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Image-to-image translation is a visual and image problem. Its goal is to use paired images as a training set and (let the machine) learn the mapping from input images to output images. However, in many tasks, paired training data cannot be obtained. CycleGAN does not require the training data to be paired. It only needs to provide images of different domains to successfully train the image mapping between different domains. CycleGAN shares two generators, and then each has a discriminator.

Paper: Zhu J Y , Park T , Isola P , et al. Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks[J]. 2017.

CycleGAN Imgs

Pretrained model

Model trained by MindSpore, for one style, there are 4 ckpt files.

style ckpt
horse2zebra ckpt
apple2orrange ckpt
cezanne2photo ckpt
momet2photo ckpt
vangogh2photo ckpt
ukiyoe2photo ckpt
summer2winter_yosemite ckpt


Dataset for training, there are 7 styles.

style connection
horse2zebra connection
apple2orrange connection
cezanne2photo connection
momet2photo connection
vangogh2photo connection
ukiyoe2photo connection
summer2winter_yosemite connection

After downloading dataset, place it in src/data, and unzip it. The structure of folder is as follows:

├── trainA
├── trainB
├── testA
└── testB

Training Parameter description

Parameter Default Description
platform GPU run platform, only support GPU and Ascend
device_id 0 device id, default is 0
pool_size 50 the size of image buffer that stores previously generated images
lr_policy linear learning rate policy
image_size 256 input image_size
batch_size 1 Number of batch size
max_epoch 200 epoch size for training
ngf 64 generator model filter numbers
in_planes 3 input channels
gl_num 9 generator model residual block numbers
ndf 64 discriminator model filter numbers
dl_num 3 discriminator model residual block numbers
outputs_dir ./outputs Path to save predicted images
outputs_log ./outputs/log Path to save logs
outputs_ckpt ./outputs/ckpt Path to save ckpts
outputs_imgs ./outputs/imgs Path to save imgs
dataroot ./data/horse2zebra path of dataset (should have subfolders trainA, trainB, testA, testB, etc)
load_ckpt False whether load pretrained ckpt
g_a_ckpt ./outputs/ckpt/g_a_200.ckpt pretrained checkpoint file path of g_a
g_b_ckpt ./outputs/ckpt/g_b_200.ckpt pretrained checkpoint file path of g_b
d_a_ckpt ./outputs/ckpt/d_a_200.ckpt pretrained checkpoint file path of d_a
d_b_ckpt ./outputs/ckpt/d_b_200.ckpt pretrained checkpoint file path of d_b


Dataset Resource Speed Total time
horse2zebra Ascend 910/NV SMX2 V100-32G 1pc(Ascend): 72.99 ms/step 1pc(GPU): 470 ms/step 1pc(Ascend): 5.5h 1pc(GPU): 35.9h
apple2orrange Ascend 910/NV SMX2 V100-32G 1pc(Ascend): 71.68 ms/step 1pc(GPU): 481 ms/step 1pc(Ascend): 4h 1pc(GPU): 26.8h
cezanne2photo Ascend 910/NV SMX2 V100-32G 1pc(Ascend): 71.61 ms/step 1pc(GPU): 499.57 ms/step 1pc(Ascend): 25h 1pc(GPU): 174.4h
momet2photo Ascend 910/NV SMX2 V100-32G 1pc(Ascend): 70.25 ms/step 1pc(GPU): 504.43 ms/step 1pc(Ascend): 24.5h 1pc(GPU): 175.9h
vangogh2photo Ascend 910/NV SMX2 V100-32G 1pc(Ascend): 71.43 ms/step 1pc(GPU): 502.85 ms/step 1pc(Ascend): 24.5h 1pc(GPU): 172.5h
ukiyoe2photo Ascend 910/NV SMX2 V100-32G 1pc(Ascend): 69.93 ms/step 1pc(GPU): 532.99 ms/step 1pc(Ascend): 24.5h 1pc(GPU): 186.7h
summer2winter_yosemite Ascend 910/NV SMX2 V100-32G 1pc(Ascend): 69.13 ms /step 1pc(GPU): 952.50 ms/step 1pc(Ascend): 4.8h 1pc(GPU): 65.1h



  • The following configuration uses 1 GPUs for training. We select The image input size is set to 256.

    python --platform GPU --dataroot ./data/horse2zebra --outputs_log ./outputs/log --outputs_ckpt ./outputs/ckpt --outputs_imgs ./outputs/imgs


    Epoch[1] [100/1334] step cost: 323.63 ms, G_loss: 10.88, D_loss:0.67, loss_G_A: 0.34, loss_G_B: 0.54, loss_C_A: 1.65,loss_C_B: 5.06, loss_idt_A: 0.84, loss_idt_B:2.45
    Epoch[1] [200/1334] step cost: 131.31 ms, G_loss: 12.07, D_loss:0.56, loss_G_A: 0.27, loss_G_B: 0.18, loss_C_A: 2.07,loss_C_B: 5.78, loss_idt_A: 0.86, loss_idt_B:2.91
    Epoch[1] [300/1334] step cost: 130.52 ms, G_loss: 10.03, D_loss:0.56, loss_G_A: 0.37, loss_G_B: 0.51, loss_C_A: 3.41,loss_C_B: 2.74, loss_idt_A: 1.68, loss_idt_B:1.31
    Epoch[1] [400/1334] step cost: 129.36 ms, G_loss: 8.24, D_loss:0.59, loss_G_A: 0.26, loss_G_B: 0.45, loss_C_A: 2.60,loss_C_B: 2.48, loss_idt_A: 1.36, loss_idt_B:1.09
    Epoch[1] [500/1334] step cost: 129.56 ms, G_loss: 5.82, D_loss:0.52, loss_G_A: 0.32, loss_G_B: 0.36, loss_C_A: 1.83,loss_C_B: 1.75, loss_idt_A: 0.86, loss_idt_B:0.71


  • The following configuration for infer.

    python --platform GPU --dataroot ./data/horse2zebra --g_a_ckpt ./outputs/ckpt/g_a_200.ckpt --g_b_ckpt ./outputs/ckpt/g_b_200.ckpt --outputs_dir ./outputs


    ==========start predict A to B===============
    save fake_B at ./outputs/predict/fake_B/n02381460_9240.jpg
    total 120 imgs cost 18269.25 ms, per img cost 152.24
    ==========end predict A to B===============
    ==========start predict B to A===============
    save fake_A at ./outputs/predict/fake_A/n02391049_10100.jpg
    total 140 imgs cost 4170.92 ms, per img cost 29.79
    ==========end predict B to A===============



  • There are other styles infer result: Art style:

    art style

    Weather and fruit:



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