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Yali Bian edited this page Feb 15, 2017 · 3 revisions

Visual Elements in CrowdSPIRE

CrowdSPIRE is a prototype web version of StarSPIRE which is a visual text analytics system with semantic interactions.

The whole view is a force directed graph. On the graph, nodes stand for documents. Each document can be parsed into a collection of entities (keywords, like When, Where, Who), the distance between documents stands for their similarity (Whether they have same entities).

The view has two level of visual details: document level and icon level. At first, all documents are nodes. We can change the node into document level, through double-click.

Also, if we drag two documents together, the system will interpret reasoning from this interaction as this two documents are much similar to each other, we need to improve the weights of shared entities in this two documents.

If you think the opened document is useless, you can delete it from the screen or minimize it.

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