

  2. Controlling contents in data-to-document generation with human-designed topic labels INLG, 2019 paper

    Kasumi Aoki; Akira Miyazawa; Tatsuya Ishigaki; Tatsuya Aoki; Hiroshi Noji; Keiichi Goshima; Ichiro Kobayashi; Hiroya Takamura; Yusuke Miyao

  3. Copy Mechanism and Tailored Training for Character-Based Data-to-Text Generation ECML/PKDD, 2020 paper

    Marco Roberti; Giovanni Bonetta; Rossella Cancelliere; Patrick Gallinari

  4. Machine Translation Pre-training for Data-to-Text Generation INLG, 2020 paper

    Mihir Kale; Scott Roy

  5. Fuzzy Temporal Protoforms for the Quantitative Description of Processes in Natural Language FUZZ-IEEE, 2021 paper

    Yago Fontenla-Seco; Alberto Bugarín; Manuel Lama

  1. Bootstrapping Generators from Noisy Data NAACL-HLT, 2018 paper

    Laura Perez-Beltrachini; Mirella Lapata

  2. DORB: Dynamically Optimizing Multiple Rewards with Bandits. EMNLP, 2020 paper

    Ramakanth Pasunuru; Han Guo; Mohit Bansal

  3. PARENTing via Model-Agnostic Reinforcement Learning to Correct Pathological Behaviors in Data-to-Text Generation. INLG, 2020 paper

    Clément Rebuffel; Laure Soulier; Geoffrey Scoutheeten; Patrick Gallinari

  4. Does the Order of Training Samples Matter? Improving Neural Data-to-Text Generation with Curriculum Learning EACL, 2021 paper

    Ernie Chang; Hui-Syuan Yeh; Vera Demberg

  5. On Training Instance Selection for Few-Shot Neural Text Generation ACL/IJCNLP, 2021 paper

    Ernie Chang; Xiaoyu Shen; Hui-Syuan Yeh; Vera Demberg

  6. Prefix-Tuning: Optimizing Continuous Prompts for Generation ACL/IJCNLP, 2021 paper

    Xiang Lisa Li; Percy Liang

  1. Evaluating the text quality, human likeness and tailoring component of PASS: A Dutch data-to-text system for soccer COLING, 2018 paper

    Chris van der Lee; Bart Verduijn; Emiel Krahmer; Sander Wubben

  2. Specificity Measures and Referential Success IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2018 paper

    Nicolas Marin; Gustavo Rivas-Gervilla; Daniel Sánchez; Ronald R. Yager

  3. Handling Divergent Reference Texts when Evaluating Table-to-Text Generation ACL, 2019 paper

    Bhuwan Dhingra; Manaal Faruqui; Ankur P. Parikh; Ming-Wei Chang; Dipanjan Das; William W. Cohen

  4. A Gold Standard Methodology for Evaluating Accuracy in Data-To-Text Systems arXiv, 2020 paper

    Craig Thomson; Ehud Reiter

  5. Evaluating Semantic Accuracy of Data-to-Text Generation with Natural Language Inference. INLG, 2020 paper

    Ondrej Dusek; Zdenek Kasner

  6. Data-QuestEval: A Referenceless Metric for Data-to-Text Semantic Evaluation EMNLP, 2021 paper

    Clément Rebuffel; Thomas Scialom; Laure Soulier; Benjamin Piwowarski; Sylvain Lamprier; Jacopo Staiano; Geoffrey Scoutheeten; Patrick Gallinari

  7. Entity-Based Semantic Adequacy for Data-to-Text Generation EMNLP (Findings), 2021 paper

    Juliette Faille; Albert Gatt; Claire Gardent

  8. Evaluation Guidelines to Deal with Implicit Phenomena to Assess Factuality in Data-to-Text Generation Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Understanding Implicit and Underspecified Language, 2021 paper

    Roy Eisenstadt; Michael Elhadad

  9. Text-in-Context: Token-Level Error Detection for Table-to-Text Generation. INLG, 2021 paper

    Zdenek Kasner; Simon Mille; Ondrej Dusek

  1. Generating Syntactic Paraphrases EMNLP, 2018 paper

    Emilie Colin; Claire Gardent

  2. ESPRIT: Explaining Solutions to Physical Reasoning Tasks ACL, 2020 paper

    Nazneen Fatema Rajani; Rui Zhang; Yi Chern Tan; Stephan Zheng; Jeremy Weiss; Aadit Vyas; Abhijit Gupta; Caiming Xiong; Richard Socher; Dragomir R. Radev

  3. Fact-based Text Editing ACL, 2020 paper

    Hayate Iso; Chao Qiao; Hang Li

  4. Live Commenting of Football Games Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Generation thesis, 2020 paper

    Marcus Grönvall

  5. Towards a Dutch FrameNet lexicon and parser using the data-to-text method CLIN, 2020 paper

    Gosse Minnema; Levi Remijnse

  6. Unsupervised Pidgin Text Generation By Pivoting English Data and Self-Training. arXiv, 2020 paper

    Ernie Chang; David Ifeoluwa Adelani; Xiaoyu Shen; Vera Demberg

  1. Neural generation of textual summaries from knowledge base triples thesis, 2019 link

    Pavlos Vougiouklis

  2. Automatic generation of anomaly reports in a Train Control System: Using Natural Language Generation and Case-Based Reasoning thesis, 2020 link

    Þórunn Ómarsdóttir

  3. Live Commenting of Football Games Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Generation thesis, 2020 link

    Marcus Grönvall

  4. Table-to-Text: Generating Descriptive Text for Scientific Tables from Randomized Controlled Trials thesis, 2020 link

    Qiang Wei

  5. Natural Language Generation : From Data Creation to Evaluation via Modelling thesis, 2021 link

    Anastasia Shimorina