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Download & Installation

Yannick Gloster edited this page Jan 14, 2021 · 9 revisions

Download & Installation

CSGO Server & Requirements


On Linux I would recommend using LGSM(Linux Game Server Managers) to facilitate setting up the server:

Once you have your server setup with LGSM, you can run ./csgoserver mi and select Metamod and then you can run ./csgoserver mi and select Sourcemod.

Windows & MacOS & Linux

Follow the instructions here to get your server setup:

Once the server is setup, install the latest version of Metamod and Sourcemod on the server:

The Discord bot requires the latest release of Get5 to be installed. Download the latest release. Extract the download archive into the csgo/ directory on the server. Once the plugin first loads on the server, you can edit general get5 cvars in the autogenerated cfg/sourcemod/get5.cfg. All the CVARS can be found on the Get5 Github.

I would recommend changing the following CVARs:

get5_kick_when_no_match_loaded "0"

A full installation guide and documentation on the Get5 Github.

Go to the releases section of the Github and download the latest get5_eventapi.smx. Copy that file to csgo/addons/sourcemod/plugins on your CSGO Server.

Don't forget to install SteamWorks

Discord Bot Setup

  1. Connecting the Bot to your Server
    1. Head over to the Discord Developer Portal and log in with your Discord account

      New Application

    2. Name it Discord 10man and click create

      • You can add an icon afterward and a description to personalize the bot
    3. On the menu on the left hand side, select bot

      Select Bot

    4. Then click on add bot on the right

      Add Bot

    5. Under token, click on copy. This is your secret discord bot token, save it somewhere because we will need it for the config.json file. Don't give this to anyone else because then they can take control of your bot.

      Discord Token

    6. Scroll down to SERVER MEMBER INTENT and toggle it on

      Server Member Intent

    7. Click on Save Changes

    8. For those familiar with Discord bots, the Perms Integer is 17300560

    9. Click on 0Auth2 on the menu on the left hand side


    10. Under SCOPES select bot


    11. Scroll down to BOT PERMISSIONS and select the following:

      • Image
        • Manage Channels
        • View Channels
        • Send Messages
        • Send TTS Messages
        • Manage Messages
        • Embed Links
        • Attach Files
        • Read Message History
        • Message Everyone
        • Use External Emojis
        • Add Reactions
      • Under Voice Permissions
        • Move Members
    12. Under SCOPES, copy the URL by pressing copy

      Scopes Copy

    13. Paste the link into a new tab in your browser

    14. Select the server you want to add it to!

    15. Now the bot is connected to the server, lets get the bot up and running!

  2. Install Python & Python Requirements
    1. Install the latest version of Python
    2. Check that python installed correctly by opening a terminal (Command Prompt on Windows), and running the command python --version
      • It should return Python 3.8.3 (or a greater version number)
    3. Install Pipenv by following these instructions:
    4. Verify that Pipenv is installed by opening a terminal (Command Prompt on Windows) and running pipenv --version
      • It should return pipenv, version 2020.8.13 (or a greater version number)
  3. Setting Up & Running the Bot
    1. Download the latest release from the releases tab or download the latest development build by click on code on the github homepage and then clicking on Download ZIP

    2. Unzip the files

    3. Rename config_example.json to config.json

    4. Open the file and edit the information:

      • Replace the discord_token with the token we got from your bot in Section 1) subsection v.
      • Fill in bot_IP with the public IP of the bot, more info on that later on
      • Leave bot_port with default value of 3000, unless you want to portforward and use a different port
      • Get a Steam Web API Key from here
      • Fill in your server information
      • If you have multiple servers, the json file might look something like this:
          "discord_token": "123fkdjsh123alksjfhlaskdjafhlkj1hl3kj4hlkjss",
          "bot_IP": "321.321.321.321",
          "bot_port": "3000",
          "steam_web_API_key": "123ABDKLK12938712938SBDDS1723987",
          "servers": [
                  "server_address": "",
                  "server_port": 27015,
                  "server_password": "pasword1234",
                  "RCON_password": "1234password"
                  "server_address": "",
                  "server_port": 27015,
                  "server_password": "pasword1234",
                  "RCON_password": "1234password"
    5. Open a terminal (Command Prompt on Windows) and go to the folder where the bot is

    6. Install the requirements by running pipenv install

    7. Run the bot by running pipenv run python3

    8. Go into the discord and send .about into a text channel

      • It should return an embed with the version number
      • Alternatively, run the command .connect and it should display an embed with the information on the server. If this doesn't work, the config.json file was not configured properly.
    9. To run the bot permanently, you can use tmux on Linux.

      • Example tmux command
        • tmux new-session -d -s discord 'pipenv run python3'
        • This creates a new session called Discord
      • There are other cheap hosting alternatives if you don't want to run your PC permanently or don't have a server. The DiscordPY community recommends the following:
      Need to run your bot 24/7? Get a cheap VPS.     EU   US/EU/Asia US   US        EU/Canada Germany      Lithuania.
      Self-hosting:       Free hosting:                 Kinda free:
      Any computer.    No. Not even heroku.   GCP, AWS have one year free micros.
    10. If you are self hosting, on a different service, or not on the same server as the csgo server, you will have to portforward port 3000 (or whatever port you set in the config.json)

      • If you google the following, you will find a tutorial on how to do so:

      How do I portforward [INSERT ROUTER NAME/SERVICE NAME]

      • If you portfoward, you will need to edit config.json. Open it in a text editor
      • For bot_IP put in your public IP