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A Go web framework including basic usage when building web application

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A basic web backend framework with REST API written in Go, this application contains the following functions

  1. Web server wi/wo HTTPS
  2. Basic REST API with CURD operations
  3. Manipulate data in memroy (articles) and mysql database (posts)
  4. Authentication for posts resource
  5. Dev mode supporting hot-reload with realize, production mode by deploying compiled binary to container
  6. Run webapi, database and phpmyadmin in different containers
  7. Customized logging
  8. Two ways of go test (more tests to be added)


1. Download source code

git clone

2. Change configuration file to enable HTTPS (if requried)

$ vi conf.json
"EnableHTTPS": true,

3. Generate self-signed certificate to enable HTTPS (if changed in step 2)

  1. Prepare certs dir

    $ cd go-web-framework
    $ mkdir certs
    $ cd certs
  2. Genereate Private key

    $ openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
  3. Generation of self-signed(x509) public key (PEM-encodings .pem|.crt) based on the private (.key)

    $ openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key server.key -out server.crt -days 3650

4. Start web api

$ export GOFLAGS=-mod=vendor
$ export GO111MODULE=on 
$ go mod init (go.mod generated)
$ go mod vendor (go.mod updated, go.sum generated, packages downloaded in $GOPATH/pkg, vendor generated with packages)

Dev mode

  1. Start service with go run main.go (without hot-reload and docker)

    $ go run main.go
    2020-04-29 00:26:52 Listening on port 4201 ... [OK]
  2. Start service with realize with hot-reload and without docker, database not available

    $ vi conf.json
    "UseDatabase": false,
    $ GO111MODULE=off go get
    $ vi ~/.zprofile
    $ source ~/.zprofile
    export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
    $ which realize
    $ realize start --run # also works without --run
    [20:45:52][API] : Watching 157 file/s 45 folder/s
    [20:45:52][API] : Build started
    [20:45:52][API] : Build completed in 0.546 s
    [20:45:52][API] : Running..
    [20:45:53][API] : 2020-05-01 20:45:53 Listening on port 4201 ... [OK]
  3. Start with docker-compose (hot-reload supported)

    $ docker-compose up --build
    Building app
    Step 1/7 : FROM golang:1.14
    ---> 2421885b04da
    Step 2/7 : RUN go get
    ---> Using cache
    ---> 2131ca7f8662
    Step 3/7 : ENV APP_HOME /app
    ---> Using cache
    ---> a6a9a670c9cb
    Step 4/7 : RUN mkdir -p $APP_HOME
    ---> Using cache
    ---> c2467a23fca1
    Step 5/7 : WORKDIR $APP_HOME
    ---> Using cache
    ---> 0356ac1555ac
    Step 6/7 : EXPOSE 4201
    ---> Using cache
    ---> 7879635444d2
    Step 7/7 : CMD [ "realize", "start", "--run" ]
    ---> Using cache
    ---> cc1b8be1f056
    Successfully built cc1b8be1f056
    Successfully tagged go-web-framework_app:latest
    Starting db_mysql ... done
    Starting phpmyadmin ... done
    Starting full_app   ... done
    Attaching to db_mysql, phpmyadmin, full_app
    full_app           | [11:46:28][API] : Watching 157 file/s 45 folder/s
    full_app           | [11:46:28][API] : Build started
    db_mysql           | 2020-05-01T11:46:28.154363Z 0 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
    db_mysql           | 2020-05-01T11:46:28.156387Z 0 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
    db_mysql           | Version: '5.7.29'  socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'  port: 3306  MySQL Community Server (GPL)
    full_app           | [11:46:40][API] : Build completed in 12.178 s
    full_app           | [11:46:40][API] : Running..
    full_app           | [11:46:40][API] : 2020-05-01 11:46:40 Listening on port 4201 ... [OK]
    $ docker-compose down --remove-orphans --volumes

Production mode

$ vi docker-compose.yml
dockerfile: -> dockerfile: Dockerfile

$ docker-compose up --build

$ docker-compose down --remove-orphans --volumes


Articles are stored in memory while posts are stored in database

  1. Get articles

    curl -X GET http://localhost:4201/v1/articles
  2. Get article

    curl -X GET http://localhost:4201/v1/articles/1
  3. Add article

    curl -X POST http://localhost:4201/v1/articles -d '{"id":4,"title": "title4","content":"content4"}'{"id":4,"title":"title4","content":"content4"}
  4. Update articles

    curl -X PUT http://localhost:4201/v1/articles/4 -d '{"id":4,"title":"updated-title","content":"updated-content"}'{"id":4,"title":"updated-title","content":"updated-content"}
  5. Delete article

    curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4201/v1/articles/4
    curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4201/v1/articles/5              
    {"error":"article not found"}
  6. Get posts

    curl -X GET http://localhost:4201/v1/posts 
    [{"id":1,"title":"Title 1","content":"Hello world 1","author":{"id":1,"nickname":"Yang","email":"","password":"password","created_at":"2020-04-29T14:54:36Z","updated_at":"2020-04-29T14:54:36Z"},"author_id":1,"created_at":"2020-04-29T14:54:36Z","updated_at":"2020-04-29T14:54:36Z"},{"id":2,"title":"Title 2","content":"Hello world 2","author":{"id":2,"nickname":"Martin Luther","email":"","password":"password","created_at":"2020-04-29T14:54:36Z","updated_at":"2020-04-29T14:54:36Z"},"author_id":2,"created_at":"2020-04-29T14:54:36Z","updated_at":"2020-04-29T14:54:36Z"}]
  7. Get post

    curl -X GET http://localhost:4201/v1/posts/1
    {"id":1,"title":"Title 1","content":"Hello world 1","author":{"id":1,"nickname":"Yang","email":"","password":"password","created_at":"2020-04-29T14:54:36Z","updated_at":"2020-04-29T14:54:36Z"},"author_id":1,"created_at":"2020-04-29T14:54:36Z","updated_at":"2020-04-29T14:54:36Z"}
  8. Add post

    curl -X POST http://localhost:4201/v1/posts -d '{"id":3,"title":"title 3","content":"content 3"} ...'
  9. Update post

    curl -X PUT http://localhost:4201/v1/posts/1 -d '{"id":1,"title":"updated-title","content":"updated-content"}'{"error":"Unauthorized"}
  10. Delete post

    curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4201/v1/posts/1

6. Use go test (HTTP)

$ go test tests/article_selfserve_test.go
ok      command-line-arguments  0.020s
$ go run main.go
$ go test tests/article_test.go
ok      command-line-arguments  0.020s

Log Format


 "Time": "2019-08-03 17:03:37",
 "Message": "OK",
 "ResponseCode": 200,
 "Action": "GetArticlesHandler",
 "Method": "GET",
 "URI": "/v1/articles",
 "RequestData": ""


 "Time": "2019-08-14 00:08:47",
 "Message": "article not found",
 "ResponseCode": 400,
 "Action": "DeleteArticleHandler",
 "Method": "DELETE",
 "URI": "/v1/articles/5",
 "RequestData": ""


  1. go mod

  2. Contents in container when using and docker-compose.yml

⮀ docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                               NAMES
32e5d0bb8d85        go-web-framework_app    "realize start --run"    50 seconds ago      Up 49 seconds>4201/tcp              full_app
4360effe1a7d        phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   4 minutes ago       Up 49 seconds>80/tcp                phpmyadmin
555d1f9a5228        mysql:5.7               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 minutes ago       Up 50 seconds>3306/tcp, 33060/tcp   db_mysql
⮀ docker exec -it 32e5d0bb8d85 sh
# pwd; ls
Dockerfile  certs  conf.json  controllers  docker-compose.yml  go.mod  go.sum  main  main.go  middlewares  models  tests  utils
  1. Other command
# docker build -t myapp-deploy -fDockerfile .
# docker run -it -p 4201:4201 myapp-deploy


A Go web framework including basic usage when building web application






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