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Bayesian Functional Genome-wide Association Study using Multivariate Quantitative Annotations (BFGWAS_QUANT)

BFGWAS_QUANT is developed based on our previous tool BFGWAS tool as proposed by Yang J. et. al, AJHG, 2017. BFGWAS_QUANT is based on a multivariable Bayesian variable selection model, accounting for multivariate quantitative functional annotations and LD to fine-map and prioritize GWAS hits.

  • With individual-level GWAS data, BFGWAS_QUANT first computes single variant Z-score statistics (GWAS summary statistics) and LD correlation files from individual-level GWAS data, and then loads these two summary statistics files and known GWAS sample size to run MCMC.
  • With summary-level GWAS data, BFGWAS_QUANT uses Z-score statistics file and LD correlation files generated from a reference panel (by BFGWAS_QUANT) to run MCMC.
  • BFGWAS_QUANT runs MCMC in parallel for multiple genome-blocks, which is handled through a Makefile generated by a PERL script ./bin/ EM-MCMC algorithm is handled based on dependency jobs in the generated Makefile. Users will only need to submit the generated Makefile as a job for the analysis results.

Software Installation

1. Compile Estep_mcmc

  • Install required C++ libraries C++ libraries zlib, gsl, eigen3, lapack, atlas, blas. Please install these libraries to your system and include the library path -I[path to libraries] accordingly in the C++ compilation command line in the Makefile.

  • Compile C++ library ./libStatGen/libStatGen.a under your system by using the following commands:

cd BFGWAS_QUANT/libStatGen/;
make clean;
  • Compile C++ source code for the executable file ./bin/Estep_mcmc that will be used to run the Estep MCMC algorithm, by using the following commands under BFGWAS_QUANT/ directory:
make clean ;
  • Even though a compiled executable file ./bin/Estep_mcmc from our cluster is provided on GITHUB, please still compile one for your own system. The BFGWAS_QUANT/Makefile might need to be adapted for one's own system.

2. Additional Requirements

Input Files

Example data files are provided under ./Example/ExData/.

Individual-level GWAS Data Input Files

1. Genotype VCF Files

  • VCF Genotype files are required for using individual-level GWAS data, or for generating reference LD correlation files. The VCF genotype files should be segmented into one VCF file per genome block (variants of the same chromosome should be in the same block), sorted by position, and then zipped by bgzip with file names [filehead].vcf.gz.
  • All VCF genotype files should be stored under the same parent directory.
  • Genotype files are supposed to be segmented based on LD. Genome blocks are expected to be approximately independent with ~5K -- 10K SNPs per block.
    • Segmentation information of hg19 derived by LDetect are provided in ./Example/ExData/Segmentations/lddetect_1KG_*_hg19.bed for EUR, AFR, and ASN populations.
    • Segmentation information of GRCH38 are available from LDblocks_GRCh38.

2. Phenotype File

  • Phenotype file is a two column text file, with sample IDs (the same IDs as in the genotype VCF files) in the first column and phenotype values in the second column

  • No column header is needed

  • Example file: /Example/ExData/sim_pheno.txt

    ... ...
    1000 0.64
    1005 -0.55
    ... ...

Summary-level GWAS Data Input Files

1. GWAS Zscore File

  • GWAS Zscore files are also segmented based on LD, sorted by position, zipped by bgzip with [filehead].Zscore.txt.gz, which can be either generated using individual-level GWAS data, or constructed from GWAS summary data.

  • The same segmentation information used to segment individual-level VCF files can also be used here to construct segmented GWAS Zscore files.

  • GWAS Zscore files are tab separated text files with first 8 columns: #CHROM POS ID REF ALT N MAF Z_SCORE, denoting chromosome number, base pair coordinate, variant ID, reference allele, alternative allele, sample size, minor allele frequency, Z-score statistic values by single variant tests. Unknown sample size and minor allele frequency values can be denoted as NA.

    • MAF will be used to filter out rare variant if provided.
  • Example files: /Example/ExData/Zscore/

    19 29791987 19:29791987:C:A C A 1893 0.021 0.505
    19 29792094 19:29792094:G:A G A 1893 0.400 0.139
    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2. Reference LD File

  • Reference LD files are segmented using the same segmentation information for segmenting GWAS Zscore files or VCF files, with names [filehead].LDcorr.txt.gz.

  • Reference LD files have to be generated by ./bin/Estep_mcmc from either individual-level GWAS genotype VCF files of test samples or a reference cohort such as 1000 Genome of the same ancestry. Reference LD files generated using a reference cohort with different ancestry from the test GWAS cohort will cause errors.

  • Reference LD files are tab separated text files with 9 columns: #ORDER CHROM POS ID REF ALT N MAF CORR, denoting the order of variants, chromosome number, base pair coordinate, variant ID, reference allele, alternative allele, sample size, minor allele frequency, correlation between variant in the current row and variants within a specified right hand size $LDwindow of the current variant (separated by ,, started with 1.0 as standardized correlation).

  • Example files: /Example/ExData/RefLD/. For example, the correlation between 19:29791987:C:A and 19:29792094:G:A is -0.123.

    0 19 29791987 19:29791987:C:A C A 1893 0.021 1.0,-0.123,-0.202,...
    1 19 29792094 19:29792094:G:A G A 1893 0.400 1.0,0.640,0.117,...
    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3. Annotation File

  • Annotation files are also segmented using the same segmentation information for segmenting GWAS Zscore files or VCF files, with names Anno_[filehead].txt.gz.

  • Annotation files are tab separated text files with 6 columns: #CHROM POS ID REF ALT Annotation, denoting chromosome number, base pair coordinate, variant ID, reference allele, alternative allele, multivariate quantitative annotations (separated by ,).

  • Enrichment parameters are restricted to be positive values. We suggest users to code their interesting annotation features as positive values.

    | #CHROM | POS | ID | REF | ALT | Annotation | |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------| | 19 | 29791987 | 19:29791987:C:A | C |A | 0,0,0,-1.5646 | | 19 | 29792094 | 19:29792094:G:A | G | A | 0,0,0,-2.2281 | |... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |

Other Input Files

1. Genome Block Prefix File

  • Genome block prefix file of VCF genotype files as in ./Example/ExData/filehead_4block.txt is required. Each row of the list file is the file head of the VCF file of one genome block as in [filehead].vcf.gz. Note that the VCF file extension suffix .vcf.gz should not be included.
  • The same set of file heads as in the genome block prefix file should be used to name VCF, Zscore, LD, Annotation files.

2. Prior Parameter File

  • Prior parameter file includes the values of initial enrichment coefficients a (separated by ,) and a fixed value for tau_beta. See example file as in ``./Example/ExData/hypval_4anno.txt`.

  • The first value in the a row is for alpha_0 with a recomended value in [-13.8, -9], which controls for the benchmark of model sparsity when enrichment parameters are 0 and will not be updated during M-step.

  • Default tau_beta value is recommended to be set as 0.1 if individual-level GWAS data are used, and 1 if summary-level GWAS data are used.

    a -13.8,0,0,0,0
    tau_beta 0.1

Example Usage

Example commands: ./

Step 1. Obtain GWAS Zscore and LD Files

  • Shell script ./bin/ can be used to generate GWAS Zscore and LD files sequentially

  • The following commands can be used to generate GWAS Zscore and LD files for one genome block:

     ${BFGWAS_dir}/bin/Estep_mcmc -vcf ${geno_dir}/${line}.vcf.gz -p ${pheno} \
                         -maf ${maf} -GTfield ${GTfield} \
                         -o ${line} -LDwindow ${LDwindow} -saveSS -zipSS

Step 2. Generate Makefile

  • A Makefile will be generated by ./bin/ to rap MCMC jobs (E-steps) and updating enrichment coefficient estimates (M-steps), and enable parallel computation.
  • In the following example commands, Nsample sets GWAS sample size, Anum sets the number of annotations, em sets number of EM iterations, Nburnin sets the number of burn-in MCMC iterations, Nmcmc sets the number of MCMC iterations, anno_dir specifies the directory of all annotation files,
BFGWAS_dir="/projects/YangLabData/Software/BFGWAS_QUANT" # Tool directory

filehead=${BFGWAS_dir}/Example/ExData/filehead_4block.txt # Genome block prefix file
Zscore_dir=${BFGWAS_dir}/Example/ExData/Zscore # Zscore file directory
LDdir=${BFGWAS_dir}/Example/ExData/RefLD # LD file directory

Nsample=1893 # GWAS sample size
Anum=4 # Number of annotations
em=3 # EM steps
Nburnin=10000  # Burn-in iterations in MCMC
Nmcmc=10000  # MCMC iteration number

anno_dir=${BFGWAS_dir}/Example/ExData/Anno # Annotation file directory
hfile=${BFGWAS_dir}/Example/ExData/hypval_4anno.txt #  Initial prior parameter values

wkdir=${BFGWAS_dir}/Example/Test_wkdir # Working directory
cd $wkdir
mkfile=${wkdir}/ ## Makefile directory

########### Generate make file with all jobs
${BFGWAS_dir}/bin/ \
--wkdir ${wkdir} --tool_dir ${BFGWAS_dir} \
--filehead ${filehead} --LDdir ${LDdir} --Zscore_dir ${Zscore_dir} \
--anno_dir ${anno_dir} --AnnoNumber ${Anum} --hfile ${hfile} \
--maf 0.01 --Nsample ${Nsample} \
--Nburnin ${Nburnin} --Nmcmc ${Nmcmc} --NmcmcLast ${Nmcmc} \
--em ${em} --mf ${mkfile}

Step 3. Run Makefile

  • Run on computation node:
make -f ${wkdir}/ clean; # Clean target files
${BFGWAS_dir}/bin/ --wkdir ${wkdir} --mkfile ${mkfile} --njob ${j}
  • Run by sbatch:
make -f ${wkdir}/ clean; # Clean target files
sbatch ${BFGWAS_dir}/ ${wkdir} ${mkfile} ${j}

Output Files

  • Variant specific estimates of effect sizes (column Beta) and causal posterior probabilities (CPP, column Pi) are provided under ${wkdir}/Eoutput/paramtemp${em}.txt.gz.
    • Column mBeta : marginal genetic effect size estimate by single variant regression model
    • Column ChisqTest : chisquare test statistic value by single variant test
    • Column Pval_svt : p-value by single variant test
    • Column Rank : rank of p-values from the smallest to the largest per genome block
    • Columns Anno_* : annotation values per variant
  • Enrichment coefficient estimates (column avec, separated by ,) are provided in ${wkdir}/Eoutput/EM_result.txt

Analyse BFGWAS_QUANT Results

  • Example R script for analyzing the BFGWAS_QUANT results is provided in ./Example/AnalyzeResults/Analysis.r
  • Example plots are provided under ./Example/AnalyzeResults/
  • Example Rscript for making Manhattan plot for millions of SNPs: ./bin/mp_plot.r


  • BFGWAS_QUANT tool is derived by assuming all test GWAS samples are of the same ancestry. It is critical to use reference LD of the same population as the GWAS test data.
  • Around 32GB memory might be needed to generate reference LD files.
  • GWAS sample size Nsample is recommended to be set as the sample size that are used to generate the LDcorr files.
  • GWAS Zscore statistics can be easily derived by using the GWAS p-values and effect size signs.
  • If BFGWAS_QUANT tool fail to complete all EM iterations, one could use the output files generated by the last success EM iteration. The failed scenarios are likely due to the lack of associations.


Tool for integrating multivariate quantitative annotation in GWAS






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