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SR-TWAS stands for Stacked Regression-Transcriptome-Wide Association Study, which is developed using Python and BASH scripts for creating improved Genetically Regulated gene eXpression (GReX) prediction models by using an Ensemble Machine Learning technique of Stacked Regression to form optimal linear combinations of previously trained gene expression imputation models. SR-TWAS allows users to leverage multiple reference panels of the same tissue type in order to improve GReX prediction accuracy and TWAS power with increased effective training sample sizes.

SR-TWAS: Leveraging Multiple Reference Panels to Improve TWAS Power by Ensemble Machine Learning. Randy L. Parrish, Aron S. Buchman, Shinya Tasaki, Yanling Wang, Denis Avey, Jishu Xu, Philip L. De Jager, David A. Bennett, Michael P. Epstein, Jingjing Yang. medRxiv 2023.06.20.23291605; doi: [Preprint]

Software Setup

1. Install BGZIP, TABIX, Python 3.6, and the following Python libraries

2. Make files executable

  • Make *.sh files in the SR-TWAS directory executable
chmod 755 ${SR_TWAS_dir}/*.sh 

Input Files

Example input files provided under ./ExampleData/ are generated artificially. All input files are Tab Delimited Text Files.

Validation Data

1. Genotype File

  • --genofile_type vcf
    • --format GT
    • --format DS
1 100 rs1 C T . PASS . GT:DS 0/0:0.01 ...
  • Sorted by chromosome and base pair position, bgzipped by bgzip, and tabixed by tabix
  • Example tabix command for a VCF file: tabix -f -p vcf *.vcf.gz.
  • First 9 columns are Chromosome number, Base pair position, Variant ID, Reference allele, Alternative allele, Quality score, Filter status, Variant information, Genotype data format
  • Genotype data starts from the 10th column. Each column denotes the genotype data per sample.
  • Example: ./ExampleData/genotype.vcf.gz
Dosage file
  • --genofile_type dosage
CHROM POS ID REF ALT Sample1 Sample...
1 100 rs** C T 0.01 ...
  • First 5 columns have the same format as the first 5 columns of a VCF file.
  • Dosage genotype data start from the 6th column that are values ranging from 0 to 2, denoting the number of minor alleles. Each column denotes the genotype data per sample.

2. SampleID File

  • Headerless, single-column file containing sampleIDs to use.
  • Examples:
    • ./ExampleData/train_sampleID.txt
  • Argument: --train_sampleID

3. Gene Annotation/Gene Expression File

CHROM GeneStart GeneEnd TargetID GeneName Sample1 Sample...
1 100 200 ENSG0000 X 0.2 ...
  • First 5 columns are Chromosome number, Gene start position, Gene end position, Target gene ID, Gene name (optional, could be the same as Target gene ID).
  • Gene Expression data start from the 6th column. Each column denotes the corresponding gene expression value per sample.
  • Gene Annotation files must contain at least the first 5 columns but may have more. Gene Expression files must also include expression data. Gene Expression files may be used as Gene Annotation files.
  • Example: ./ExampleData/gene_expression.txt
  • Argument (Gene Expression File): --gene_exp
  • Argument (Gene Annotation File): --gene_anno

Weight (eQTL effect size) Files

1 100 C T ENSG0000 0.2 0.02
  • Weight files contain cis-eQTL effect sizes estimated from reference data for TWAS.
  • SR-TWAS requires that at least two weight files be provided.
  • Model training output *_eQTLweights.txt files obtained from the TIGAR tool may be used directly.
  • Example bgzip/tabix command for a user-generated weight file: bgzip -f my_eQTLweights.txt && tabix -f -b2 -e2 -S1 my_eQTLweights.txt.gz.
  • First 5 columns must be be: Chromosome number, Base pair position, Reference allele, Alternative allele, and Target gene ID.
  • Must contain a column named ES to denote variant weights (estimated eQTL effect sizes from a reference dataset) with for the gene (TargetID).
  • The MAF column is only required if using a non-zero value of --maf_diff to exclude exclude eQTL weights obtained from data in which the absolute value between the MAF substantially different from that of the validation data.
  • Each row denotes the variant weight (eQTL effect size) for testing the association of the gene (TargetID) with a phenotype
  • Variants will be matched by their unique CHROM:POS:REF:ALT snpID
  • Example: ./ExampleData/eQTLweights.txt
  • Argument: --weights

SR-TWAS: Example Usage


  • --chr: Chromosome number need to be specified with respect to the genotype input data
  • --weights: Space delimited list of paths to trained eQTL weight files (bgzipped and tabixed).
  • --weights_names: Space delimited list of names corresponding to base models specified by --weights; if user-submitted list is not the same length as number of base models or names are non-unique will use default (default: [W0, W1, W2, ..., W{K}])
  • --gene_exp: Path to Gene annotation and Expression file
  • --genofile: Path to the training genotype file (bgzipped and tabixed)
  • --genofile_type: Genotype file type: vcf or dosage
  • --format: (Required if genofile_type is vcf) Genotype data format that should be used: GT or DS
    • GT: genotype data
    • DS: dosage data
  • --train_sampleID: Path to a file with sampleIDs that will be used for training
  • --maf_diff: Minor Allele Frequency threshold (ranges from 0 to 1) to exclude eQTL weights obtained from data in which the absolute value between the MAF substantially different from that of the validation data. (ie, if the absolute value of the difference between the validation genotype data and the weight file MAF exceeds maf_diff, then the effect size from that weight file is excluded). To use this option all weight files MUST contain a MAF column. (default: 0 [no filtering])
  • --missing rate: Missing rate threshold. If the rate of missing values for a SNP exceeds this value the SNP will be excluded. Otherwise, missing values for non-excluded SNPs will be imputed as the mean. (default: 0.2)
  • --hwe: Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium p-value threshold to exclude variants that violated HWE (default: 0.00001)
  • weight_threshold: Exclude eQTL weights with a magnitude less than this threshold (default: 0 [no filtering])
  • --window: Window size (in base pairs) around gene region from which to include SNPs (default: 1000000 [+- 1MB region around gene region])
  • --cvR2: Whether to perform 5-fold cross validation by average R2: 0 or 1 (default: 1)
    • 0: Skip 5-fold cross validation evaluation
    • 1: Do 5-fold cross validation and only do final training if the average R2 of the 5-fold validations is at least >= cvR2_threshold
  • --cvR2_threshold: Threshold for 5-fold CV. (default: 0.005)
  • --parallel: Number of simultaneous processes to use for parallel computation (default: 1)
  • --SR_TWAS_dir: Specify the directory of SR-TWAS source code
  • --out_dir: Output directory (will be created if it does not exist)
  • --sub_dir: Whether to create a subdirectory for output files within the specified output directory. (default: 1)
    • 0: Output files will be placed in the output directory
    • 1: Output files will be placed into subdirectory called SR_CHR${chr} within output directory
  • --out_prefix: Filenames for the output weight, info, and log files begin with this string if filenames are not otherwise specified using --out_weight_file, --out_info_file, --log_file. (default: CHR${chr}_SR_train)
  • --out_weight_file: Filename for output eQTL weights file. (default: ${out_prefix}_eQTLweights.txt, CHR${chr}_SR_train_eQTLweights.txt)
  • --out_info_file: Filename for output training info file. (default: ${out_prefix}_GeneInfo.txt, CHR${chr}_SR_train_GeneInfo.txt.txt)
  • --log_file: (default: ${out_prefix}_log.txt, CHR${chr}_SR_train_log.txt)

Example Command





${SR_TWAS_dir}/ \
--chr 1 \
--cvR2 1 \
--format GT \
--gene_exp ${gene_exp} \
--genofile ${genofile} \
--genofile_type vcf \
--hwe 0.0001 \
--maf 0.01 \
--out_dir ${out_dir} \
--parallel 2 \
--SR_TWAS_dir ${SR_TWAS_dir} \
--train_sampleID ${train_sampleID} \
--weights ${weight0} ${weight1} ${weight2} \
--weights_names ${weight_name0} ${weight_name1} ${weight_name2}


  • ${out_dir}/SR_CHR${chr}/CHR${chr}_SR_train_eQTLweights.txt is the file storing all eQTL effect sizes (ES) estimated from the gene expression imputation model per gene (TargetID)
  • ${out_dir}/SR_CHR${chr}/CHR${chr}_SR_train_GeneInfo.txt is the file storing information about the fitted gene expression imputation model per gene (per row), including gene annotation (CHROM GeneStart GeneEnd TargetID GeneName), sample size (sample_size), number of SNPs used in the model training (N_SNP), number of SNPs with non-zero eQTL effect sizes (N_EFFECT_SNP), imputation R2 by 5-fold cross validation (CVR2), imputation R2 using all given training samples (R2), p-value of the training R2 (PVAL), and the zeta weight used for each component weight model (Z0,Z1,...), and 4 columns for each component weight model describing performance on the validation data (W0_N_SNP,W0_CVR2,W0_R2,W0_PVAL,W1_N_SNP,W1_CVR2,W1_R2,W1_PVAL,...)
  • ${out_dir}/logs/CHR${chr}_SR_train_log.txt is the file storing all log messages for model training.

Naive method: Example Usage


Arguments are the same as for SR-TWAS.

Example Command





${SR_TWAS_dir}/ \
--chr 1 \
--cvR2 1 \
--format GT \
--gene_exp ${gene_exp} \
--genofile ${genofile} \
--genofile_type vcf \
--hwe 0.0001 \
--maf 0.01 \
--out_dir ${out_dir} \
--parallel 2 \
--SR_TWAS_dir ${SR_TWAS_dir} \
--train_sampleID ${train_sampleID} \
--weights ${weight0} ${weight1} ${weight2} \
--weights_names ${weight_name0} ${weight_name1} ${weight_name2}


  • ${out_dir}/Naive_CHR${chr}/CHR${chr}_naive_train_eQTLweights.txt is the file storing all eQTL effect sizes (ES) estimated from the gene expression imputation model per gene (TargetID)
  • ${out_dir}/Naive_CHR${chr}/CHR${chr}_naive_train_GeneInfo.txt is the file storing information about the fitted gene expression imputation model per gene (per row), including gene annotation (CHROM GeneStart GeneEnd TargetID GeneName), sample size (sample_size), number of SNPs used in the model training (N_SNP), number of SNPs with non-zero eQTL effect sizes (N_EFFECT_SNP), imputation R2 by 5-fold cross validation (CVR2), imputation R2 using all given training samples (R2), p-value of the training R2 (PVAL), and the zeta weight used for each component weight model (Z0,Z1,...), and 4 columns for each component weight model describing performance on the validation data (W0_N_SNP,W0_CVR2,W0_R2,W0_PVAL,W1_N_SNP,W1_CVR2,W1_R2,W1_PVAL,...)
  • ${out_dir}/logs/CHR${chr}_naive_train_log.txt is the file storing all log messages for model training.

Avg-valid+SR: Example Usage


  • --chr: Chromosome number need to be specified with respect to the genotype input data
  • --weights: Space delimited list of paths to trained eQTL weight files (bgzipped and tabixed).
  • --weights_names: Space delimited list of names corresponding to base models specified by --weights; if user-submitted list is not the same length as number of base models or names are non-unique will use default (default: [W0, W1, W2, ..., W{K}])
  • --gene_anno: Path to Gene annotation file
  • --window: Window size (in base pairs) around gene region from which to include SNPs (default: 1000000 [+- 1MB region around gene region])
  • --parallel: Number of simultaneous processes to use for parallel computation (default: 1)
  • --SR_TWAS_dir: Specify the directory of SR-TWAS source code
  • --out_dir: Output directory (will be created if it does not exist)
  • --sub_dir: Whether to create a subdirectory for output files within the specified output directory. (default: 1)
    • 0: Output files will be placed in the output directory
    • 1: Output files will be placed into subdirectory called Avg_CHR${chr} within output directory
  • --out_prefix: Filenames for the output weight, info, and log files begin with this string if filenames are not otherwise specified using --out_weight_file, --out_info_file, --log_file. (default: CHR${chr}_AvgvalidSR_train)
  • --out_weight_file: Filename for output eQTL weights file. (default: ${out_prefix}_eQTLweights.txt, CHR${chr}_AvgvalidSR_train_eQTLweights.txt)
  • --out_info_file: Filename for output training info file. (default: ${out_prefix}_GeneInfo.txt, CHR${chr}_AvgvalidSR_train_GeneInfo.txt.txt)
  • --log_file: (default: ${out_prefix}_log.txt, CHR${chr}_AvgvalidSR_train_log.txt)

Example Command




## run example SR command to get output weight file

${SR_TWAS_dir}/ \
--gene_anno ${gene_exp} \
--chr 1 \
--parallel 2 \
--out_dir ${out_dir} \
--SR_TWAS_dir ${SR_TWAS_dir} \
--weights ${valid_weight0} ${valid_weight1} ${SR_weight} \
--weights_names ${valid_weight_name0} ${valid_weight_name1} ${SR_weight_name}


  • ${out_dir}/Avg_CHR${chr}/CHR${chr}_AvgvalidSR_train_eQTLweights.txt is the file storing all eQTL effect sizes (ES) estimated from the gene expression imputation model per gene (TargetID)
  • ${out_dir}/Avg_CHR${chr}/CHR${chr}_AvgvalidSR_train_GeneInfo.txt is the file storing information about the fitted gene expression imputation model per gene (per row), including gene annotation (CHROM GeneStart GeneEnd TargetID GeneName), sample size (sample_size), number of SNPs used in the model training (N_SNP), number of SNPs with non-zero eQTL effect sizes (N_EFFECT_SNP), and an column for component weight model with the number of SNPs that were used from that model (W0_N_SNP,W1_N_SNP,...)
  • ${out_dir}/logs/CHR${chr}_AvgvalidSR_train_log.txt is the file storing all log messages for model training.


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